Chapter 49 : Picking up the Pieces

*Seymore’s POV*

Once I can no longer hear all the emergency vehicles, I pull back onto the road and head for the house. This isn’t over yet, but at least we are all together again. Marcus calls Doc and Ellie to let them know we have Ava and are going to my place. There’s no telling what Duncan will do once he finds out his head henchman is out of commission.

“Lock yourselves in and don’t open the door for anyone,” Marcus instructs each of them before hanging up.

“When we get to the house we need to do a sweep and then barricade the doors,” I explain while turning down my street.

Talking makes my neck throb. I’m hoping Corbin didn’t do any permanent damage with the death grip he had on me. Looking in the rearview mirror, I can see redness along Marcus’ neck.

As we get closer to the drive, the white car from the other day is parked in the street.

“Marcus,” I growl, drawing his attention to the car.

“Give me a break,” he huffs from the backseat.