She Is Selfish

Sarah's POV:

I walked back into the mansion when Anthony walked down his car, and I decided to do as Elma said. Avoid Anthony at all costs.

"Who was that?" He asked directly, and I didn't say anything. Kim will be in big trouble if her dad finds out about her love life.

"Why didn't you take Kim to the hospital? If you are around, then why did the maids call me?" His questions didn't end as we both walked to Kim's room.

"You won't talk now? You had a lot to say earlier in front of your parents," he sneered.

"In front of my parents?" When did I meet with Elma's parents? And just then I remembered that Elma was here; I don't even want to know what she came here to do.

"Have you forgotten?" Anthony asked, and I shook my head. "I will cook up some medicine for Kim." I excused myself and turned to leave when he held my hand and pulled me back.

"What did you say you were going to do?"

"Make medicine," I answered and he clicked his tongue. In less than three seconds, I found myself leaning against the wall as Anthony had pushed me against it, and he pinned my hands to the wall.

"What's happening to you?"

"Leave me." I was so pissed that I tried releasing my hands from his grip but to no avail.

"How could you say I am the person you hate the most? We are married," he said with gritted teeth. I looked into his eyes, and I felt bad. It's like he was feeling a lot of pain; did Elma say that to him?

"We are getting divorced," I muttered in a low tone, and he punched the wall next to me.

"Still, even if we are getting divorced, does that make me a monster?"

"You are angry now."

"I am having a normal reaction," he stated, and I tried pushing him away from me, but he was way too strong.

"What happened to you?" He asked again, but I didn't reply.

"We are going to talk tonight," he said before freeing me and walking to Kim's room.

I held my wrist before pouting. What did Elma do or say this time around? I am always the one being pulled or slapped when she does something.

I walked downstairs and got to the kitchen before heating water. I was going to make a simple remedy my mom always makes for me when I am sick.

It was more than ten minutes, and I was done. I filled the glass with lemon-green content when Bernadette walked towards me.

"Ma'am, Mr. Martinez is here to see you," she said, and I frowned. Why will Jacob come here to see me?

"I will be there." Then my mind drifted to Elma; she had pushed me angrily and warned me not to double-cross her. Did she talk with Jacob?

"Uhm, Bernadette," I called "Please take this to Kim," I pleaded before handing the glass to her, and she left.

So I walked to the sitting room and found Jacob sitting on the sofa while reading a magazine. "You know Elma doesn't do the kitchen, right?" he questioned without raising his head.

"I am Elma," I said and he looked up at me. After scanning me for a while, he shook his head in denial.

"No, you are Sarah," he replied.

"And how are you able to differentiate?" Anthony and the kids couldn't even tell; Elma's family was clueless as well, and sometimes I believed Elma was me; the way we looked was just so identical.

"The aura: Elma walks around with an invincible crown on her head," Jacob answered. That's right.

"Why did you come to see me?" I sat facing him.

"I want coffee; let's head out."

"I can't; Kim is sick."

"And how is that your business? If you want to be Elma, then stop caring about things she wouldn't care about."

I frowned at him. "So Elma doesn't care for her kids?"

"She does, but when Anthony takes charge, then she doesn't bother."

"Elma," Anthony called from upstairs. He looked down at us with a frown.

"Come up," he added.

"Don't go; Elma wouldn't respect him," Jacob said with a low tone, and I thought for a while before standing up.

"Of course," I responded before turning to Jacob and saying, "I will be back."

Once I got upstairs, I saw Anthony leaning against the wall with a frustrated and tiring look. "What happened?" I questioned.

"Did you go to the office this morning?" Anthony asked instead; I don't know because Elma didn't tell me the places she went.

"All the designs are ruined; we have just a short time for the KC event."

"And you think I ruined it?" I asked in disbelief, Why on earth will I ruin some drawings?

"I didn't say so, just... Nel said you were at the company."

"She was at the company as well; couldn't she have done it?" His words made me chuckle. What type of man was Elma married to?

"She wouldn't do such; it's her design."

"Okay, let me get this straight: you believe in Nel but not in your wife?"

"Because I know what you are capable of."

"Elma wouldn't do that," a voice echoed from the left. We both turned to find Jacob standing there.

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but your house phone has been ringing," he said, and I looked downstairs, I didn't hear the fixed phone ringing.

"Anthony, you can't keep accusing Elma all the time," he added.

"And that's none of your business," Anthony answered angrily.

"You are right; instead of looking for someone to accuse, Why don't you put Elma in charge of the event? She is very capable of pulling this off in a short period," Jacob suggested, and I frowned.

What does he mean by letting me be in charge of the event? And from the way Anthony looked at me, it could be seen that he was considering it.

"She has a lot of spare time, so don't let her do crazy, unnecessary stuff and make her busy," Jacob kept trying to convince Anthony.

"No, there is no need..."

"I agree," Anthony butted in.

"From today on, you are the senior designer in charge of this event; any design to be used will pass through you first before being created. This is on you now, Elma; don't mess up. I will deal with other company matters," he explained before leaving.

I frowned at Jacob. "What the fuck? Elma doesn't want me involved in this."

"Because she is selfish and doesn't want you to make a name for yourself, you could register all your collections in your name. That way, you will have something to do when you are back to Sarah," Jacob explained, and I was confused by his words.