The Magic Tower and the Class Upgrade (2)

[You have used an advancement scroll for your class.]

[Detected that the player is a mage.]

[Detected that the player possesses Void Dragon Bloodline.]

[Detected that the player possesses Critical Hit (SSS)]

[Detected that the player is level 10]

[Player cleared all conditions for the Hidden Unique Class]

[Upgrading your class...]


[Your Class has been upgraded to Nexus Mage.]

[Nexus Mage: You can use every spell without any class restriction. The spell works as if you belong to that class. You would gain +5 to INT/WIS and +30 FAPs for every level up.]

Chris was stunned when he saw the system prompts from his Class advancement.

In the world of Aredia, people's rank usually starts at G and goes up from there. The G-rank is also called Rankless. People at this stage are called Apprentices/ Acolytes/ Disciples etc... based on their vocation.

If compared with the Player's levels, one who was below level 10 is G-rank. After Class advancement, they are F-rank and are called Novices.

Chris who just advanced his class would be a Novice Mage. This is until he reaches Level 40, where another advancement is needed. For this advancement, he has to pass through a trial.

It would be E-rank, the word Novice would be removed and Intermediate would be added. He would be called an Intermediate Mage from then.

After level 90, it would be D-rank and Advanced Mage.

After level 150, it would be C-rank and Grand Mage.

After level 250, it would be B-rank and Arch Mage.

After level 400, it would be A-rank and Magus.

After level 600, it would be S-rank and Grand Magus.

After level 1000, it would be SS-rank and Arch Magus.

There are ranks above them but Chris was never able to reach that rank or come to know the details about those ranks. In his last life, he almost reached the rank of Arch Magus before he was betrayed and killed by a friend.

As a person who crossed the S-rank in his previous life, he learned about Hidden and Unique Classes. They are very hard to obtain but the gains that can be gained from them are tremendous.

There are also problems that come with having these classes. They would be the target of opposite factions or even some envious players who would love to see the world burn for fun.

It was the reason why he chose to register at the magic tower before advancing his class. This way his true class wouldn't be leaked. Even if he shows that he is powerful, only a few would concentrate on him. A unique and Hidden Class would draw too many eyes on him, which is not a good thing, at least not at this stage.

When was a Magic Apprentice he would get +1 to INT/WIS and +6 FAPs per every level increase but now it increased to +5 for INT/WIS and +30 FAPs.

When class upgrades, it would be usually doubled for others but Hidden or Unique class would have a higher increase.

Nexus Mage, which is a Hidden and Unique Class, the improvement of attributes directly increased by five times than when the profession was in the apprentice realm.

This would not stop there. For every rank up, it increases the same way.

After level 40, it would be +25 to INT/WIS and +150 FAPs, while for normal professions it would be only +4 to INT/WIS/STR/AGI (Based on profession) and +24 FAPs. Due to this insane increase, though the attribute difference might not be much at low levels, there would be massive differences as the level goes up.

The Hidden and Unique Class Holders would essentially become Undefeatable as they reach higher ranks.

As soon as the class upgraded, Chris levelled up from his stored experience.

[You have levelled up.]

[You have levelled up.]

[You have levelled up.]

[You have reached level 13]

[You have gained +75 to WIS and +450 FAPs.]

[Detected that the player was first to Upgrade their Class. Do you want to announce your achievement?]


"No", Chris chose decisively. He has a plan and he would adhere to it and would only make changes to it if it is worthy enough to do so.

[The player has decided against the announcement. The player was awarded +5 Charisma (CHA) and +1 Luck (LCK) for the achievement.]

"Hmm, not much but I need anonymity as of now. Once I get stronger on Earth too, then I can freely announce my existence to the two worlds. Now let's see where to distribute the FAPs", Chris thought for a second before making the decision.

He added +5 to WIS and +80 to INT, making them both reach 200 in value. he added +50 to both STR and STA, +40 to AGI and +30 to VIT, making all four attributes reach the 100 milestone. After doing so, he was left with 195 FAPs, which he decided to use when he got more FAPs or when he was in some emergency.

Once done he checked his panel, to see the changes.



Name: Voyd

Level: 13

Race: Human / Primordial Void Dragon

Talent: Experience Buff (SSS); Space Difference (C)

Class: Nexus Mage

Rank: F/ Novice

Strength: 100

Stamina: 100

Intelligence: 200

Wisdom: 200

Agility: 100

Vitality: 100

Health: 1000

Mana: 2000

Charisma: 15

Luck: 10,006

Free Attribute Points: 195


Chris was happy with his increased status. He can now freely hunt more than other players at his level can do. If he wants to reach the pinnacle, he has to complete better quests which are usually difficult. With his increased stats, he can now do much more than he was able to do so in his previous life.

"Now let's go find some quests in the Adventurer's Guild. Only then I could be able to afford things in the Magic Tower", he thought as he strode towards the Adventurer's Guild.