Chronicles of Lockdown XIV (Attitude Adjustment)

While the chat descended into chaos, Jason and Mylo remained completely unaware as they were still in a fight and didn't have time to check the chat, though they would have been just as confused as the rest of the chat if they had seen what was going on.

Mylo shook his head to try and clear his stabilize his vision which seemed to have been detached from its scope and was bouncing around quite freely.

Jason who had thrown away all forms of pretense stood before Mylo, waiting for him to get back up, though he had some doubt that Mylo would be able to get back up.

Unfortunately for him, Mylo found enough determination and energy somewhere within himself to get back up even though his vision was still bouncing around.

"You were lucky that time, come on," Mylo said in a tough voice as he put his hands up and started moving cautiously towards Jason, his movement a lot slower than his earlier reckless charge at Jason.