space liquid

" So what exactly is this thing " Liam asked me looking at the circular device I put on his workshop

We were on our moon base going over somethings " ughhhh....I guess the best way to put it is it's a artificial consciousness and I would like you to make them a body, but not just any body it's a little special ."

I didn't hear his response because the door nearby slid open " the survey team found something " birna entered showing us the tablet in her hand

Liam and I turned to each other wide eyed rushing out the building we went to a rail like structure,taking a hold of the hand and foot holds there I injected my mana into making it come to life taking me down the rail birna and Liam weren't far behind

" So what exactly did they find " I heard Liam's voice come in over my earpiece " if you had took a look at the report I put together instead of running off you two would know" birna chimed back angrily

" sorry " we both answered back to her,we heard her sigh" they aren't sure what they found it's some kind of half buried structure following protocol they are waiting for our arrival."

Getting to the end of the rail I covered Liam and I with my element so we didn't die,birna already has a space suit on so i didn't need to cover her.

" welcome my lord it's nice to s~see you again " oda's voice came out of her suit a little robotic her and a couple more of her people were sworn to secrecy an work for me up here as well

" likewise oda its good to see you as well,mind showing us what you guys found. " nodding she lead us to a nearby structure

" we aren't sure exactly what it us but we have found bits of it are hollow." Liam started examining the structure unaware of what it really was " vert interesting I wonder what this is."

" it's a star ship and the real question is, why is it here on a moon of a planet that hasn't reached that capability yet " I chimed in making everyone look at me " how can you be sure " I pointed to an end sticking horizontally out of the ground

" those are thrusts of some kind and the lack of damage on its surface suggest its made for this type of it has to be a star ship or transporter...probably...more then likely."

" let's find out,please everyone step back you never know what you may find in one of these it's always best to be safe then sorry. "

Once I saw everyone get a safe distance away I pressed my hand to a hollow section of the ship causing the metal there to slowly cave in,the difference in pressure caused a vacuum effect but thankfully not flew out at me.

' alright that should be big enough' I called for Liam to come back over once I made the hole big enough for us to get through " all of you stay back until we one of us gives the all clear,and if something other then us comes out retreat immediately an lock down the base.

" understood." I heard everyone reply through my earpiece,satisfied they got the message I entered the hole first having Liam follow after

Inside the metallic floor was sloped downward slightly making it a bit hard to stand " it looks like we're in a corridor nothings really here...let's head a bit deeper in."

Lightning danced across our body's illuminating the area although not by much,forcing the door in front of me open we entered another section of the ship from the layout it seemed to be the center of the ship with a few doors leading to other sections

But the most striking thing in this place was a large console in the middle of the room holding a vile with a silvery substance in it

Seeming to sense our presence the liquid came alive moving to one side of the vile, pushing of the ground I gently floated over to the console grabbing Liam pulling him to my side because he missed judged how much force to use and started floating past

The entire time the liquid followed our movements ' a part is tell me to leave this alone....but the other one is very interested ' despite my better judgment I pressed my finger to the glass, unsurprisingly a tendril of silver extended from the liquid meeting my finger luckily it didn't break the glass and try to pierce my finger

" it doesn't seem aggressive." Liam was just as interested in the silver liquid as I was

" yeah but still best to not agitate it,let search the rest of the ship first before we make a decision. "

Slowly pulling my finger away we went to explore the ship but didn't find anything interesting which was odd you would think there would be body's from the people who flew it here but the entire ship was empty except for the vile at its center

"What do you think?" I asked Liam's opinion on the situation " i-i know it's probably best we leave this here and not disturb it...but I really want to find out what it is."

" yeah I'm with you on that...luckily we think ahead and have a containment facility half built " leaning forward I gently snapped the vile free from the thing holding it in place

" Alright...I think we are good." Liam and I stayed completely just in case their were traps waiting for someone to take the liquid but it seems there aren't least in working order

" all of you are still alive right " I said over the earpiece too the people nearby who found this place " yes we are,we haven't seen any movement since you went in" birna answered me quickly

" good,head back to the base and get the containment chamber prepared we found a specimen on board, make sure everyone keeps a safe distance from us " she seemd a bit stunned by that statement because took her longer to respond " yes my king. "

I watched everyone leave making their way back to the rail riding it back " let's go." I said after giving some time for birna to get everything ready


" momma are we there yet? " a woman who looked about twenty nodded pointing to a beautiful gem wall " you see that, it means we have finally arrived at our new home" she pulled her child to her chest " and finally we're safe."

The child oblivious to their mother's emotional state stared at the wall for a few minutes before turning to a buff man in golden robes with a large sword on his back

" what is that? " the closed the book he was reading handing it to the child

" praise the sun child." With that he hopped out of the carriage moving out of the way of others following it " I will burn the devil away as my goddess demands." Unaware of his intentions the soldiers of the didn't pay much attention to him....except for one

" I should tell my lady about this he looks like he's going to be trouble " Alistair casually disappeared into the crowded street making his way to the trade center


" ok now that that's done I should see what Elise is up to." trying my best to ignore the bloody hand holding mine I took a breath and I made my way down the gem street leading towards the sea

'Man this place has really become popular ' it was harder then I expected to get to my destination I wanted to take a nice stroll but I underestimated the amount of traffic there would be

" praise the sun and her illuminating glory" a big man was doing a prayer with a handful of people on the side of the road " huh...I guess they do have religion in this world"

" good afternoon my lord hope your having a blessed day." a original residence of the town was there with the burly priest praying with him " hey, same to yo-" behind him the priest reached for the large sword on his back

Getting a bad feeling I slowed everything down but that didn't have a good effect on him in fact he seemed to get faster ' shit!.'

I barely managed to clear the area between us out when a beam of light slammed into me leaving the ground melted, ajalentem wasn't fast enough to deflect it so I took the full force of the attack

" my fucking eyes!" The brightness from the attack completely blinded me and burned a good bit of my skin " for your crimes against the goddess of light and humanity I will annihilate you devil."

The crowded road was quickly cleared as the fighting began those flung away were grateful seeing the destruction of the attack

I heard the air being cut by a large object then a clash of metal, a Shockwave ripped through my body an throwing me back " your demonic minions will not save you for devil "

Ajalentem appeared just in time to block the man's follow up strike,shadow and icarus quickly appeared as well going on the offensive forcing the sun priest to defend himself.

Although I couldn't see them I could feel what they were doing since they were my summons