Dennis Is Alive!

"This is incredible, I have never seen Dennis use the suit like this."

Dr Ansel said with his left hand, gently caressing his bald head as he watched the video of Dennis' battle with the UVS over and over again.

The type of skill and precision he had displayed during his battle was something no modified combatant had ever shown since they started the UVS battle training.

Even though Dennis had a high compatibility rate, his skill was lacking from what they recalled. Despite its power, it took skill to properly utilize the battle suit.

His movement, his attack patterns, and his judgments were all different this time, according to the scientists.

Almost like he was used to the terrain of battle...

"This was unexpected... Auto battle is not perfected yet, so I doubt he used that," Dr Ansel rubbed his chin as he keenly watched the video again.

"The auto-battle mode is one of the reasons why we need a high compatibility such as his since it won't work without one, so maybe he did use that. However, he battled at a level higher than one, whereas no core has been harvested." Scientist Belmos commented, standing behind Mr Ansel, who was deeply immersed in the monitor in front of him.

"Perhaps it was luck."

The bald scientist displayed an expression of marvel as his eyes remained glued to the monitor, watching Dennis battle over and over again.

What they didn't know was that Dennis's body was currently inhabited by a thirty-five-year-old military veteran who had more than fifteen years of experience on the battlefield with numerous accolades to his name in his past life.


- Modified Combatant Training Facility.

(Squad 1 section))

"I have new information for you all."

A black-haired guy with dreadlocks and brown skin said to the others who formed a circle.

The group of ten were all clad in tank tops, camo cargo pants, and combat boots.

"Dennis is alive," He announced.



-"Oh God!"

-"Noodle kneecaps is alive?"

-"The weakling lives, haha!"

They all responded differently, but some of them displayed expressions that depicted they were happy to hear the update. As for the others, not so much...

"It is a great occasion, but that is the least of our worries right now."

Their roaring seared down as the captain resumed speaking.

"The first selection program is coming. As we all know, we are the pride of the UVS-001 experiment.

We are the best of the best when it comes to physical attributes and have been selected fairly based on our capabilities and potential to be the members of the first squad of this experiment.

However, that does not grant us a free ticket to being the soldiers who bring salvation to humanity. We have to prove ourselves, as others are fighting every day to prove themselves.

Passing the selection program will make us fully-fledged Modified Combatants, and I can tell you, it won't be easy.

Twenty-five teams each consisting of ten members, will all undergo the first selection program on Tryhibi Island, which is said to be packed with mutated beasts.

The theme of the selection is survival. I want us to burn this into our minds. LOSING IS NOT A CHOICE!


The ground vibrated as their voices pounded into the ground and bounced back into the woods behind them.

"According to the instructors, we are starting an extensive daily drill tomorrow. Be prepared," He stated before walking away.

The place soon turned very noisy as the modified combatants began to gossip amongst themselves.

-"Things are about to get hectic,"

-"How did Dennis survive? Didn't they say his heart gave out?"

-"I didn't even think he would get this far."

One of the female modified combatants with chestnut hair tied in a bun had a troubled look on her face as they gossiped.

She looked quite pretty with an oval-shaped face and plump lower lip, which she happened to bite in distress. Her athletic body pranced across the place as she ignored the presence of the others.

"Looks like he survived... I should probably tease him less from now on."


As the days went by, the captain of squad one urged his subordinates to complete the daily drill that involved them jogging twenty miles.

They had to maintain a particular pace and pass through some heinous structured areas that were specifically designed for training.

Their training had turned more exhausting as they performed other tasks.

They were able to calculate their improvement rate thanks to the UVS AI chip, which monitors their vitals from the watch strapped to their wrists.

Every modified combatant had one of these.


Days Later

Hue from the magenta-colored sky cast a dim glow across the terrain as they exhaustingly ran through the forest. The smell of sweat mixed with warm, laboured breaths filled the evening air. 

The trees were bathed in the crimson rays cast from the sky, yet no sun was visible up there. Only other planetary bodies that were positioned deep in space stared back at them whenever they looked to the skies.

However, they were aware that it was evening time.

Squad 1 combatants gathered in a clearing surrounded by tall trees after their exhausting run.

They were out of breath and tired, but it looked like they were not done.


A white-haired boy with lazy eyes casually walked into their surroundings, waving at the instructor who stood in front of the rest.

"Pair up!" he shouted.

Immediately, the combatants separated into pairs and gave each other space with each member of a pair facing themselves. Only one person was left without someone to pair with.

A few minutes later, sounds of clashing rang out as the combatants sparred with each other.

They moved with high speed and agility. Every strike was precise and calculated.

Sweat glistened on their brows as they pushed themselves to their limits, testing the boundaries of their capabilities.

Minutes soon turned into hours.

At a corner, a dark-haired eighteen-year-old, with slitted eyes, stood in front of a wooden dummy made of thick, sturdy wood. It was designed to withstand powerful blows.

He took up a defensive stance, with his arms and legs tensed, ready for action.

With a deep breath, he launched into a series of fast strikes. His hands moved so quickly that they were almost a blur.

His movements were fluid and precise, each strike landing with a satisfying thud on the wooden dummy.

As he moved around the dummy, the black-haired boy varied his attack patterns, switching between punches, kicks, and elbow strikes with ease.

Feinting and dodging as though he was fighting a real opponent.

Despite the ferocity of his strikes, the eighteen-year-old maintained perfect control of his movements, never losing his balance or overextending his arms.

-"As expected of the number one"

-"Damn, I can't get used to those strikes."

-"This is inhuman even for us MCs."

The clashing had long stopped, and everyone was focused on the eighteen-year-old who was training with a wooden dummy.

Everyone except the white-haired boy who just hung from the branch of a nearby tree with his eyes closed.

The Modified Combatants soon returned to their training as they sighted their male instructor approaching.




"Weak... With this body, it will be difficult for him to pass the recruitment training."

"Your vitals are stable, but you will do well to be careful in the future, Dennis."

The tone of the scientist's voice exuded a feeling of warmth and kindness.

He wore a friendly smile and a gentle demeanour with his round glasses resting comfortably on his nose.

His overall appearance was completed by a classic white lab coat.

"I have seen you fight death and come out victorious. I am not a great scientist like Mr Ansel or Graham. Hence, my abilities are limited, but I am rooting for you."

The scientist concluded, tapping his chest softly as he left his ward.

"I thought all scientists were supposed to be evil... who the hell is this guy?"

Dennis lifted his head to look around, but his vision was limited because his ward was separated from other people's wards by a slightly hazy-looking glass wall on the sides.

He garnered his strength and was finally able to sit up.


Dennis squinted his eyes to increase the focus of his vision. Despite the haziness of the glass wall, he could make out a human outline on the other side.

It seemed to be a female figure.

On the other side, an arrogant-looking beauty lay on the bed while staring back at the person peeping from the other side.

Her chestnut-colored hair fell in soft waves around her face.

Her eyes sparkled with a mix of curiosity and confidence while she tried to visualize a clear outline of the masculine features on the other side.

Dennis's eyes swept down, and he could see that she was clad in camo pants and a white tank top, which further highlights her athletic physical structure.

The pants hugged her curves tightly, outlining her well-shaped legs and hips.

Dennis's eyes swept upwards and paused on her chest.

"The fukk are you looking at?" She yelled from the other end.