
At dawn, Genny stumbled upon the duo sound asleep under the gazebo. The sight of Aurelia's head leaning against Zariel's abdomen filled her with warmth; she practically melted at the sight. Rarely did they ever appear like normal children who ran around without worry or fear. 

Genny couldn't explain it, but at times, there was a hint of desperation in their actions—a certain urgency in their sparring, a hidden tension in their conversations—that neither of them seemed to be aware of. Genny had always been a bit more sensitive towards emotions, quick to pick up on these subtle cues, and often called it her superpower. 

'They must have been up all night,' Genny thought, having grown accustomed to Aurelia waking at first light. She squatted down, studying the little girl's sleeping face, and grinned. Silently marveling at how pretty she had grown this past year.