A Rain of Blood V

He would be here soon, that she knew; all she had to do was delay and survive. He was probably watching her, smiling as she struggled, clutching her shoulder that burned like any fire. She had lost too much blood, but she couldn't expend any more Arcana to stop the bleeding, lest she lose the ability to defend. 

The stupid one, Gar, tilted his head, foolishly speaking, "Me no stupid." 

"You, yes, stupid!" Aurelia snarled, focusing her mind through the growing haze. If she couldn't close the wound, then the only thing left for her was to be buried six feet under. 

The flames from Vanka's spell grew ever hotter, licking branches and igniting leaves and thickets. 

Gar hadn't been frightened by such fire, but Aurelia couldn't say the same. She was scared. She knew one day, death would find her. It found everyone else, but she never thought she'd burn to death.