Death: Lakyus V Clementine

"Lakyus we have a problem!"

The masked woman descended from the sky and spoke, despite the danger regarding the situation, her voice was calm and held no hint of urgency.

"What is it Evil eye?"

"I'm sensing massive amounts of Negative energy directly at the cemetery, it's dangerous to let something like negative energy permeate in the air for too long, for now it's focused on a single area but soon it will spread"

Evil eye explained with severity in her voice becoming more apparent. Her petite frame was covered in a crimson red cloak, and she wore a mask hiding her face. Her words caused Lakyus to frown, bringing so many people may have been faulty, Negative energy is very dangerous to living beings. As an energy that brings the dead back to life, it robs those who are alive of their life force, so if one is exposed to it for too long they'll end up dead.

"Lady Lakyus, I take it the area with the high concentration of negative energy is where the mastermind for all this is located?"

"Yes most likely, the fewer people that attack that place, the less casualties among the troops"

"I see, me and my troop will help the people, and since the lady evil eye seems to be the expert I take it, it's alright to it up your team"

Lakyus nodded however before she could speak the sound of something crashing loudly on to something interrupted her and caused everyone to suddenly turn their heads toward the adventurers guild, they saw smoke and right after such an explosion the sounds of a horses echoed as they got closer and closer, everyone waited for a few seconds until they finally saw the horse.

"looks like Sir Arthur has already begun the rescue, Let's move people!!! and clear the way for the horse"

Gazeff ordered and they began to move, there was no need to stop the on coming horse so they just let it pass through, it seemed that Arthur chose to prioritize children first as they saw the horse carrying 5 children.

While the horses galloped, Lakyus gestured to her teammates to lead their horses near her and began to tell them the plan. Aside from Her and Evil eye the other 3 members were just below Adamantite class meaning that there are things they couldn't handle and had to leave it to the other two, which was what Lakyus has planned to do.

"sorry to have to side line you like this."

She apologized, as Team leader she knew the strength and weaknesses of her comrades and understood what they were capable of however she still felt a bit bad having them to not participate properly in the subjugation of an enemy, plus this wasn't a proper quest so there should be no issue of unfairness.

"Don't worry about it. If the situation is that dangerous, then we can only leave it up to two. We'll do our best on this side of things."

Gagaran informed and the twins seemed to agree with her, as adventurer they knew what they can and cannot do as such as a team they needed to allow those with the ability to step in and do what they can't, that is how you work a team. As members of an Adamantite class party, they couldn't be reckless and insist when they knew they could do nothing.


She stood atop the gates that lead into the cemetery and watched the beautiful scenery of fire and destruction. She saw the undead puppets moved at the command of their master in order to fulfill their purpose. The undead were far from finished with their mission of killing all life within the city and she was getting massively bored, she could not truly believe that there were zero people who were strong enough to make to her location, after all the undead were simple skeletons that even copper plate adventurers could take down so why is it that no one worthy of torturing has arrived yet? Even if they have lured the more skill adventurers to the Katze plains it there should be at least someone strong enough to get here already.

Standing over their gates and walls that served to separate rest of the city from the cemetery and watching was not something she was keen on doing. She wanted to hear the screams of the suffering more closely and clearly.

"so fucking boring"

She exclaimed, at the start of all this she had be happy her and satisfied of the events that were unfolding however that was a while ago, she now found her excitement having completely vanished and so to remedy that she thought it would be good to at least participate in the beautiful massacre, and so she jumped down from her elevated position, landing the ground she was about to use a martial art in order to sprint however she quickly held that thought she heard the sound of footsteps and a malicious and devilish tooth grin marred her face, they were here the poor souls who came only to be her torture subjects.


Both Evil eye and Lakyus moved at top speeds as they ran towards the Cemetery and the location of the mastermind of this whole ordeal, neither of them used the [flight] spell as they had reasoned that with the amount of negative energy that Evil eye sensed they were probably going to run into a powerful Necromancer or a powerful Lich and if that is the case they need all the necessary magic power in order to win.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

Evil eye asked as she kept pace with her team leader, her face always hidden behind the mask and her tone always sounding calm and controlled, she was the type that always kept her calm and you could easily guess that her face always held a stoic expression. Her question to Lakyus was not one that she asked out of concern that they might not be able to defeat the foe without their full team instead it was because her team leader proposed a rather daring idea, one that will prove fatal if careless.

"Of course I am, Evil Eye. You're the expert when it comes to the arcane arts and because of that you'll need every bit of your mana to capture the enemy and specifically because the enemy quite possibly might be a lich that I propose that idea"

She explained, the idea was that, both would face the foe with Lakyus being the vanguard, this was a typical strategy that they used more often than not how this time the circumstances were different, the enemy uses negative energy which is something dangerous to living beings like Lakyus so in order to properly have a good chance Evil eye would have to use a few spells to protect, Lakyus but unfortunately the team leader is against that idea.

It's also worth noting that they planned to capture the enemy, due to their ties to the organization Zurrernorn, the princess was certain that whoever orchestrated this attack on E-Rantel was most likely just a single branch of the organization as such it is imperative that they extract all the necessary information from them.

"I understand what you mean, but it's too risky and dangerous, I have more than enough magic for us to defeat the enemy without issue"

Evil eye countered, the two of them were running while also dispatching any undead that they came across, considering that it was just skeletons they did not even need to slow down their pace, they were also manoeuvring around houses and buildings as an attempt to search and find any civilians but unfortunately they found only corpses. As they ran they did a sharp turn exiting an alley and into the wide open street.

"This is–"

Lakyus was immediately interrupted by a dagger that flew straight at her and on pure instinct as an Adamantite adventurer she evaded by jumping to the side however while their attention was distracted by the dagger, Clementine had immediately closed the distance and delivered a powerful kick at Lakyus' torso sending her flying back before doing a spin and delivering another swift kick at Evil Eye who simply evaded the kick and jumped back a few meters.

While that exchange happened Lakyus had quickly recovered from the kick and in a burst of speed she closed the distance with Clementine and swung her sword at the assailant's waist only for her dodge it by jumping over Lakyus and doing a back flip however Lakyus was quick on her feet, before Clementine could land she spun around and swung her sword again. Unfortunately Clementine having ninja like reflexes, reacted quickly and used both her feet to jump off the flat part of her sword and launched herself a few meters away opening the distance once again.

"You got it"

Was all Evil eye needed to hear before sprinting towards the cemetery, which was the primary purpose. The main priority her was to get to the person that controls the undead, capture them and force them to undo the spell.

With only a single glance the two of them were able to know that their attacker was merely a henchmen. Lakyus will easily dispatch her and meet up with Evil eye once she's done.

"I suppose I can let one of you through, just to give Khaji-Chan something to do"

Clementine comments as she stared at Lakyus, Clementine was for the most part impressed that ambush was not anything special but the fact that the two were able quickly make the decision of how stay and who fights with barely any words was something impressive of course that only skews the odd in her favour. the Blue rose leader quickly took note of that, she was being underestimated and the enemy was arrogant something that gave her an advantage.

'an arrogant foe may be worse than a foolish ally, so they say'

She thought as she took a proper fighting stance


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