Chapter 27 : Enough is Enough

*Ava’s POV*

Seymore walks out the door and I hurry around the corner to confront Dr. Davies. My father has been a pain in my life for a while. I feel bad for him, so I stay. Everyone else left him and his impossible ego years ago. First Nick, leaving permanently, and then Mom.

Ellie has been telling me to stand up to him for years. She told me that it sucks when family is toxic, but you need to cut them off like you would any other toxic person.

“What did you do?” I snap, anger in the back of my throat.

He shakes his head and slowly walks down the steps toward me. Even his walk is condescending, and I’m made to wait for an answer until he’s ready. Today isn’t a day for dramatics. Seymore was upset, even if he tried to mask it with a smile. He puts the need to comfort me above all else, and I love that.

“Ava, you won’t understand,” Desmond says, walking over to my desk. “You’ll think I’m trying to control your life when all I’m doing is protecting you.”