The Akashic Records Library of the Ancient Peach Tree Plain Sect was a place that had the information of all the Sect members in books. Each person had a book with information about their entire life from the moment they entered the Sect.
Most cultivators, when they became Immortals, used their powers to prevent the book from having all the information about them. Some Immortals only left their deeds after becoming recorded Immortals while the story of others simply ended the moment they faced the Great Tribulation.
Li told all this information as he led Su Login and Mu Sae to a room that was just off the corridor. Upon arriving at the place, Su Login saw Su Minwa and Zue Ha sitting and drinking tea.
As soon as Su Minwa saw Mu Sae, she jumped up and gave her friend a hug. "You didn't take long this time," said the girl.
"However, it was not easy to get here, we faced some very annoying Magical Beasts," explained Mu Sae.