The Vote

"I call for a vote of confidence." Graz suddenly said as he stood. It was met with audible shock and whispers. "While we senators have been canvasing the districts in an attempt to determine what our people need, regardless of race or social standing, Eero has been locked away in the Senate hall drafting reforms, most of which were done without the ability for the other senators to view them. He would set a timeframe that was impossible to meet for the bills to be looked over with care. And, in an effort to prevent adequate lawmaking, he has been known to uphold a ban of the races of the Empires most farthest reaches. I doubt that his so-called reforms will benefit the average Amalya so much as himself and those he holds close to his breast." He added, "While I agree that the other races under our banner could begin to send soldiers as a show of solidarity within the Empire, I greatly disagree that the other planets should gain complete autonomy. The Empire already give some autonomy to each district, allowing viceroys to create laws that benefit their citizens and the ability to send senators from each district to create laws that would govern how everyone conducts themselves across all districts of the Empire. Eero's lack of inclusion is not what the Empire has come to be." 

More murmuring followed as Eero looked about nervously and unsure. There was no way he could deny the allegations that was brought forth by Graz. I could see his teeth moving back and forth through his lips. His tendrils wiggled back and forth. He wanted to object but, bit his tongue.

This reminds me of one German chancellor, many years ago. His reforms called for the very same things. Living space and racial purity. I remarked to myself. The difference I found here was mainly that senators were not elected by party as they were by platform. Eero had to have talked a good game in order to be elected. Perhaps, he didn't even have to lie to be elected. Maybe he just ran on the idea of reformation of the Empire. If his predecessor had failed the people enough, they would have voted for anyone who promised them change.

"If I may speak before the Senate," Hagnr raised his voice above slightly above all the hushed whispers, "the Amali and the Kestrelians have not been on very good terms for very nearly a decade. This is not news for most of you fine ladies and gentlemen here. We fought a war over who would rule over Kestrel. The Amali were victorious. The cost was great; but, victory came nonetheless. It had been then that I sought to rectify what had occurred to my people. We kobolds are people of the dark. We prefer peace and quiet. As many of you know, I fought a battle here outside of Ashe'gard with the Emperor himself." Hagnr paused a moment. He knew it would take a moment for the senators to process his antecedent to the very point he was about to make. "Three weeks ago, I was contacted by someone from the Empire. It was not a call to renegotiate the terms Abryi and I came to nor to admit us as an autonomous body within the Empire. It was a warning. I was told that the Empire was planning a second invasion of Kestrel. It was a plea to help this man stop the Emperor from breaching the contract forged by blood." He took a short breath. "Now, imagine how I felt when I was told the Emperor himself was heading up an army to conquer my people. I left my sister to defend our planet and went searching for the Emperor. And, when I found him, he truly was amongst an army. None of whom were Amali. And, he was not their leader. Sure enough, the very sight of this boiled my blood. I attacked Mara, thinking she was an underling of his. Only to find out that he was helping her and all the information I was fed was a lie."

The senators' murmurs were quite loud now. Several of them were calling for the person to be tried for treason. It was a crime to divulge Amali war plans, false or not. Even I could tell that whoever did this had done so deliberately. There were senators who argued precedent by remarking that not even the Emperor himself was able to avoid being tried for treason. And, while I didn't know who Emperor Ragnu III was, I knew that the senate was not about to let this matter lie. But, none of us knew who it could have been that slipped such information. Hagnr said he would keep the matter secret until he reached the walls of Ashe'gard.

"The person in question is none other than a senator here in this honored body of law," Hagnr was laying it on, probably trying to build suspense, "Eero lez Razikan."

The senate erupted. Calls for Eero to be tried resounded throughout the walls. Abryi raised his hands and all went quiet. He really did command the senate. All that charisma was good for something.

"What proof have you that I committed such an act?" Eero tried to play that he was offended by Hagnr's allegations.

"We have been investigating your whereabouts and actions for quite some time." Came a gruff voice from behind the Emperor's throne. An older Amalya, whose face was filled with scars and half missing tendrils, emerged from behind it and made his way over to Abryi. "Your majesty, this is a recorder that holds as much information that the Forsaken had managed to gather in the last couple of weeks. We had suspicion to believe that Yagan's invasion of Kestrel might have been leaked before we arrived, which led to many more casualties than there should have been. The whispers kept leading back to the senate. So, we did some research."

"Even if you found some proof that I was involved with leaking any information, it is against Article Three Section Seven Paragraph Nine of the Amalyan Imperial Constitution that a sitting Minister Prime can be tried for any crimes committed while they are in office."

Abryi pounded his fist into the palm of his hand. "You're absolutely right." I could smell the sarcasm coming off of him. "The senate cannot try you for any crimes done while you were a Minister Prime. However, I do believe you were not when Yagan ordered the invasion of Kestrel ten years ago. And, I do believe that a vote of confidence was about to take place, which would not only absolve your little referendum but, also decide whether you remain as Minister Prime." I could tell Abryi was holding back laughter. "And, depending what is on this little recorder, I may have to overturn that very paragraph of the constitution." He pocketed the recorder.

"In light of all that has been brought before this Senate today," Graz began, trying to clear the air and return the Senate hall to order after this display devolved it into nothing more than a circus, "I believe that a vote is in order."

"To all those who vote in confidence of the current Minister Prime, Eero lez Razikan and the continuation of his outline for the foreseeable future of the Senate, raise your hands in a plea of yea. To all those who vote in uncertainty of Eero's plans which he has laid bare today, keep your hands down in a plea of nay." Abryi called out. He waited for all the senators, including Eero to take their seat before returning to his own. It was that vantage point that he could observe the entire Senate floor. Once he was sure that everyone had settled into their place, he scanned the room for raised hands. Of the fifteen hundred twelve members of the Senate, only one hand was raised. Eero's. "The vote has been cast." Abryi affirmed. "Secondly, a vote to hold Eero on trial for treason, whether proven or not, shall now be deliberated. Once more cast your votes." Again, Abryi looked about the room. This time, it was the polar opposite of the previous vote. All hands were up, except Eero's.

I turned to Hagnr and whispered, "How can Abryi vote to remove Eero but not try him?"

"He didn't." Came Hagnr's reply. "Abryi once told me, when we were here making a treaty between the Amali and Kestrelians, that his position as the Emperor was merely a tie breaking vote. It did not count unless their was a tie. It was meant to keep the Senate fair."

"Forsaken, you may take Eero from the premises and hold him until his trial begins." Abryi said suddenly. "Ladies and gentlemen of the Amalyan Senate, I will be holding an election for the seat of Minister Prime in six months. Please make sure the proper outlets are reached so that a fair and general election may be held among all citizens." Abryi rose from his throne as the Forsaken struggled with Eero. "I take my leave of you. I have some other pressing matters to attend to."