Are They That Refined?

Shane clenched his fists involuntarily when he finally realized what this woman had done to him!

Why were the women he had been meeting recently all so bold that each of them forced themselves on him at his weakest?

The first was the woman he'd met at the parking lot. At that time, he'd been poisoned, and his mind was foggy, so that did not leave too much of an impression, but this time, he was very much awake!

The young girl's breath had a faint fruity fragrance and was as tasty as jelly. Almost without thinking, his throat moved and he swallowed the entire mouthful of porridge.

Wynonna felt a little embarrassed at first, but when she saw him swallow all, she plucked up her courage and continued with the second mouthful, then the third…

Shane had no idea what came over him. He usually did not like the herbal porridge his family prepared for him and would always spit it out whenever someone fed it to him, but this time, he did not find the medicinal porridge as difficult to swallow.

Wynonna had finished feeding him about half the bowl when there was a sudden knock on the door followed by Alan's voice. "Ms. Sinclair, are you awake? I'm Alan Foster, Mr. Muller's secretary."

The voice startled Wynonna, and she quickly sat up straight and wiped the corners of her lips with the back of her hand before opening the door. "Good morning, Mr. Foster," she greeted.

Shane felt coldness on his lips and frowned subconsciously.

Alan entered the room with several large bags and respectfully said to Wynonna, "Ms. Sinclair, I have prepared these clothes for you."

Wynonna looked at the exquisite shopping bags in surprise. She used to be a rich man's daughter and knew that they were all very expensive brands.

Alan added, "You are now Mr. Muller's wife, so it is only natural for you to dress up more presentably."

"Thank you, Mr. Foster." Wynonna quickly thanked him. "You are very considerate."

She had just worried about not having enough clothes to change into when Alan came to deliver these. Are such coincidences really possible? she silently asked herself.

"Ms. Sinclair, you are welcome," said Alan. He discreetly wiped away the cold sweat from his forehead. The room temperature felt like it had dropped several degrees suddenly. "Would you like to try them on to see if they fit?"

"Alright. Thank you for going through the trouble," said Wynonna. She then took all the shopping bags to the bathroom.

Not long after she had stepped into the bathroom, Alan's cell phone rang. He looked at the number and answered immediately. "Do you have the DNA and fingerprint results?"

Searching for that woman was a top-secret operation, but besides Mr. Muller, Ms. Sinclair was the only other person in the room.

Ms. Sinclair was such a meek and cute little lass that she could not possibly have had anything to do with that incident, so it would not matter even if she overheard them.

The caller answered, "Mr. Foster, the person in charge of the testing said that the eyebrow tweezer must have been used by many people because there are too many sets of DNA and fingerprints, so he cannot obtain results so soon. It will take at least two to three months…"

Alan lowered his eyes a little behind his glasses. "We need to wait that much longer? We can't just wait and do nothing. The video showed that she was wearing an Ocean Sky karaoke lounge uniform. Get a copy of all their staff's information and compare to see if any of them fit the description of that woman."

The caller respectfully replied, "Yes. I will do that immediately."

Alan looked like he thought of something, quickly stopped him, and said, "Forget it. I will attend to that personally. You only need to focus on the DNA and fingerprints tests and hurry them to send a report."

His boss was so concerned about this incident that he thought that it was better for him to go personally, just in case they missed out on anyone.

Wynonna overheard the phone conversation from the bathroom very clearly and was shivering with fright…

Luckily for her, she was so poor that she had rented a basement room with a group of other women. They would sometimes share skincare products and small tools, hence that eyebrow tweezer had many people's fingerprints and DNA.

She had thought that since Shane was in a coma, nobody would pursue that incident. She did not think that he had instructed the people under him to locate her before slipping into a coma.

Left lying next to the washstand, Wynonna's cell phone's screen lit up while she was still out of her wits. It was a text message from the Ocean Sky karaoke lounge manager…

She immediately read the text message, which read: Wynonna, I don't care if you quit, but at least return your uniform before leaving!

That manager was a miser. When he first handed out the uniform, he emphasized over and over that they had to return the uniform when they quit for other new staff to wear.

Wynonna felt aghast because it was a flimsy T-shirt that was not absorbent enough to even be used as a rag!

She had no intention of replying to that text message, but when she thought of Alan's phone conversation, she had to think of a way for the manager to keep her employment a secret before Alan got to the karaoke lounge to catch her.

Hence, she took a deep breath and replied to the manager: Mr. Wilson, please don't worry. I will bring it over to you.

After sending the message, Wynonna walked out of the bathroom, saw that Alan had finished his phone call, and very politely said, "Mr. Foster, I just remembered that I have an urgent matter to attend to. Would you be able to stay here and take care of Mr. Muller for a while?"

The little lass had a very sweet and gentle voice and looked at others with large, sparkling eyes, and her face looked so expectant and pleading that it was very difficult to reject her.

Alan nodded his head. "No problem. You go ahead and attend to your business."

"Thank you, Mr. Foster!" Wynonna gave him a sweet smile and flattered him/ "You are such a handsome and kind man."

Flattery always works! she thought.

After being flattered by this little lass, Alan felt a little embarrassed, pushed up his black-framed, glasses and said, "Ms. Sinclair, you are welcome."

Wynonna slipped the karaoke lounge's uniform into her bag and left as quickly as she could.

Shane heard the door close and then slowly opened his eyes, first looking at the half-finished bowl of medicinal porridge left on the nightstand, then glared coldly at Alan. "Why did you come so early?"

With a bit of indignation in his voice, Alan quickly replied, "Mr. Muller, didn't you tell me to bring the clothes over quickly?"

He had always carried out his responsibilities well; what had he done wrong?

Shane did not pursue the matter any further, but he still looked rather unhappy as he said, "Get Ocean Sky karaoke lounge's entire staff list and run through every single person on that list. I don't believe I cannot find that woman!"

He had also overheard Alan's phone conversation. He had no patience to wait two to three months for the DNA and fingerprint report.

Over the past few days, he had already thought of a hundred different ways to torment that woman and could not wait any longer.

"Yes, Mr. Muller," Alan replied. His eyes accidentally saw Wynonna's laptop screen, and he could not help but ask, "Ms. Sinclair seems to be looking for a job. Would you like to help her…"

Her computer screen was still lit, and it displayed a job search website.

"Why, after she praised you as handsome and kind, you start speaking up for her?" Shane's eyes, which were as black as midnight sky, moved slightly, and the corners of his mouth curled up in scorn.

That woman sure is something. She flattered my secretary in front of me. Does she think that I'm dead? he angrily wondered.

"I did not mean that. I just thought the little lass was quite pitiful." Alan did not know how he had offended his big boss, so he quickly tried to explain himself.

With a slight sneer, Shane replied, "Hmph, why should I help her?"

Even if he helped her, she would only thank Alan and not thank him.


Wynonna went out and hailed a taxi. Ever since her family had fallen into ruin, she would always take public transport because she could not bear to spend money on a taxi.

But this time, in order to save her own life and not let Shane find her, she decided to splurge on a taxi, and she even generously told the driver, "Sir, could you drive faster? I will pay you extra."

The driver saw that this little lass was pretty and had an exceptionally nice voice, so he drove as fast as he could.

When they had reached Ocean Sky karaoke lounge's entrance, Wynonna gave him a handful of money, thanked him, and quickly got out of the taxi.

The driver stopped by the roadside to count the money only to discover that she had only given ten cents more. He was so angry that he wanted to blare the car horn and curse her. At that moment, a traffic police officer walked over and stuck a ticket on his car window that read: Speeding, $200 fine, three demerit points.

The driver was speechless.

Wynonna entered the karaoke lounge's main hall, but instead of going directly to the manager's office, she went to the bathroom first, took out the cap from her bag, and threw it into the trashcan.

She had thought of it just before leaving the house. On the night she'd slept with Shane, besides the karaoke lounge uniform, she had also worn that cap.

So she had to destroy that d*mning evidence!

She passed a cleaning lady while leaving, who saw the sides of the cap sticking out from under the bin's cover and pulled it out with her hand.

"Tsk tsk, young people now are so wasteful. Why throw away such a good cap?" said the cleaning lady as she placed the cap on her head.

She was also required to wear a cap while cleaning the place, so it came in handy.

Looking at herself in the mirror, the cleaning lady thought it looked very good on her and even made her look younger. Thus, she merrily continued wearing it.


Wynonna went to the manager's office, placed the uniform on the table, and said, "Mr. Wilson, I have already cleaned the uniform. Thank you for taking care of me."

Even though Mr. Wilson was the stingiest boss she had ever met, she knew that she should still be polite to him. She should not burn all her bridges.

Mr. Wilson put the uniform in the drawer and asked. "You were doing well. Why did you quit so suddenly?"

This little lass was pretty and hardworking. All the customers had left good reviews about her.

Wynonna had been waiting for him to ask that. She immediately squeezed a few tears and made up a story.

"Mr. Wilson, I had no choice! My father owes some illegal moneylenders. A few days ago, the debt collection company tried to stop me on my way here, and since then, they have been looking for me in this area.

"Today, I risked my life to return this uniform. If, and I mean a big if, they ever come here, please don't tell them that I used to work here. You stand to gain nothing if they were to trash this place…"

With that, when Shane's men later came looking for her. Mr. Wilson would not give her away.

As she had expected, Mr. Wilson was so frightened by what she said that he told her, "Why didn't you say so earlier? Then I would have made you courier the uniform back! Why are you still standing here? Get out now!"

"Ok, ok, Mr. Wilson. Goodbye." Wynonna saw that she had accomplished her goal and left quickly.

Not long after she left, Alan and a few bodyguards in white shirts and black suits came to the Ocean Sky karaoke lounge.

Because Wynonna had instructed Mr. Wilson beforehand, he was already prepared for their arrival and was not the least surprised. But he did wonder if debt collectors looked so refined these days.

"Show me a list of all your staff and gather all of them here now." Alan did not make any small talk and went straight to the point.