A Rain of Blood VI


As if a seismic force had been condensed into a single point as sharp as any blade tip, it bore through Gar's flesh like a knife through hot butter, hitting his bones, echoing a ding so thunderous it tore the bark off a dozen so trees. 

In a half-breath, Gar pierced the heavens, burrowing through the clouds like a seed being planted. A cruel light flashed across Zariel's scarlet eyes, and without hesitation, he shot forward at a blinding speed, employing Imperious Step to divide space as he knew it. He arrived in the stratosphere before most could blink.

From every orifice, Gar bled, vomiting a mouthful of blood, unsure what had struck him. He had never been hit so hard in his life. 

Zariel sneered, his two fingers piercing the air, shooting out projectiles of his 'piercing' that tore through flesh and tissue without fault. They stuck every weak point Gar's refined body held, puncturing various quarter-size holes.