" you saw a paladin enter the city " Alistair nodded he was standing in front of Elise on the opposite side of her desk,he rushed in ignoring the protests of birna
" yes my lady,wherever they go destruction follows they are extremely powerful zealots that use the name of their goddess to do terrible things,if he's here it can't be good."
Right on queue panicked screams could be heard through the window " damn it get the soldiers to surround the area and get people to safety." Getting up Elise rushed out the window towards the chaos
When she got to the scene a burly human in golden robes holding a giant gold sword was fighting a fully armored man with a shield and halberd 'that must be the new summons he told me about '.
Dodging some shadow spikes from the ground by jumping in the air,platforms of light then formed under the paladins feet allowing him to lash out at the bird harassing him from the air
Using the moment ajalentem thrust his halberd out aiming to peirce the paladin but a barrier of light formed around him stopping the attack
Although it was barley noticeable Elise saw one of the seals attached to his robe burn away at the same time as the shield activated
" fuck this really stings " following the familiar cursing of her husband past the soldiers moving people to safety, she saw him up against a partially melted building on the other side of the street
Sighing she kneeled down next to him " stop moving around let me see the damage " Carefully she examined him to see how bad his wounds are " it seems the burns are the worst of it"
" o really because I don't know if you noticed...I'm fucking blind " Elise raised her hand then lowered it thinking better against it " don't be a smartass we both know you've been through worse, it's nothing doc can't fix."
" maybe but it still sucks " reaching into a little pouch she keeps on her right thigh for her womanly needs and other things,she brought out a syringe that was glowing green an injected into her husband's neck " ow...did you bite me "
' no but I want too.' Shaking the strange thought away she waited for the serum to take effect " next time don't piss off a big man with a giant sword "
" hey!, I didn't do anything this time I literally only said hi. " Elise didn't believe a word rolling her eyes
" I felt that." Hooking his arms she helped him stand " you should be able to see soon " his confusion was short lived as his eyes and burns slowly healed, not all the way but enough to not be too much of a problem
" you can thank Liam and doc for making this it's still a prototype but works well."
" prototype,how did you know it would work? " disassembling the syringe she put back into her pouch " your not the only one with secrets."
While helping her husband get stable he reached his arm out to the side catching a fast moving object cracking the road under his feet " you ok ajalentem." The lightning knight nodded in response despite bits of his armor being bent or melted
" good,you guys can pull back now we got this!" Turning to his wife while icarus and shadow disengaged also battered a bit from a tough battle
ghost smiled " shall we my queen?"
" we shall my king." Smiling they both armed themselves
a spear of ice rose from the ground freezing everything around it, not far behind it a staff covered in lightning fell from the sky with a thunderous crash
Rushing forward they both swapped sides enhancing each other with their elements
" you will burn devil for all the people you have murdered." twisting his body the paladin attacked with a horizontal beam of light by swinging his sword
Not stopping Elise slid under the beam lightly grazing it with her hand freezing it in place " Shut up! the only devil I see here is you destroying our home."
Ghost shattered the frozen beam using it as a foothold to launch his own attack
turning his blade the paladin went to deliver a counter attack, not expecting his target to suddenly disappear an reappear behind him with their own attack
Together the husband and wife duo struck causing the light barrier to appear costing the paladin two seals " the goddess of light protects me you heathens."
Free up his left hand he struck backward with his elbow strike ghost,sending him into the building behind him
" damn you " he tried to move around Elise's spear but didn't notice she had already froze him in place costing him another seal " let see how long you can keep this up "
" shouldn't we do something it feels wrong just watching." James said watching ghost climb out of the building ice armor cracked
He and lazza stood on the edge of the fight with the soldiers keeping the place clear of people so no body gets hurt kal and Selena were on the other side doing the same thing
" we aren't as small as we use to be we need to keep the area free of distractions so they can fight properly that's more important and if they need us they will call through the earpiece." James continued watching the fight waiting for a call to action
" rockstead, winterhowl,and many more are now gone because of you devil." Ghost was getting visibly annoyed " since you miss them so much let me reunite you "
Teleporting above him covered in lightning he transferred a bit to the paladin
Hey turned to strike but stop half way staring at the empty air in front of him,this left him open to two more attacks from both Elise and ghost
As the fighting went on the paladin would occasionally hold back his attacks or be distracted attacking a random area
" what did you do to me what have you poisoned my mind with?"
Dodging another beam they both used each other to launch an attack making the paladin stagger back into a broken building " not fun is it, take Solace in knowing my sins didn't go unpunished I will have to see this for the rest of my life."
Watching the building they saw the paladin slowly stand up blood finally staining his golden robes
" looks like your goddess has abandoned you...but mine hasn't " spitting out a bit of blood he reached behind to his back unrolling a scroll in front of him he put his hand were a sun was printed on it
" if I can't kill you alone then I'll destroy this entire den of demons." His entire being started to glow with the fury of a thousand suns ,then...nothing he was suddenly encased in ice up to his head
"Huh...?" Everybody watching the scene was confused at what happened " I hate stopping time it always hurts terribly."The paladin activated his element once again
Quickly turning her spear Elise slammed the butt into his head knocking him out " I have fun plans for you " putting her hand to her ear Elise called for some soldiers to take him away to the dungeons
" since when did we have a dungeon? " elise dismissed the armor she conjured around them before answering " like I said your not the only one with secrets."
" if I didn't know you love me I would be getting a bad feeling."ghost said letting go of his staff allowing it to float behind him" and if I didn't know better I would think you were cheating on me at the brothels when you sneak off everyday ."
"Wait we have brothels now?" Elise's eyes narrowed dangerously as she looked at her husband " I'm just asking,you know your the who brought it up."
" it's not uncommon for nobles or influential people to go to such places." Going over to his wife ghost pulled her close " come on my love you know your the only one for me."
Elise hummed dismissively " you've already slept with someone other than me."
" that was it,I told I didn't do anything else with her. " Hearing a cough they both turned to it's source remembering they weren't alone
" achm...get the gemsmiths to come repair the damage and post notices around the town, that anyone with the relevant element that can help the repairs will be fairly compensated."
Elise's face was beet red as she said this to birna embarrassed about bickering with her husband in front of almost the whole town
" come now my love don't be so embarrassed it's not a bad thing for them to see that we aren't so different from each other. " Elise gave him an angry side eye before saying something
" Edward is coming in soon escorting some shipments from the beast empire go make sure everything is in order,you should at least do this as the lord of this town."
" as my lady wishes." Taking one of her hands ghost kissed the back of it before leaving towards the coast " and don't forget to go see doc!" Elise yelled before he got to far away.
" I know everything hurts like the hells!" smiling she turned to kal " make sure he doesn't get into more trouble please. "
" yes my queen. " he saluted her before going after ghost
Sighing Elise went back to her office knowing she just got a lot more work to do thanks to the fight