Practice Makes All The Difference

Little has happened since we arrived in Shizuoka. Shiori has been practicing with her whip, Jin with his sword and shield, Suzume with his bow and arrow and Kenta has been concentrating on his recovery.

Kenta decided to stand up for the group and come up with exercises for their powers. Since only Kenta is improving his powers so far and the others are only using their weapons.

Kenta just doesn't know what the two of them can do with their powers, so he has to ask them first.

When the group was at a clearing near a shrine to train, Kenta decided to put his plan into action.

"Shiori, Suzume come here." Kenta said.

"Okay," the two said and came to him, interrupting their training.

"Tell me, what can you do with your god power?" Kenta asked the two of them.

"Hmm, let me think about it." Shiori said thoughtfully.

"I can talk to animals. But I can also create barriers, which can be quite useful, but they're very tiny at the moment," said Suzume.

"Can you also summon animals?" asked Kenta.

"I've never tried or considered that before. I can try it sometime." Suzume said and went back to her place where she started summoning animals.

"Okay and what can you do Shiori?" asked Kenta.

"I think I can create an attractive aura and put love curses on things. But the curses don't make a huge impression because I've never improved them," Shiori replies.

Kenta thinks about it carefully. "I've got it, try to put a temporary curse on your whip and attack the tree. Maybe it will fall," Kenta suggests.

As Kenta watches the others improve their techniques, he ponders what skills he can develop for himself. He knows that his powers are more powerful and he wants to have new techniques for upcoming villains besides Mordred.

"Hephaestus...god of alchemy...I've got it!" Kenta said with conviction.

Kenta sat cross-legged on the floor and concentrated on concentrating his strength and his Aura in his hands. After 10 minutes of complete concentration, Kenta has made it. He has created a lava ball.

"Guys! I've done it! I can create lava balls!" Kenta said, completely surprised at himself.

"Wow! Try throwing it against a tree," said Jin in surprise.

When Kenta heard Jin's suggestion, he nodded and headed straight for a tree that was still about 8-9 meters away. Jin, Shiori and Suzume watched attentively as Kenta aimed at the tree and fired. It was good that they kept a good distance, because the lava ball burned everything within a radius of 5 meters with fire and lava.

"Dude! That's impressive!" said Jin, completely convinced.

"It's like a contact bomb!" said Shiori.

Suzume says, pondering, "How about creating several small lava balls to create an elongated area of damage. Pull back or something like that."

"That's honestly a good idea. I'll try it directly." Kenta said as he moved a few meters away again.

Kenta concentrated his power again and created 4 small lava balls the size of a ping pong ball.

Kenta then throws the lava balls at the trees. When they hit the ground, they exploded and a shock wave came towards the four of them. A huge flame also came out.

"That's honestly good to retire you can't deny it!" said Shiori "Well done Kenta and Suzume!"

"I can't believe that I'm capable of something like this myself," Kenta said, shocked and surprised.

"Now you're one step closer to really kicking Mordred's ass," Jin said with complete conviction.

After a long training session, the day came to an end. It's now evening and everyone is back in the house and Kenta is making dinner for our troupe every time. He is completely utilized with his ability not to burn himself while cooking.

Our friends still had a nice evening but they didn't know what was coming.

Meanwhile at the border of Hamamatsu.

"Hephaestus' successor is no longer here," said a strange voice in a kind of mirror.

"Ask at the station. The people who work there know where he went. And then.... you bring me him!" Mordred said angrily.