Naturally, Cheng Oh dodged Su Minwa's attack. The demonic cultivator's body and Ga Fiu's body were enveloped in black smoke and disappeared, reappearing again on top of a rock.
However, as soon as Cheng Oh changed his position, he was attacked by Mu Sae. The girl jumped towards him and brandished her sword. Cheng Oh only had to extend his arm to make a purple chain cross Mu Sae's body crosswise.
Mu Sae's body was hit by the chain, but there wasn't even a drop of blood falling. Mu Sae exploded in a cloud of smoke, and in her place, a wooden log appeared.
"Did you really think that this trick alone would be enough to fool me?!" shouted Cheng Oh, turning back and throwing a kick towards the real Mu Sae… but that wasn't the real Mu Sae either. "But what is happening here?"