Chapter 45 : Federal Jurisdiction

*Amelia’s POV*

Sirens wailed as the cop cars, ambulances, and firetrucks careened around the corner and pulled up in front of the building. Numbly, I stood in the dew-wet grass of the early morning and watched as emergency responders approached us. The men who had helped us rescue Adrian had left because James had said it was too suspicious for civilians to have an armed SWAT team. It was just Nina, James, Adrian, and me standing and waiting to be questioned.

We had readied our story, and then James called it into the local precinct. He had told them we had gotten a call to come pick Adrian up from the address. Bill had already tied up the men from MID and was holding Adrian hostage, but we didn’t know it until we got there. There had been a struggle, and Bill was killed. The men from MID may have a conflicting story, but they were criminals, so it would be their word against ours. We just needed to stay consistent.