
It's been 3 days now and Kenta still hasn't woken up. Jin, Shiori and Suzume spent the time Kenta spent regenerating practicing their weapon techniques. In the fight against Seda which Kenta finally won, he used all of his god power and aura as his body was not yet used to the amount he used. It will probably take a few months before he is fully able to create a giant volcano again.

"I don't think it would be smart to stay in Hamamatsu. We need someone who can teach us something and the only one in this town is dead." Jin said with a serious tone in his voice "I would be in favor of traveling to Shizuoka. It's a long way away but it would be good for Kenta to switch off."

"I agree with you Jin. Kenta already lose his first master straight away. Luck isn't on his side at the moment so it would be really fitting to travel to Shizuoka." Shiori said in a worried voice.

"Shizuoka?" Kenta asked himself as he suddenly went down the stairs to the others, completely tired. "Do you want to go to Shizuoka or what?"

"It would be best for all of us. We need a place to gather and improve. We have no one to protect us like Kyouya. We would probably be safest in Shizuoka for now." Jin said, still with a serious voice.

"Yes, I know. In the fight against Seda, I felt pure hatred. And a voice spoke to me in my head." Kenta said.

"In your head?" Suzume asked "Are you depressed?"

"Shut up Suzume. A person was talking to me and in the middle of the fight I was suddenly in a void and that person was talking to me. He said I will meet him later on our journey." Kenta said.

"That's strange. Anyway, if it happens again, let us know, okay? We're leaving for Shizuoka tomorrow morning. Get some rest, I want to draw up a training plan on the train." Jin said with a proud expression.

Suddenly the other 3 walked a few meters away from him.

"What are you doing?" Jin asks himself, confused.

"Kenta, you make the plan." Shiori and Suzume said at the same time.

"Sure." said Kenta.

"But why not me?" Jin asked the three.

"You're an idiot. Who knows what you'll do to us." Shiori said with a disgusted look.

"Agree." Kenta and Suzume said at the same time.

"Now let's go to sleep. And Jin don't complain." Kenta said as he makes his way back to his room.

Kenta is lying in his bed. The moonlight shines over him as he looks at the night sky.

"It's my job to protect them. But to do that I have to get stronger. I won't let you down." Kenta whispered to himself and then he fell asleep.

In the meantime, with Mordred.

"How could Seda fail! He had no experience with the sword or his powers how could he win!" Mordred shouted to himself as he freaked out when he got the news that Seda was burned in a volcano created by a god power user.

"Don't worry Master Mordred. You'll show the boy what he'll have to deal with." said his maid with a smile.

"Kenta Hakari, you won't be able to handle my next surprise so easily. Igai successor! It's time for you." Mordred said in a hateful voice. "Find him and bring him to me. Your powers are perfect for just finishing him off."

"Yes Master!" said the foreign successor.

It's morning and Kenta has packed all his things. Jin has already paid the rent for the house. Apparently when Kenta was still unconscious. Kenta went outside the house with his things and waited for the others.

30 minutes later everyone arrived one by one. Shiori came first, she took the bathroom the longest and that's why Jin and Suzume took longer but both were there within 15 minutes. It's good that Kenta was awake before everyone and got ready beforehand.

"I hate latecomers just so you know it." Kenta said annoyed and walked in the direction of the Hamamatsu Station.

"We were only late because Shiori really needed to put on makeup!" Suzume shouted.

"I have to look good when I'm out and about! If a modeling agency spots me, I'll run away!" Shiori says with pride.

"Little Snitch." everyone says.

"Why am I a snitch now?" Shiori asked angrily.

"First say, stay with Kenta and be there for him during the trip. Bullshit! Take advantage of the opportunity to travel through Japan to be discovered. Little Snitch!" Jin said slightly pissed off.

"I just want to be famous." Shiori said pouting

"You can be famous too if we save the world. We'll do that. Your new nickname is Snitch for now." Jin said.

"I think I deserved it." Shiori said still pouting.

Meanwhile, Kenta is laughing his head off while listening to the discussion. "Let it go now Jin! Snitch, how are you handling the whip?" asked he.

"Don't call me Snitch, Kenta! If you call me Snitch I'll call you an idiot, got it!?" Shiori shouted angrily.

"How are you dealing with the whip now?" Kenta asked repeatedly.

"Pretty good. Well, I can hit with it, but not more. I need more sensitivity with it." Shiori said as she blushes.

"Whatever. We're almost there. Jin, have you booked the tickets?" Suzume asks.

"Uhm, No." Jin said awkwardly.

"What?! You dare to call me Snitch but don't buy the tickets? Tell me, are you still closed?!" Shiori shouted as she walked towards him to rip his hair from his head.

"I got these. Since I knew Jin would mess it up, I got them just to be on the safe side." Kenta said.

"Phew, thank God Kenta. Look Jin, that's why we don't trust you with most things. You can't even manage to buy tickets!" Shiori continued to talk to Jin.

"Enough, Shiori." Kenta said in a more serious voice. "Everyone makes mistakes. Even you, me too, especially Jin."

"Why are you specifically talking to me?!" Jin asks angrily.

"Because it's true. Idiot." Kenta said with a grin.

"We're here now let's take the train and stop arguing. You can continue in Shizuoka." Suzume says proudly, chest out like a leader.

"Don't feel too badass Suzume." said Kenta "Or do you want to end up in a volcano."

Suzume gets scared and hides behind Shiori.

"Just kidding, I want you to take part in Shizuoka against Jin." Kenta said with a grin.

Our group boarded the train and sat in the same seats as when traveling to Hamamatsu. They go to Shizuoka. So that Kenta can find himself and the others can improve their skills along with him.