Scaleless Fruit

The appraiser proceeded to deliver even more surprising news. "The most astonishing discovery is that these sea pearls contain a special active substance that sets them apart from other sea pearls. Perhaps due to their origin from the deep sea, our instruments are currently unable to detect and assess the impact of this active substance on the human body, whether it is beneficial or potentially harmful."

Devin recounted a fake story "the old man did talk about the long-term benefits of using these pearls, such as slowing down aging and rejuvenating the skin. I always dismissed those statements as mere exaggerations."

"If you wish to further investigate this active substance, you will need to send the pearls to the relevant biological research institute, as we are unable to conduct such testing here," the appraiser informed him.

Devin let out a sigh of disappointment. "Unfortunately, I don't want to go through all that hassle. I am in need of money and would like to auction these pearls quickly to secure the funds," he explained. Devin wanted to proceed with the auction and obtain a swift payment without the complications that further testing might bring.

The appraiser nodded understandingly. "Well, the appraisal results are now finalized. I will submit the report to our central system, and other departments will guide you through the remaining process," she said.

A few minutes later, after the final review, Devin received a copy of the appraisal report on his Link device. The report revealed that the blue pearls received the highest evaluation due to their rarity. The estimated price for the pearls totaled 3 million points, with the auction house charging a 3%+ VAT handling fee. Wellington auction house promptly paid 1 million points upfront, serving as an initial payment. If the auction proved successful, they would settle the outstanding amount, and Devin would receive any excess funds.

Devin couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and relief as he saw the potential value he could obtain from the auction.

As Devin received the transfer, a smile of satisfaction played on his lips. The substantial sum of money he had earned from the auction would undoubtedly provide Alex with the peace of mind they both needed. He couldn't help but marvel at the incredible bargain he had struck when he initially purchased the colorful pearls for a mere 5 gold coins, which converted to approximately 1000 points based on the current exchange rate.

While the return on investment was undoubtedly impressive, Devin was also aware that he couldn't rely solely on selling pearls to sustain his newfound financial stability. Constantly engaging in such transactions would inevitably draw unwanted attention. However, he pondered the possibility of finding a skilled jeweler who could transform the pearls into exquisite pieces of jewelry. Doing so would not only yield profitable returns but also spare him the need for excessive explanation.

With a newfound sense of ease and a million points richer, Devin left the auction house in a buoyant mood. Passing by a charming pastry shop, he couldn't resist indulging in a small celebration. He decided to treat himself and Alex to delectable pastries, a gesture that would surely bring a smile to both their faces.

Content with his successful venture and the prospects that lay ahead, Devin entered the pastry shop with a spring in his step, ready to savor the moment and relish in the well-deserved sweetness of his achievements.

As Devin entered the pastry shop, a familiar voice caught his attention. It was one of the two men he had observed at the auction house earlier, engaged in a heated argument. The man who had expressed his desire to acquire the game cabin seemed to be at odds with his friend, who criticized him for relying on luck instead of pursuing more traditional means of income. Their exchange became increasingly heated as the friend advised him to seek a "real job" suitable for their age. Despite the evident frustration, the man still believed in the potential that Oasis held for his future, leading to his friend storming away in anger.

Devin couldn't help but empathize with both perspectives. The friend's intentions seemed rooted in concern and a desire for his companion to secure a stable future. Encouraging him to find reliable employment and earn a steady income was, indeed, reasonable advice. However, it was also evident that the man's passion lay in pursuing opportunities within Oasis, as he clung to the hope of achieving success through the virtual world.

Curiosity piqued, Devin approached the young man who was now opening a box in front of him, seemingly seeking answers to what had shattered his hopes. Devin wanted to confirm his suspicions and understand the situation more clearly.

With a friendly and empathetic demeanor, Devin approached the young man, hoping to initiate a conversation that might shed light on his own experiences and ambitions within Oasis.

"Hello brother, can I sit here?" Devin asked, approaching the table where Jonathan sat.

The man, seemingly lost in his thoughts and not in the mood for conversation, nodded his acknowledgement with a distant look in his eyes.

Impervious to the subdued atmosphere, Devin continued with a friendly tone, "Wow, brother, what a beautiful stone. Can I take a closer look?"

The young man sighed and passed the stone to Devin without much enthusiasm. "What's the point of its beauty if it's worthless?" he replied, a hint of bitterness lacing his words.

Curiosity piqued, Devin activated his identification skill to gain more insight. "The Scaleless Fruit," he uttered, reading the information displayed. "This fruit has the appearance of a stone. It is one of the ingredients for marrow cleansing."

A tinge of disappointment colored Devin's voice as he asked, "What a pity. Did the auction house appraise it?"

"They did," Jonathan replied, a touch of frustration evident in his voice. "They didn't find it valuable, but they did mention it might have some appeal to collectors of colored stones. But where am I supposed to find a collector? The auction house was my only hope to purchase the game cabin in the new VR game Oasis. However, my friend doesn't think it's worth it. My intuition tells me Oasis is different, and gaming is all I know how to do," he poured out his frustration.

Realizing the extent of Jonathan's disappointment, Devin empathetically introduced himself, breaking the barrier between strangers. "No need to apologize, Jonathan. My name is James. I also play the Oasis game, and I believe it's different from other games."

The young man's voice held a glimmer of hope as he responded, "Yes, I've been telling my friend the same thing. But that stubborn guy doesn't believe me." Frustration seeped through his words.

Devin contemplated for a moment before responding, understanding the complexity of the situation. "Although Oasis is indeed different, your friend isn't entirely wrong either. It is essential to consider different angles in life, as it offers diverse opportunities."

Jonathan let out a sigh of resignation. "I know. That's why I can't get angry at him. But I was hoping I could get something for this stone and eventually get a cabin."

Devin's words carried a hint of caution as he spoke. "Oasis is not as easy as other games. Leveling up and achieving success can be more challenging than it seems. It's advisable to have alternative sources of income, especially at the beginning."

Jonathan nodded, understanding the implications, though his desire to make something of his life through Oasis remained steadfast. "I know, but I want to grasp the opportunities Oasis promised. I want to change my life."

Devin, aware that ultimately, the decision lay with Jonathan, spoke with sincerity. "How about this? I'll get you the gaming cabin in exchange for this stone."

Jonathan's eyes widened with a mixture of excitement and skepticism. "Are you for real? But I won't deceive you; the appraisal said this stone is not valuable."

Devin offered reassurance, infusing his words with conviction. "True, it may not be valuable in the traditional sense. However, remember what the appraisal mentioned about collectors' interest? And more importantly, didn't you mention wanting to change your life?"

Their exchange hung in the air as Jonathan contemplated Devin's proposition.

As they left the pastry shop, Devin accompanied Jonathan to the biggest mall in town to order the game cabin for Oasis that would be delivered to Jonathan's address. Devin also arranged for the regular delivery of nutrient solutions to their home, ensuring both Alex and himself would have the necessary sustenance during his gaming sessions.

Gratitude filled Jonathan's voice as he expressed his appreciation. "James, I cannot thank you enough. Because of your help, I can finally embark on my journey in Oasis."

Devin smiled warmly. "You're welcome, Jonathan. I truly wish you all the best. Just remember, when you're in Oasis, treat it like you're dealing with real people and a real world, not just codes and data. And always remember to engage in practical activities within the game. You'll find that it will bring you rewards."

Initially confused by Devin's advice, Jonathan soon realized the depth behind his words. The notion that Oasis was like another world began to resonate within him, and he made a firm decision to follow Devin's guidance.

"Thank you, James. I will take your advice to heart," Jonathan affirmed with determination.

With their paths diverging at this point, Devin hailed a taxi and bid Jonathan farewell. Devin understood that he was not a goody two shoes, or meddlesome by nature, but the allure of the scaleless fruit had led him to Jonathan's business. The stone had further reinforced his conjecture that there was a link between the real world and Oasis, sparking his curiosity and propelling him forward.