No Challenge

A'grappa stood upon the precipice of the moon colony known as The Hovel. Its rock surface covered with the prints of many feet that had made their way across its surface. Its atmosphere drawn from the planet below. He looked below him at the shattered remains of the world he left behind. Several cities were in ruins and burning as the fires raged. Even from here, his keen hearing could perceive the shouting and screams of the Fratali. They were desperately rushing around to contain the damage he caused. Furiously attempting to aid those in need and recover the dead. The fight between him and Franc's protectors had been mostly quarantined; but, A'grappa knew himself. He loved going overboard, creating destruction and chaos. His mana was replenishing nicely. He had done his best to use as wide ranging attacks as possible to cause as much destruction as he could. Only then would the denizens of this planet learn to truly fear him.

"Weak indeed." A'grappa scoffed, dropping the Fratali man, who called himself Weakman. "Your abilities to dislocate at a touch was only a little frustrating. Unfortunately for you, you were not fighting a mere Fraction such as yourself."

Neither hero was moving on the ground. He wasn't very sure that they were still breathing. Not that that mattered to him.

A'grappa turned his attention to the giant door in the center of the crater. He eyed it very carefully. It was several meters high and four meters wide. Around the door were green glowing crystals. Plutonium crystals. On the door itself, there was a large icon scrawled across its face. A sunset over the sea surrounded by fourteen stars. He smiled. "So, this is where you have made your throne." He put his hand gently on the door and flexed. Without any resistance, the cold metal door gave way as if it were nothing more than paper, tearing off its hinges and crinkling around the shape of his hand. He removed the door from the entryway and casually tossed it behind him, letting it plummet to the planet's surface below without any care for the inhabitants below. His physical strength surprised even him.

He slowly took a step inside. Immediately, a wave of familiar will echoed across him. It permeated the surrounding rock. Grammel. He searched the area. There was nothing but the walls and furniture that made the building in the moon's inner crust. But, this was no mere satellite. Even he could tell that much. He tread carefully deeper, making sure to check behind every door. It looked more like a bar and nightclub than a fortress. Those crystals at the gate deterred no one.

What are the Minor Ones thinking?

Some signatures of various races stood around the inner sanctums. He was sure that they knew someone was inside. They did not move from their location. As A'grappa made his way to another doorway, he once more saw the symbol that had been on the main door. He pulled it open, forcing the lock through the wall. Now, the guards moved. It was already too late.

A'grappa flexed his will.

Immediately, the guards fell. No mere mortal could withstand the will of a Great One. This made A'grappa smile. Resistance was futile. Futility bred contempt, fear, and chaos. All of which A'grappa fed on. It made his body tingle. He was itching for a good fight.

He continued to search through the inner sanctum that had been several rooms. They looked like little rest places. The doorway at the end, however, was something else. It too bore the symbol of the Minor Ones. And, the essence of Grammel felt stronger within. As he approached the door, it opened on its own accord. What awaited him made him smile even more so.

So, this is what you young kids were planning after all. Did you think you could rule in our stead? That you had the right to do so?

The inner sanctum of The Hovel was marvelous. Vast walls and vaulted ceiling made of emerald shaped in the fashion of a skull. Reliefs of the events after A'grappa's sealing were etched across the walls for his perusal. Fifteen busts stood in a row. Two of which were hidden with mana from the naked eye. A spell very few could detect.

A'grappa found it amusing that the Minor Ones were depicted in their beastly states. A capr, cthul, arachne, cetae, equus, falc, strig, serpe, felid, canid, squa, probis, cervid, trogon, and simian. Each one a depiction of this universe's Minor Ones affiliations and vows. On the other side of the room was a large bench with fifteen thrones. Again, two were hidden with mana. Each one bore the name of it occupant. Rammel, Talanys, Yog Thalthos, Lousfrith, Nesbeth, Whisper, Sethyr, Yrh'danyr, Sorem, Kaddyr Lothbrok, Tiamat, Grammel, Ban'iel, Lillith, and Argos. Lillith's throne was by far the most ornate.

It would appear that Lillith was the one who took control of all the Minor Ones in our absence, which only means she will prove the most worthy adversary for me. I crave entertainment. I crave destruction. That young Fraction bore resemblance to her signature. Perhaps Rammel could tell me where to find Lillith.

Grammel's essence was strong in this room. But, his presence was absent. Imbuing oneself into your surroundings take more mana than the Minor Ones possess, which only means that Grammel was buried in this very room somewhere.

A'grappa was disappointed. His chance to strike a blow at Galadyn was gone. Nothing more interested him here.

If I find Tiamat, Yog, and Whisper, I am sure my children would gladly join forces with me to get rid of the other Great Ones and Minor Ones. It would be an easy feat to change the proverbial landscape of the multiverse in my image.

A'grappa teleported to the surface of the satellite. It was time to find somewhere else to cause some chaos. He took a deep breath. He let his sense of smell guide him. He once more was trying to find some kind of warrior race that would provide some kind of resistance. He wasn't the only one that created creatures meant for war. Destruction was essential for the path that had to be followed. It breathed life into the multiverse. Live, breed, die. That was a mortal's purpose.

A'grappa focused on what scents made their way to his nostrils. Something caught his attention in the area Rhumer had once controlled. A felid type of warrior she bragged would prove to be the strongest above all others. All of A'grappa's siblings had their favorites. A'grappa was no different. The Scarrins had been his. They proved quite worthless. Perhaps Rhumer's little pets would be more formidable.

He made his way throughout the vastness of space, rocketing towards the homeworld of those fabled warriors, the Mizokathi. Whispers of their ancient wars echoed through his mind. Murmurs passed through the seal of the battles they fought. Their heroes' names etched into the fabric of spacetime. Many civilizations knew of their exploits. Many feared their wrath. A particular house made waves in their history, the House of Mawry. A long dormant line of Fractions that made their name in battle. 

Rhumer had not been very keen as to providing the knowledge of her line's abilities. Not even to her own Fractions. She believed the heat of battle itself would create and destroy heroes and that was their purpose. Knowing of their lineage and innate strengths would only impede their will for battle.

Yet, the Mizokathi fought and lived long lives despite Rhumer. The House of Mawry especially, which even had the gall to name one of their descendants God. I guess when faced with inferior races, they were very much gods.

Now, it would be A'grappa to show them what a god truly was. None of the Fractions nor Minor Ones compared to his strength. Making Fractions bend the knee before him was more pleasing than making mortals suffer. He could only imagine the very depth and strength of mana he could absorb from their disdain and fear.

A'grappa couldn't contain himself. His jubilation at once more laying a blow to one of his siblings made his mirth swell inside him. If I can get Rhumer's ilk to bend their knee to me, then I will be able to prove myself stronger than Rhumer the Destroyer. Then, I can go my way gaining followers and restoring my mana to bring me more strength. He laughed to himself. Gilgahlad knew very well what he was doing by allowing our mana to be drawn out from our prisons. He figured if he could weaken us, we would never be able to escape. Alas, I was smarter than he gave me credit for. By forcing my mana through faster, I was able to widen the holes in the seal and create a means to weaken it so that I could return to this realm. When I am done, all shall bow before me. Even him.