Beowulf [End of Book 1]

The drum of the rain against the dorms had been something of a harsh shower rattling against the windows. It was a rather pleasant sound, lulling Aurelia into the embrace of night. She was snoring, somehow sprawled out in a bed that was not her own, drooling on someone else's pillow. 

"Yet again…" said Zariel, his arms pressed tightly to his chest. It had been nearly three months since he last slept. Yet the thought of sleep had never been more unappealing than it was now. "She is in my bed drooling away." he shuddered, counting this the twelfth time this month alone. 

Perhaps it had been her fear of abandonment, but Aurelia enjoyed spending the night beside Zariel. And despite Transfiguring a room and bed for her to stay in, Aurelia had chosen his bed.

"At this rate, I'll have to burn the bed," he yawned, rubbing his eyes. "And here I was thinking of finally going to sleep. I guess this is a sign I need to keep researching augmentation. Here we go again."