Kenta vs Seda

Kyouya is dead. The fact that someone dies at the beginning of Kenta's journey is deeply shocking. He didn't really know Kyouya for long, but the time they spent together was nice and productive for Kenta's abilities.

"I'll get your head Seda! Even if it costs me my life!" Kenta shouted with maximum hatred.

"I like your commitment, if you can do it you will have my greatest respect." said Seda in a provocative voice. "But since I'm dead, I have no respect any more."

Kenta held his katana in his hand. He is filled with insecurity, anger, hatred and fear. He knew if he got involved in the fight that he would most likely die. But if Seda is still running around freely after that, the deaths of other people will be his responsibility, which he would then rack his brains about again.

"Seda you bitch!" Kenta ran towards Seda flooded with hatred. He aims his katana at her remaining arm to incapacitate her.

"Too simple." She moved to the side but still stood in the same spot. But she was surprised.

Kenta used the attack on her arm as a deception and instead stabbed her in the eyes as she twisted her arm away.

Kenta suddenly heard a voice in his head. "Young Kenta, place your hand on her stomach and imagine creating a volcano like Kyouya taught you with alchemy."

Kenta didn't hesitate for long and did as the voice recommended. He placed his hand on her stomach and imagined creating a volcano.

Suddenly, explosions erupted from his hands, throwing Seda hundreds of meters away. As she flew away, Kenta turned to Shiori.

"Shiori, I've got this under control. Go to Jin and Suzume. I'll meet you at the house." Kenta said in a calmer voice than before. "You get to safety. I can't guarantee it." and finally Kenta ran down the path that Seda flew to put an end to her.

After running for a long time, out of breath, Kenta finally reached Seda, who scrambled to her feet and now has brand marks on her stomach.

"That was clever of you, successor. Gouge out my eyes so that they no longer have any effect, huh?" said the badly injured Seda.

"You still know where I am and where I'm moving, don't you?" Kenta said in a threatening voice

"Of course. I feel your god aura." Seda said

"I gouged out your eyes because now I can make sure your snakes on your head don't give me an ouch." Kenta said and slowly walked towards Seda.

"If only you knew Hephaestus' successor" said Seda as she took a dagger out of her dress. "But you have now deprived me of the opportunity to go into higher forms. Now I am at a disadvantage."

Seda ran towards Kenta and attacked with her dagger, which Kenta blocked with difficulty. He has no experience with the sword at all, so he takes everything he has learned from manga and video games.

"Got you!" Seda shouted, stabbing Kenta's left arm. "Oh, what a shame," I aimed at your neck."

"Of course I would rather sacrifice my arm for the fight than my life." Kenta said with a stifled cry of pain afterwards. He thinks, "It's just a stab wound. It'll heal after that, so I can lose the use of my arm for this fight. I still have another one."

"Your death will make Mordred so happy, believe me!" Seda shouted madly.

Kenta moved away from Seda. Suddenly he loses control of his body and faints.

Seda laughs "Can't handle the pressure little boy?!" Seda walked towards him.

"Who do you think you're talking to here?" a completely different voice appears from Kenta, deeper than his normal one.

His eyes glowed white and his aura was much more menacing than before. He stood up again and Seda felt a fear she had never felt before.

Kenta has a conversation with the stranger in his body. "Who are you and what are you doing in my body?!" Kenta asked aggressively.

"I'm saving your life Kenta Hakari. And you won't find out who I am until later." said the strange person.

"I don't want that, let me get out of it and spank Seda's bottom again!" shouts Kenta.

"Well, since I can't speak against your enthusiasm, I'll let you go. I also healed your body, so you're welcome. I'm looking forward to meeting Hephaestus's successor." said the strange person and Kenta regained control of his body.

When Kenta regained control, he had a confident grin. "Our meeting huh? So I can go into the fight without any concerns." and he then ran at Seda and hit her with his katana, which she barely managed to fend off.

"You bastard!" Seda shouted when she realized that she no longer had a chance against him. "He's changed. His physical strength is different than he...optimistic?!" thinks Seda with confusion.

Kenta still had that grin but his anger and hatred towards Seda is still immense. When they were apart again, Kenta thinks to herself, "That explosion from before...if I can change it to volcanoes...I can have them burn in a volcano!"

Kenta knelt down and placed his hands on the floor. He completely imagines in his mind what he wants to create. He puts all his strength into it and creates a huge volcano. The volcano can be as big as an office building. He created it right under her, meaning she fell right into it.

Shiori and the others notice the huge volcano and run towards it.

After Kenta finally defeated Seda and she died, Kenta became unconscious.

Shiori, Jin and Suzume reached the location. The volcano begins to disappear into the ground and Kenta just laid there. Shiori ran to Kenta to see if everything was okay, but she didn't see any injuries or anything like that. There are blood and broken pieces in the clothing but no injuries.

"Thank God." Jin said with relief. "I never thought he could have created such a huge volcano."

Shiori held Kenta tightly in her arms and started to cry. "Idiot, I thought you'd die if you created something like that. Don't ever do something like that again!" and held him even tighter in her arms.

"Let's hope the press doesn't notice this. That's why we'd better go away quickly." Jin said and took Kenta on his back. "You did a good job, now you deserve some rest."

They are on their way to the house they still rent. "How could he create something like that?" Suzume wondered.

"He was driven by anger and hatred. You should have seen the look in his eyes when he fought Seda, it was scary."

"He was driven by anger and hatred. You should have seen the look in his eyes when he fought Seda, it was scary." fragte sich Jin.

"Seda killed Kyouya. Then Kenta freaked out and attacked her. And now things are as they are." Shiori explained.

"Okay, that makes sense. He also spent a lot more time with her than we did, so you can understand why he was so freaked out." Jin said in a calm voice. "It's a shame, but I wouldn't freak out like Kenta did." 

"Shut up, Jin! Kenta has Kyouya to thank for the fact that he can now use his powers better. That's the only way he could kill Seda." Suzume said in an annoyed voice.

"yeah yeah, I'll just leave it like that for now." Jin said pouting.

They reached the house and put Kenta in his bed so he can rest. His journey will be much more strenuous than it already is.