Chapter 50 : Moving Day

***Three Months Later

The last few months have been a blur as Ava and I move forward with building a life together. I love waking up to her every day, afternoon sex is amazing, and holding her in my arms at night is the only way I can fall asleep.

“Are you almost ready?” Ava yells from the kitchen.

“Almost,” I answer, finishing up getting dressed.

Zeus and Goldie run into the bedroom, excited about the day ahead. They will be getting dropped off at Doc’s place while we help Sophia and Ellie move. We also need to get all of Ava’s things out of her condo and into our house.

“Come on, you two. Time to go see Grandpa Doc!” I holler as I walk down the hall.

Ava started calling him that because he spoils the dogs like they were his own grandchildren. They have more toys and comfy beds at his place than ours.

We pile into the SUV and take off, eager to get the day going.

“Did you remember to grab the bottle of wine out of the fridge?” I ask Ava as we drive into the city.