Realm of Truth: Augmentation

As Zariel waddled down the stairs, he was greeted by Aurelia, ogling a stunning garnet of amethyst. Her eyes were perhaps the biggest he'd ever seen them, lost in the complex webs of crystal veins intertwining into a unique lattice. 

"Do you want it?" 

"It's pretty…" she replied. 

Zariel took her word on it, though he thought it was stupid. He could never understand the allure of compressed carbon. It seemed strange such things he considered 'rock' attracted the lust and greed of civilization. 

"We'll be happy to gift it to you, my Lady. We've—" Yorva stopped at the gesture of the boy. 

"If you like it,' Zariel began, "I could aid you in creating one. It should be easy with your talents." 

She turned to him, her starry eyes glinting brighter than the amethyst shard. "Really!" 

"Come on," Replied Zariel. "Let's go. It's going to be a long walk home."