Testing Out The UVS

Now that he had been transmigrated into a new world with crazy possibilities, he was also excited for what was to come.

'It is the only thing I am good at. It is the only thing I can do.

I must do...

Since I have now become Dennis, I will not let Dennis remain at the bottom,' Dennis thought.

"I want to become the strongest modified combatant and destroy the extraterrestrial forces that threaten us," Dennis stated with a look of determination.

John observed Dennis's face for a few more seconds before speaking.

"Then promise me... if it threatens your life again, you will give up and not hide it."

Dennis looked down at the boy's sea-blue eyes that gazed up at him with adoration.


The black LED wristwatch on his hand began to vibrate.


"Hello Dennis, we would like to run a few simulations. Come to the facility in an hour."

A familiar voice from the wristwatch rang into his ears.

Dennis sprung up.

"It's time for me to leave..."

"I understand."

John nodded with a gaze that looked like they had settled with his decision and was greatly supporting him.

"Be good. Remember all my instructions and follow them. I'll come visit as soon as I get the chance," Dennis said as he stepped out of the cosy compartment that connected the sitting room and dining.

He soon arrived at the door and walked through. It was an apartment provided to them by the government in the shelter due to his modified combatant status.

Since the planet-shifting incident, people have lost homes and mostly stayed in incomplete buildings even within the shelters that were built for protection.

This was the case for Dennis and John initially as they barely managed to eat one square meal per day in the past. They would spend the night in the most questionable-looking territories because they didn't have enough money to afford an apartment.

Dennis watched his brother wave him goodbye as he boarded a jet-black motorcycle he had borrowed from the facility before zooming off.

The surroundings were packed with all sorts of bungalows and wooden structured houses. The roads were not even tarred as the government within the shelter deemed it a waste to allocate resources to such matters.

Their main objective was survival and winning the battle against the extraterrestrial forces, so most resources were given to the scientists in research facilities.

People could be seen shuffling from place to place like living ghosts within Shelter 301. Despite the magenta hue the skies cast across the shelter, giving the world an aura of gloom, people still went about their daily activities as everyone needed to make ends meet.

"Fresh lemonades for just $2 a jar,"

"Tasty roasted corn to ease your day,"

"Wouldn't you try this brisket..."

All across the murky-looking streets plagued with multiple potholes, roadside traders did their best to market their goods.

It was like Earth's economic situation had returned to ancient times.

The earth had not basked in the glow of the sun since the planet-shifting incident, and the color of the sky was a gentle reminder that this would forever be the reality of humans.


Dennis's hair fluttered in the wind as he drove away while recalling some memories.

Although the population of humans was only a few million at the moment, there were hundreds of shelters across the world.

Each shelter had protective walls and barriers to shield them from the attacks of mutated beasts and the aliens. Shelters varied in size, but this particular one was as large as a town.

The world outside of the shelters was too dangerous, so most humans stayed within.




The testing facility was a large, enclosed space with high ceilings and dim lighting.

Dennis stood in the middle of a white room with a red circular device planted to the left side of his chest.

In front of him was Mr Ansel, the bald scientist who talked to him about quitting.

"Okay, I have run a stability test and other proceedings, and you seem ready to go. This exercise is to check your execution speed rate.

You don't need to do much, and it's fine if you can't defeat the simulations, so make sure you don't wear yourself out, okay?"

Dennis nodded as the scientist tapped the circular red device on his chest.


The device began to spread like it was a bunch of ants clustered together. Nanite particles spread from Dennis's chest area to the rest of his body.

[Activating Memory Data...]

[Operator Recognised]

[Operator Name: Dennis Slark]

[Compatibility Rate: 99.09%]

[Level 1]

[Cores Harvested: 0]

[Choose A Battle Mode]

- Tank

- Damage Dealer

- Support

- Reconnaissance

"...damage dealer, of course."

[Initializing Battle Mode: Damage Dealer]

It spread completely, covering his face as well before turning into a menacing-looking battle suit.

This was the UVS-001 suit.

The nanite suit was lightweight yet durable as it had been created from the cells and skin of mutated beasts.

It increased mobility and flexibility in combat as well as the improvement of physical prowess.

Its helmet area had a single window of purple that glowed glamorously, giving digitalized and vivid imagery feedback.

Dennis could see a world of purple with all sorts of computerization as the suit scanned the surroundings.

The exterior was sleek and streamlined, with a matte black color and circular red glows in multiple areas.

Besides the inbuilt weaponry, the suit was also equipped with various sensors and communications devices, allowing the battle AI to gather information from other units on the battlefield and share data with other friendly forces.

Badump! Badump! Badump!

Dennis could feel his heart pumping with so much adrenaline. He could sense energy building up from within like nothing he had ever felt before.

"This thing is powerful..."

< Simulating level 1 Battle sequence with low intelligence Lufeon species >

The mechanical voice from the facility resounded throughout the whole place, triggering the response of several beeps.

After the announcement, the simulation of a creature was formed from its feet.

It was a four-legged creature with silvery claws and red eyes. It had two boar-shaped heads with one horn in the center of each of them.

As expected.

Dennis had already seen something like this in his memory, but seeing it in person gave off a feeling of unprecedented danger.

Underneath the helm, Dennis grinned in marvel while standing in place.

The scientists had already moved out of the simulation room at this point, leaving Mark to take care of the hostile.

The mutated beast lunged forward, with claws extended, but Dennis was quick to react.

[Activating Defence Formation One]

He activated the suit's defensive shield, which emitted a bright blue force field around him.


The beast slammed into the barrier and was sent flying back.

[Activating Energy Beams]

Taking advantage of the beast's momentary withdrawal, Dennis launched himself forward, unleashing a stream of red energy beams that shot out of muzzles on his arm area.

Thrrizzh~ Thrriizzh~

The beast's massive body got blasted backward again as Mark closed in on it even more.

[Activating Plasma Blade]

A red glowing blade extended from his fist area as he arrived before the creature.


He thrust the glowing blade into the creature's chest.

The blade cleanly pierced through the beast's sturdy body and protruded out the back.

The creature staggered back, screeching in pain, and turned illusionary before disappearing.

The instant it vanished, four other creatures similar in appearance to it, arrived in place.

Undeterred, they charged at him together.

[Incoming Hostiles...]

[Suggesting The Use Of Long Range Weaponry]

[Activating Cannon Blasters : Level 2]

Dennis stretched his hands forward, and parts of the suit extended further from his arms, morphing into a blaster that sprayed the aliens with a hail of deadly energy bolts.

The first one was immediately run through with holes while the other two closed in on him.


He leapt into the air the instant they were two feet away, spinning his body twice in mid-air.


The two creatures' heads rammed into each other, and he proceeded to land on both their heads.

His right and left feet were each centered on the heads of these creatures as he fired shots at their bodies.

[Hostile Approaching From The South Will Make Contact In 2.97 Seconds...]

The instant they vanished, the last creature appeared from behind and rammed into a shield Dennis had created at the last second.

It flickered and sparked due to the force while the creature kept trying to push forward.

All through the battle, Dennis had been hearing the voice of AI from within the suit along with computerized views and suggestions. This made the battle even easier since he felt like he had a pair of eyes helping him view his blind angles.

In the next moment, Dennis deactivated the shield, causing the creature to stagger forward uncontrollably.

Dennis threw out a fierce uppercut, powered by the suit's hydraulic strength.


The floor where his right foot was situated cracked a little upon collision as the force of the punch sent the creature spiralling across the air.

It crashed into a nearby wall with a deafening crunch reverberating across the space before vanishing.

[Warning! Warning! Warning! Warning!]

[Operator Vitals Compromised!]

[Operator Vitals Compromised!]

Suddenly, Dennis felt a sharp burning sensation within his chest.

Accompanied by this sensation was extreme and uncontrollable dizziness. Dennis intended to take another step forward to gain balance, but then the whole training vicinity seemed to be warping before his eyes.


He fell to his knees in the next instant.

'Am I dying again?'

The scientists came running to him. They immediately unequipped the suit and rushed him to the infirmary.