You've Made Your Bed; Now You Must Lie in It

After leaving the hospital, Wynonna did not return to Muller's Old Mansion straight away. Instead, she took Charles out for a feast.

Father and daughter finally met after a long time apart, so Wynonna ordered a lot of food and even drank some wine.

"Alright, Winnie, don't drink anymore. This wine is very strong," said Charles. He also reminded her, "You are now with the Muller family, so you have to mind your words and actions, unlike at home."

"Don't worry, Daddy, I'm not drunk." Wynonna felt a little dizzy but she thought that she was still sober.

She did not expect to feel the effects of the alcohol after the Muller family's chauffeur brought her back.

She opened the door and kicked off her shoes onto the floor as she staggered towards the bed, her vision blurry.

The face of the man lying in bed gradually changed to Louis' face. She slowly recalled all the sweet and painful memories.

She had forced herself to pretend to not care in her confrontation with Amanda, but how could she not have cared?

That man had been her first love, and he had wasted most of her youth and moved her every heartbeat.

"Louis Young, you bastard! Lousy bastard!" She his shoulder with her bag, and tears streamed down her face as she cried, "I loved you so much, I treated you so well with all my heart. Why did you treat me like this? Why?"

After saying that, as if her anger was still not appeased, she threw her bag onto the floor, grabbed his shoulders, and shook him several times, saying, "Answer me! Why won't you answer me?"

Shane's handsome eyebrows scrunched up. He was already unhappy that this woman had come home in the middle of the night, but he did not expect her to go into a drunken rage!

Louis Young? Who is that man? Her first love? he wondered.

As he pondered about that, Shane's frown deepened.

The Muller family bought her to ward off his bad luck, so she belonged to him. How dare she think of another man in front of him, cry for that man, and even mistake him for that man and hit him? Did she think he was dead?

Wynonna grabbed him and shook him again for a while and she suddenly felt nauseous. She covered her mouth as she retched a few times, but before she could go to the bathroom, she threw up all over the man in front of her.

The veins on Shane's forehead popped out, and he started to regret pretending to be in a coma…

After she had finished throwing up, Wynonna felt a little better, and her brain's fogginess cleared a little.

But when she saw that Shane was covered in her vomit, she started to not feel not good anymore, and the last of her drunken stupor had dissipated.

"Sorry, sorry, I did not mean to throw up all over you." Wynonna apologized as she ran to get a set of clean pajamas from the wardrobe. "I will change you out of those dirty pajamas now."

She proceeded to unbutton his pajamas.

Her hand paused for a moment after touching the first button, but she hesitated for just a few seconds, then continued unbuttoning.

One by one, the buttons came undone, slowly revealing the man's muscular upper body in front of her.

His bronze-tanned skin, well-defined muscles, and two sculptured external oblique muscles on both sides of his abdomen all exuded a strong scent of testosterone.

Wynonna's face turned red involuntarily, and she quietly swallowed her saliva.

She had to admit that, although this man was very scary, his physique is extremely good.

After removing his clothes, she propped him back up to put on the clean shirt for him. Her eyes glanced over at the man's back's beautiful curvature and she was immediately stunned.

She saw several scars that crisscrossed across his back. They spoiled his otherwise smooth, beautiful back, but it also gave off a different form of masculinity.

Those scars were mostly dark-colored, but some were lighter, so she figured that they must be old scars that resulted from a single incident.

But why would Shane, a rich family's son, who'd been pampered from a young age and could crush anyone like an ant, have such scars?

Wynonna realized that her mind was wandering off and quickly gathered back her thoughts.

She lay him back flat on the bed and proceeded to change his pants next.

This was a new challenge for her, and she had to keep mentally preparing herself and cheer herself on. "What are you afraid of? You've seen it before," she told herself.

With that in mind, she looked at him, and her hand reached over slowly.

Shane kept clenching his fists by his sides, over and over again, popping the veins on the back of his hands. He was trying his utmost best to bear with it silently.

The feng shui master had said that this woman was the best person for him to marry to ward off his bad luck and wake him from his coma. He had initially turned his nose up at it, but at that very moment, he was a believer. He was sure that she would be able to wake not just someone in a coma, but even the dead would be forced to jump out of their graves!

If not for his strong willpower, he would not have been able to continue pretending and end up wrecking his carefully planned strategy.

Luckily, she was not as crazy as to change his underpants too. She simply changed his pants as swiftly as possible.

"I am finally done," Wynonna wiped off the sweat on her forehead, let out a huge sigh of relief, and then looked down at herself.

Her own clothes were soiled too, but she had only brought a total of three sets of clothes.

She had washed two sets of those but had not hung them out to dry yet. That meant she would not have any clean clothes to wear tomorrow.

When she thought about that, there was some bitterness in her voice as she said to Shane, "I am your wife in name, yet I don't even have any clean clothes to change into. Isn't that too pitiful? Oh well, forget it. You're in a coma, so you couldn't possibly buy them for me."

In his heart, Shane retorted, She thinks that I would buy new clothes for her if I were awake? A woman like her needs to be taught a lesson. There is no way I would buy even a blade of grass for her.

With a sigh, Wynonna continued, "Which is why there is no point in marrying into a rich family. Though I get to live in a large house and eat lots of expensive and tasty food, I don't have anything that truly belongs to me…"

Once again she thought about how her father, Charles, had been sent to prison. She understood even better now that whether her parents or husband were rich, as a woman, she should never lose her ability to earn a living.

Wynonna spent the entire night pondering what she could do in the future to be financially independent. As she thought about it, she somehow drifted off to sleep. As she slept, she again subconsciously moved close to the very slender man next to her and treated him as a pillow.

Feeling her warm and humid breath, which had the scent of alcohol, on his neck, Shane slowly opened his long, narrow eyes, holding his gaze for a moment on her face that was deep in sleep, then slowly closed his eyes.

This little lass had soft, warm body, which gave off a very fresh and natural fragrance, as innocent and pure as her face. Somehow, that caused his heart to calm down.

That night, Shane was again able to sleep all the way until dawn.

This would never have happened in the past. He usually could not sleep for three to five days at a time, and when he did, it would be a few hours of shallow sleep. However, since this woman had come, he'd slept well for two days in a row.

The first time he slept after holding her could be brushed off as a coincidence, but for him to sleep for two consecutive nights could no longer be a coincidence.

He had no idea what sort of magical power her body possessed that could treat his years of insomnia…

The early morning sun shone its light onto the young girl's fair and radiant face. He could not help but take a longer look. Finally, his gaze stopped on the well-washed and slightly faded pajamas she wore…

Her smooth skin was flawless like a high-quality piece of beautiful jade but was wrapped in a piece of such low-quality cloth. That caused him to feel pity in his heart.

Usually, Shane would be in a better mood when he had had a good sleep. When he thought again about that young girl's complaints about him last night, he furrowed his eyebrows and picked up his cell phone, then sent Alan a message that said, "Buy some clothes for that woman and send them here now."

Alan was awoken from his sleep early in the morning by the sound of the message alert. After reading the message on his cell phone, he rubbed his eyes, wondering if he was dreaming.

A man of steel who was as cold-blooded and heartless as Shane would actually want to buy clothing for a woman? This world is a mystery, he mused.


Wynonna woke up very early because she wanted to focus on making money and be financially independent, so she did not dare to sleep in. After a quick freshening up, she turned on the computer to continue searching for a job.

The moment after she left, Shane's arms felt empty and the bed was no longer as warm. He frowned involuntarily.

At exactly eight in the morning, Uncle Ben delivered breakfast. He was a little surprised to see Wynonna checking out a job search website and asked, "Ms. Sinclair, are you looking for a job?"

Wynonna laughed awkwardly and answered, "Yes. Although my father is now out of prison, he is too old to work, and I still need to pay for my grandfather's medical bills after his surgery…"

In the past, when she'd still been a rich man's daughter, she had an endless amount of money to spend and thought that money came easy. Now, she finally realized how difficult life was and how there are many people in the world who could barely make ends meet.

"If you are in need of money, I can help you ask Mrs. Muller," said Uncle Ben. He looked at how thin and delicate this little lass was. At her age, she should be living a carefree life and not support her entire family's expenses, so he could not help but feel sorry for her.

"Thank you, Uncle Ben, but…you do not have to go through the trouble," Wynonna quickly replied and lowered her head. "The Muller family has already helped me a lot and has also given me what they had promised. I do not want to ask for more money…"

Her father had taught her since she was little to be contented, or else other people would despise her.

"Alright." Uncle Ben let out a sigh at what she'd said. He happened to glance at Shane, noticed his clothes had been changed, and asked, "Did you change Mr. Muller's clothes?"

"Yes, I did," Wynonna answered. She recalled how she'd thrown up all over Shane the night before and sheepishly made up a story. "I… I have heard that Mr. Muller is obsessed with cleanliness, so last night, when I saw that Mr. Muller had worn the same pajamas the entire day, I changed them for him."

That reason sounded very good and noble and showed how meticulous she was toward Shane. She secretly gave herself a pat on the back for her quick thinking.

"Oh? I have always been the one to change Mr. Muller's clothes every morning," Uncle Ben explained. Then, as if a sudden thought came to mind, he continued, "Since it is convenient for you, I will let you do it from now on."

Her diligence and attentiveness made him like this little lass more and more.

Wynonna did not know how to respond.

She had made her own bed and would have to lie in it, even if it made her cry.

Uncle Ben then looked down at the bowl of porridge in his hands, gave her an ambiguous smile, and said, "I shall also let you take over the task of feeding Mr. Shane. Maybe if you feed him, he he will eat a little faster."

"Uncle Ben, you are too kind. These are tasks that I should be doing," said Wynonna as she took the bowl of porridge from his hands. In her heart, however, she did not understand why Shane would eat faster if she was the one who fed him instead of Uncle Ben.

After Uncle Ben left, she tried feeding Shane a few mouthfuls.

Because Shane was in a coma, the Muller family had a simmered medicinal herbs into a thick porridge for him. No matter how patient she was in feeding him a small mouthful at a time, at least half of the porridge would spill out each time.

Wynonna could only keep using pieces of tissue paper to wipe it up. After thirty minutes, she had only managed to feed him a third of the bowl. Feeling discouraged, she put down the bowl.

She could have secretly thrown the porridge away since nobody was watching her feed him, but she could not bring herself to do that after receiving so much help from the Muller family because she was such a kind-hearted little angel.

Feeling at a loss, she took out her cell phone, Googled 'how to feed a person in a coma', and found the correct method.

The best answer given by people online was to feed from mouth to mouth.

Wynonna's face flushed red instantly as it dawned on her the true meaning of what Uncle Ben had said before he left.

She was not one to argue, so she silently said to herself, We have already kissed each other, so what is there to be afraid of? I'll just treat it as being bitten by a dog. There is no difference between being bitten once or multiple times.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to take advantage of you. I simply want you to eat more," she said a little nervously to Shane, who had his eyes closed. She stared at the man's perfectly shaped thin lips.

Shane was suddenly struck with a bad premonition.

Although she had only been here for two days, he already knew her trick. Whenever she started off with 'I'm sorry, I don't mean to,' something bad would follow.

The very next second, he felt two warm things touch his lips, then a mouthful of porridge went into his mouth.