Chapter 28 : Together Again

*Seymore’s POV*

I’d been nervous walking out to Marcus and Ava. I thought for sure she was going to be mad at me for keeping something from her. It wasn’t that I didn’t want her to know, I just never really thought about telling her. The point of a bodyguard is to have protection no one knows about. She handled it well, making honesty moving forward a little easier to provide.

I hadn’t expected Ava to be so eager to help me with the injured dog. I know she loves what she does at the shelter, but not many people want to put the extra effort in at home. The thought of her coming over to help with Goldie opened up a whole new possibility I hadn’t considered.

As they bring out the dog, I watch as Ava wobbles a little on her feet. I hadn’t considered preparing her for the condition of the Golden. They had shaved around her neck to remove the collar. Some of the larger mats had been shaven out as well. The poor creature looks a mess with pieces of her coat missing here and there.