KC Collection

Sarah's POV:

The lady looked at me weirdly, and that was when I realized I had just said that out loud. I cleared my throat and looked somewhere else. "Anthony gave me back my tasks," I answered.

"But you didn't want any tasks."

"I want it" only if she knew how happy this made me, and Anthony was trying to punish me by giving me a task, only if he knew.

"But I am already working on the outfits for the KC event; what will you work on now?"

I thought for a while; Anthony had told me to work on the KC event as well. "Is it only one person responsible for the event?" I don't think such an event can be handled by only one person.

"I am capable of handling it alone, so go back to your fun life and let me, okay?" She didn't wait for my reply before leaving. This just died down my working spirit. I was so happy about the collections, and now I won't even have a chance to design.

With a sad face, I sat on the desk when Unise walked in with a plastic bag. "I got everything. Which poor man are we feeding?"

I raised a brow, confused. Noticing my confused look, she pointed at the plastic bag. "You asked for bread and corn," she stated. Oh, why would she think it was to feed a poor man?

"Give me," I extended my hand, and she gave me. I took out the boiled corn and started eating it. As I chewed the corn, I had a wide smile. For two days now, I have eaten what is far from food. This was great, and I will cook my meal today.

"Are you eating corn?" Unise questioned, and I frowned.

"Does it look like I am eating meat?"

She rushed and closed the door before pulling the chair and sitting close to me. "You can tell me your secret; it will be safe with me," she whispered, and I choked before coughing out loud.

Unise handed the container of water to me, and I gulped it before staring at her. "Which secret?"

"Are you pregnant?"

"Unise!!!" I scolded her, and she quickly stood up. How can Elma have such an irritating assistant when she is irritating as well?

"Forgive me, so should I get you some design sheets and pencils?" She asked anxiously, and I nodded. Unise turned on her heels and left quickly.

Luckily, she bought three corns, so I was able to eat to my satisfaction, and I also ate some bread and cheese. I was a foodie, unlike Elma, who ate so little and called it food, only if the maids in her house could understand that, but changing Elma's eating habits home would make everyone suspicious.

I was done eating and washed my hands before staring at the blank drawing paper and pencils. Unise stood there looking at me, and I got nervous. I was not Elma; Elma is the senior designer of such a big fashion company, and her parents are partners with Watson's.

Also, she is an amazing fashion influencer; young girls and adults copy her style. If she wears a t-shirt on a gown, then it will immediately become a fashion trend. I could pretend to be a wife to her husband, a mother to her kids, and even a daughter to her parents, but could I pretend to be a great designer like her?

"Maybe I should let Ms. Nel handle it," I thought inwardly before dropping the pencil and leaning on the chair.

"What happened?" Unise asked, and I shook my head.

"You know what? You can go back home... I am fine here," I said, After all, it was Sunday, and she didn't need to be stuck in the office with me.

"Are you serious? I could go home now." She asked, overjoyed, and I nodded.

"Leave before I change my mind."

She hurriedly picked up her bag and left, and I dialed Elma's number, and it got connected.

"Sarah! Stop calling me daily; I am not your boyfriend," she scolded, and I had to pull the phone far from my ears before she burst my eardrums.

"I am calling because of the KC event."

"Nel and Anthony will handle that; just stay the fuck away from that. It's a big event, and it's better if I don't give out any designs than to give out some trash that you will draw. Don't mess with my career," she interrupted me, and this made me sad.

No one ever believed in my ability to design, which is why I ended up cutting fabrics in shops instead of designing one.

"Uhm… Anthony said you should work on it , he might fire you if you don't "

Elma laughed out loud. "Are you stupid? He can't fire me; our families own that company. I have to go now, and as I said, don't do anything I won't do. Just stay closed," she said, and she hung up immediately after I heard a man's voice.

Was she with a man? I shook the thought away; it was none of my concern.

I took the paper and decided to draw something, and I would have to do it like Elma said. I will let Ms. Nel handle the designs.


I had drawn more than eight pages of a kid's complete outfit. I checked the time, and it was already 7 p.m.; I was starving to death. So I packed my bag and stood up to leave when I heard some noises.

"Ms. Nel," I called out because she was the only one in the office with me.

But there was no reply: "Who is there, Jude?" Maybe it was the driver, but then I slowly walked to Ms. Nel's office and noticed that it was locked. She has already left.


There was a loud sound, and I got alerted. Slowly, I walked towards the big office, which is Anthony's. I pushed the door and walked in when I found Anthony on his couch with a first-aid kit.

"It's you," I finally sighed in relief. For a moment, I thought a thief had come in here.

Then there was blood on the floor, and he dabbed his hand with a tissue. "How did you injure yourself?"

"None of your business."

"Let me see." I walked closer and checked his injury; it wasn't so deep.

"It's not that deep."

"You think?" He sneered. Kids in my area get worse injuries than this, so it's already normal in my community.

Then he took out a bandage and tried wrapping his hand, but it was a little impossible to do that with his left hand. "I can help."

"And what will be your reward? A lingerie?" He scoffed, and I clenched my fist.

Why is he still talking about that? Isn't his relationship with Elma already over, so why does her business interest him a lot?