Chapter 44 : The Death Of A Friend

*Amelia's POV*

James had interrupted an intimate moment between Adrian and me, and I was mortified. I walked into a different room, away from the two men, and opened a window to get some fresh air. The night air entered my lungs quickly, making them expand as it rushed in. I took deep breaths and tried to focus on grounding myself.

I was fucking pissed at Adrian for how he had treated me the last time we saw each other, so how did he have me falling over myself at the chance to kiss him? He hadn't even initiated anything in the bedroom, I did it of my own volition. Was this Stockholm Syndrome or what? I didn't understand how I had gotten so emotionally involved with him, the man without emotions.

I did see a glimmer in his eyes when he thanked me for saving him, though. There was something there, he felt the same things I was feeling. I was sure of it. My thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the sound of scuffling and shouting behind me.