Primal Death

As they returned to the manor, Avara and Zyila were both surprised to see Aurelia unconscious in Yenna's arms. She was bloody; the wounds across her cheek, neck, arms, shoulders, and legs had long since begun to clout, staying the bleeding. The injuries were all light but appeared worse than they actually were. 

After practically snatching Aurelia out of Yenna's arms, Avara invoked a healing spell and released a breath of relief. It was only then that she realized how light the injuries actually were. She grinned, patting her chest, revealing her ample bosom hidden beneath her robes, where a tendril of sweat slithered down her neck into its depths to forever be lost. 

She turned, snapping a fierce eye towards the young lord. "What happened? Did you do this?" she snapped, appearing more like a mama bear than an elf. "What were you thinking?!"