The Magic Tower and the Class Upgrade (1)

In the city covered by snow, there stood a tall tower, which is free from the snow. Outside of the Royal Palace, this tower is the most beautiful building in the city. It was painted in beautiful colors bringing life to the tower.

This tower is the Magic Tower of Frost City. There is a magic tower located in every capital and city across the kingdoms. The one thing that unites them is magic, making it easier for mages to enter cities across the world.

There are various types of Identity Cards issued. Everyone should possess one or they wouldn't be allowed entry into towns and cities.

Most people would get an Identity Card issued by Adventurer's Guild after you register yourself as an adventurer but this isn't the only organization that issues an Identity Card.

There are other guilds like Alchemist Guild, Mercenary Guild etc...

Magic Towers also issues an Identity Card, which lets someone use the facilities provided by the Magic Tower and access items that aren't easily available otherwise.

The only condition to obtain an Identity Card from them was to show that you are a mage. It was for that reason Chris arrived at the Magic Tower first. Moreover, the only way Class Quests can be obtained will be here. Of course, there are some hidden NPCs that issue some quests but as the name says they are hidden and not easily found.


Chris entered the magic tower and went to a reception desk which was free at that moment.

Seeing that Chris approached her desk, the girl who was in charge of the desk spoke, "How can I help you today sir?"

"I am here to register myself, Miss", Chris said.

"Okay sir, first you have to fill out the form. Later, you'll be tested and be assigned a grade", she smilingly said as she handed him a form that he needed to fill.

"Thank you", Chris said and started to fill out the form.

There are many things to fill. First, you have to fill in your name, and then your Class's attribute. These two are the only ones that need to be filled. You can fill in nominee details in case of your death, which is optional.

He wrote his name as "Voyd" and his attribute as "Frost Mage". After that, he handed the form to the girl.

She then placed a tablet in front of him and asked, "Sir, please place your palm on this tablet and inject some of your mana into it".

He did as she asked. This is a common policy before issuing an Identity Card. It would first record your mana and class before checking for any crimes related to you. If you aren't a criminal then you would get the Identity Card. The mana is not only used to check about you but also to bind with your identity card. This way no one can use your card but you.

"Sir, it says that you have yet to advance your class. Do you need an advancement scroll?" she asked.

"No need. I already have a way to get one. It would be the Frost Mage Scroll".

The girl nodded and busied herself for a minute.

"Here is your ID card sir. Do you need any more help?"

"Not at the moment", he said as he exited the tower.

As soon as he got his hands on the ID, a new system prompt appeared before him.

[It is detected that the player has registered in Frost City.]

[You gain +10% buff when you use Ice Spells.]

[Detected that the player was first to register in Frost City.]

[You gain +10% Extra Buff and +10% favorability with the Winter Kingdom citizens. You gain a +10% discount while buying goods within the Winter Kingdom territories.]

[Detected that the player is first to register across the server.]

[Do you want to announce the achievement?]


"There it was again", Chris sighed as soon as he saw the announcement. He kind of caused an acceleration with the level grinding as soon as he cleared the dungeon. If this announcement comes out, then it would cause major butterfly effects, which he was nowhere near to see happen.

"No", he said, deciding that anonymity was required as he was weak for now.

Sure he may appear OP with his skills but if he faces a powerhouse, he would be wiped clean. Moreover, on earth, he was weak without any skills in his possession.

[Player decided to not announce the achievement. You have obtained +10 Reputation.]

"Hmm, the reputation gain is small but what can I do for now? Forget about it. Let's advance my Class and think about what to do next".

"System, use the Ultimate Profession Advancement Scroll".

[You have used an advancement scroll for your class.]

[Upgrading your class...]


[Your Class has been upgraded to...]