Are You Sure He Is My Father?

Elma's POV:

I had to leave my trip early and come back to this town because of something important, but before showing up, I needed Sarah to leave first. Then there was a knock on the door, and I peeped outside before opening, and there stood Sarah.

"What took you so long?" I asked, and she rolled her eyes.

"I am not a robot."

"Whatever, let's exchange clothes," I said, and she shook her head in denial. "Mara is dead," Sarah said, and I raised a brow, confused.

"Who is Mara?"

"My best friend"

"And what has her death got to do with the clothes?" I asked with an irritated tone.

"She died because of the disease; your doctors couldn't save her."

"Can you hear yourself speaking? My doctors help save your friends, but they don't guarantee their lives; without them, you would have lost more. Just shut up and give me my clothes."I already had a headache, and she was trying to add to it.

She stared at me without reacting; this got me pissed. "Sarah," I scolded before she took off the clothes and I slipped into them.

"Stay in this hotel room; I will be back before night, and you will go back to being me." Then I took my phone from her before walking to the door.

"And, oh, how does it feel to be in my shoes?" I couldn't help but ask. Sarah sneered.

"It feels like hell."

"I know right." I smiled and left; she was right. My life was filled with depressing stuff, and that's why I just wanted to leave it all behind and go for good.

I got downstairs and found the driver leaning by the car. "How many times have I told you to drive me with better cars and not this cheap Audi 4?" I scolded him, and he looked at me.

"Open the door," I scoffed, and he did before I got in. He sat on the driver's seat and drove out.

"To my father's enterprise," I ordered, and I am sure Anthony was there already. Luckily, I had someone give me information from within the company; otherwise, how was I going to know that today was the day my father intended to share his properties?

He even called Anthony but didn't call me; I was his daughter and not him. No matter what, I need to have a share from him. To live my happy divorced life, I need money.

Not long after, we arrived at the company, and I walked in and went straight to the conference room.

"They are inside," the young lady who was in charge of giving me information said. I smiled at her before pushing the door.

"Elma," they all turned their attention to me. The room was filled with Dad, Mom, George, Ken, and Anthony.

I smiled at them before sitting next to George. I had missed this caring brother of mine. "Good morning," I said, and I could see my father clench his fist.

"What are you doing here?" He questioned me, and I feigned to be surprised.

"Forgive me; I thought it was a family meetup. Wait, no, it is a family meetup, but I thought I was family," I explained in a painful tone before standing up.

"I am sorry for showing up." My voice was filled with sadness, as I expected them to sympathize with me. Then I turned and slowly walked to the door while praying that someone should stop me.

I held the doorknob and pushed it. "She is our daughter; let her stay," my mother said, and I smiled, but I was still angry at them all for trying to cut me off.

"Elma, you are family," George said as well before he walked towards me.

"If Anthony is here, then she has as much right to be here," said George. My father nodded, and I walked back to my seat with George.

"If it were up to me, I wouldn't even want to see her feet in this enterprise." Ken sneered, and I rolled my eyes. "It's not like your opinion ever mattered," I muttered, and he frowned at me.

"I will continue," my father said, and I nodded.

"The shares belong to me and Anthony's dad; we had promised to share them equally with our kids when the time came, but he left us halfway," he explained with a sad tone. I could also see the sadness on Anthony's face.

"And seeing that it's my seventy birthday next week, it's time to share the company shares... but I will say this while it's still early. George will get a share for him and his family; Ken will get a share for him and his family as well; and the same goes for Anthony."

I furrowed my brow, not able to understand what he meant. "And Elma?" Mother asked, and I gritted my teeth, anticipating his answer.

"Megan Tyler won't give a share to a woman," he blurted, and I clenched my fist angrily. I tried so hard to control my anger, but I was boiling and couldn't hold it.

"Even if that woman is your only daughter?" I questioned.

"That's why I will give a bigger share to your husband."

"I am getting divorced."

"Then fix your marriage," he scolded, and I frowned before standing up. George held my hand. "We will fix things," he assured me, but I knew he was only saying this because he wanted a peaceful environment.

"Tell the truth, Mother, is this man my father?" I asked angrily, and they all looked at me shocked.

"Elma," Anthony called, but I frowned at him. I felt disgusted every time I saw his face because, like Kim, he also reminded me of my mistake and how I ruined my life.

"This man here had forced me to get married at the age of sixteen, all because I got pregnant. He had asked for a second grandchild, and I gave it to him. He wanted me to create a name for myself, and here it is... I am a worldwide fashion influencer, but he says he won't give his shares to a woman."

"Elma, calm down," my mother said, but I shook my head in denial as a tear rolled down my cheek, but I wiped it away. I had promised myself that there would be no more tears. No one was going to walk on me, and if indeed they walked on me, then they wouldn't be leaving without an injury.

"I had almost died when giving birth to Kim; he didn't think it was risky sending a sixteen-year-old girl into maternity. I felt the worst pain of my life that day just because of men." I breathed heavily. If I can't get what I want easily, then I will get forcefully because I am Elma Wistold.