99% Compatibility Rate

Dennis was a Modified Combatant. He didn't show any extraordinary skills or great capability at first, and his physical attributes were barely average.

However, unlike a lot of the modified combatants who were either sent by their parents to serve humanity or were donated by orphanage homes, Dennis came here so he could cater to the only family he had left.

John was the only reason Dennis joined the UVS–001 Activation program as a modified Combatant.

John had carried an overwhelming burden thinking that his brother had died because of him, but now he was feeling a little relieved.

He looked at Dennis for the last time with a teary smile.

"Thank you... thank you for not dying."

Tears streamed down his eyes as he shut them and wiped his face.

Mark smiled. He didn't know what to do in that kind of situation.

He had been a soldier all his life, in and out of the battlefield. Even when he lost comrades as the commander of his squadron, he couldn't show weakness in any way.

But all these emotions squirmed his heart...

He couldn't even tell John that he was not really his brother and was just a fake as that would squash his sincere heart.

He lifted his hand and patted his brother's hair with a smile.

John's eyes widened as he saw the bright smile on Dennis's face.

He smiled...

"John, you guys have the whole day to catch up. This is a miraculous phenomenon, but it doesn't change anything. So, please, let us examine him and run some tests." one of the men in lab coats stated with an intimidating tone.

John had to let Dennis go at this point.

"I will cook your favourite!!! I'll be expecting you at home!"

He ran out while yelling with a happy expression.

The raspy-toned man who had ushered John out with his intimidating voice walked closer to Mark, with his bald head shimmering under the LED lights of the facility.

"How do you feel? Do you feel any kind of restriction moving your limbs?" he was surprisingly kind with his words.

Mark moved his arms in a circular motion as the man asked. He did encounter a few restrictions as he tried it the first time. However, the man noticed that as he continued to move his left and right hand intermittently, it got better.

"I see..."

The man smiled and looked at him.

"Thank you for staying alive, Dennis. If at this point you want to quit the program, it's fine, we underst–

"I'll continue."


The man had not expected it. They all thought Dennis was going to chicken out of the program since he luckily got his life back.

Of all two hundred and fifty modified combatants currently in training, Dennis was not even the top hundred in physical attributes, but one thing set him apart — a 99% compatibility rate.

This meant that he was the only one out of the modified combatants that could bring out the greatest potential of the UVS–001 that even the creators only had in theory.

"Are you sure?"

The bald man with the baritone voice and brownish moustache questioned.

"I was well aware of the dangers before I joined," Dennis didn't need to say more than that.

His eyes were blazing with intense determination, giving the bald man goosebumps.

Those eyes are not the eyes that I'm familiar with... Something feels different. That's right! He reminds me of General Cruste! This kid might just become something.

The man relaxed his tensed shoulders and walked to the others who were behind the monitor that displayed Dennis's vitals.

"Did anything change?" he asked as he approached them.

"Even though he died and came back to life, nothing has really changed. In fact, things might have gotten worse," one of them answered.

"Look at this. The aesthetic make-up of UVS AI's bio-genetic composition is eating off his cells. Even though the chip is inside him, it is dangerous.

The chip shows an astounding level of compatibility. It looks like it has increased by 0.1% compared to the last time, and this is causing an imbalance, which is also affecting his cells..." the other scientist with blond hair and goatee commented.

"So nothing different really... should we tell him to quit?" The bald man asked.

"Honestly, Mr Ansel, I believe we should. See, we have no explanation for how he came back from the dead, but if he dies again, I am not sure there will be a second chance." The scientist replied to him, groping the end of his goatee as his small monolid eyes darted at Dennis.

"He won't give up. I talked to him about it." Mr Ansel shook his bald head.

"If he won't give up, then shouldn't we just continue?" The third scientist suggested. His expression displayed an uncaring expression.

"What do you mean, Belmos?"

"We can take this opportunity to find out the reason why UVS has such a high compatibility rate with him..."

The one with a blonde goatee stared at him with an expression of distaste.

"I will never get used to your rotten nature." He stated.

"What do you insist we do then? O righteous one." Scientist Belmos mocked.

The fourth scientist stared at Dennis...

Compared to the others, he had a calm expression and a face full of wrinkles. His eyes looked droopy even though he wasn't sleepy in the slightest.

"... Let's try to save him."


Mark spent two days in the facility undisturbed by the white coats and alone with his thoughts. He tried piecing things together as well as making plans for his next steps.

The scientists wanted him to recuperate so they didn't bother him and let only John pay him visits during the time. Mark only came back to the apartment where he stayed with his brother on the third day of inhabiting Dennis's body.

He finally had the chance to look into the mirror when he got back home and stared at the slightly malnourished but handsome-looking reflection in his line of sight.

His silky cinnamon hair with hints of black and unnatural sharp facial features would leave an impression in the mind of anyone. While he looked quite thin, the outline of his facial structure and well-chiseled jawline made it easy to discard that.

He was barely six feet tall, but this was understandable since he was only 17.

"Well, definitely more handsome than my past life look, but there are more important things to take note of," He muttered while caressing the red circular item planted to the left side of his chest.

"There's still a lot I don't understand... I'll have to ask the scientists later."

-The Next Day


Mark stared down the hot dish before him, which made him hold his breath. The pungent smell drifted into his nose regardless.

John had to cook since Mark had just recovered and usually wouldn't have the time to come home.

"Did you cook this?"

Mark asked with widened eyes that switched between the food and John's brilliant face.

"It is a special dish that I have been secretly working on for when you go on your first mission. It is a bit imperfect since this is the first time..."

John displayed a wry smile, hiding his fingers full of bruises and cuts.


Mark smiled at him, ignoring the cuts and bruises he desperately tried to hide.

He appreciated the young boy's gesture, and it brought memories from his past life that made him feel warm-hearted.

His comrades, the people whom he fought side by side with for years...

He missed their similar gestures.

As he began to eat, unexpected tears rolled down his cheek.


"Ah, ah... it is nice."

Mark replied with a smile as he took the first spoon.

Ah, shit...

His taste buds were stricken with a tangy acidic flavour that made his mouth pucker– an incredibly unpleasant taste... hence the tears...

Endure! He yelled internally.

"Wow, this is good."

Mark's speed as he took the second spoon and subsequent spoons increased drastically, displaying his feigned sincerity about how delicious the food was.

"Big brother,"

Just when he was looking for a means of escape, John's voice delivered him from his current ordeal. He paused and looked at the young boy who carried a shaky expression. His gaze fell to the table as he spoke further.

"Can't you stop now... They said it is killing you. I understand that you are doing it because of me, but can't we find another way? I don't want you to die."

Mark's eyes thinned as he froze in place.

He was used to words like–

'We will die together,'

'I will die for my country,'

'I will not let your death be in vain,'

All through his life as Mark, his mindset had been forged to challenge death instead of cowering in the face of it.

He had gotten used to it.

John's words were a little scary to Mark, who saw no need for unnecessary emotional attachments to people.

Succumbing to this feeling made him feel vulnerable. He didn't know how to react to it.

...this is a new world. And he is my brother.

He patted John's head and smiled.

"I won't die. And I am not doing it only for your sake."

John softly gazed upon his big brother's face.


"I want to fight too," Mark wanted to get back to the battlefield.

He thrived in it.

He enjoyed it.

It was all he had ever known...