Annoying Kids

It's been half a year since I started going to school. Right now, I'm in my 8th Grade at Elite Sparks University the most prestigious university in Sparks Country. My teachers often praise me asking me if I want to skip grades and be a college student based on my abilities, especially my IQ level. Well, that's given after all I was born a genius.

Surely, skipping grades would be good, but I have to lay low for now. I cannot let the people of Veilhaven know that I'm still alive. One step at a time, til I become the richest and most powerful person in Sparks Country. I need to be on the top so that once I return to Veilhaven Country I will be able to trample them. That's how I planned to start my revenge.

I was on my way to school when I saw a group of five men surrounding two kids. The two kids seem like around my age or younger than me.

I wanted to ignore them and just pass through but the problem is, this alley is my only way to school.

I continue walking towards them. As if I didn't see them. My ears heard one of the men ask the kids "Give me the money."

One of the kids answered, "That's our money, you don't have any rights to it."

I just continued walking without any intention to intervene but suddenly one of the men who was on the lookout blocked my way. "Hey, hey, kiddo you seem like you have more money than these two kids. Why don't you give it to me?" He has this smug look on his face. But his bad breath is surely making me wanna puke. And he still has this audacity to speak closer to my face. This sure makes me feel irritated!

Without any warning, I punch his face. His front tooth fell and blood started flowing out from his mouth.

"You!" He glared at me as if he wanted to skin me alive while covering his bloody mouth."

The other men and the two kids were shocked by what happened.

I just ignored them and wanted to continue my walk. But this annoying bad-breath man is quite stubborn. "You won't be going anywhere until I pull out all those teeth of yours!"

"Hey, you two morons hold him up."

Once the two men are about to grab or subdue me. I quickly kicked the stomach of the one near my left side while delivering an uppercut to the one on my right side.

The bad-breath man was furious after witnessing what I had done so he hurriedly threw a punch at me but I managed to dodge it before his punch landed.

He keeps throwing me punches but I keep dodging it too. I've learned martial arts since I was 5 years old so I'm good at fighting. My body build-up is quite strong so I know how heavy my blows are. And sure enough, I gave them my heaviest blow. The reason why his tooth fell from my punch. And how those two men were still in pain and shock from what I did to them.

It was a continuous punching and dodging.

Not until my arms were suddenly grabbed by the two men whom I thought would not join in the fight. A punch landed on my face. Something I didn't expect.

Damn it! How dare this bad-breath man hit my face! My blood boils after receiving that punch.

How dare they gang up on me!

I stomped heavily to the foot of the one grabbing my left arm while kicking sideways aiming at the knee to the one grabbing my right arm. I heard a loud crack a sound of broken bone. They lose their balance while I manage to get free from them.

Then I quickly throw a punch at this bad-breath man in front of me! As if I lost all my control I kept punching his face over and over. As if I'm pouring out all the built-up emotions inside of me. I continue punching his face to the point it seems already disfigured and blood keeps flowing making him unrecognizable.

As I came back to my senses I saw them staring at me in horror. As if I'm a devil in disguise.

The four men hurriedly run away as if afraid of what I'm gonna do to them. Leaving behind this bad-breath man whom I punched til became unrecognizable.

While the two kids were left stunned unable to react to everything that happened.

The taller kid with brown eyes and black hair composed himself then walked towards me while saying "Brother you're amazing! Teach me how to fight too. I badly want to learn it!" His eyes were sparkling with amazement.

What the! I thought he was terrified of me. Never expected he was fascinated by the fight!

I ignored him and continued walking back in the direction of my apartment. Damn it! My uniform is now covered in blood! I need to go home first and change. I never thought that there would be a time that I would be late for school.

As I walked I heard footsteps that kept on following me. I looked back then saw the two kids who had those pleading eyes as if trying to convince me to take them.

I glared at them and continued walking. But what the heck they continue following me. Now I'm annoyed!

"You two! Will you stop following me or do you want me to beat you up?" I angrily shouted at them while looking at them furiously.

The younger kid with deep brown hair and brown eyes stares at me with those petrified eyes that seem they're about to tear up but he keeps trying to hold it back.

I suddenly feel guilty for being furious at them. He somehow reminded me of my little brother. Every time he was sick he always tried to hold back his tears trying to act like a man though he really wanna cry.

I took a few breaths and calmed myself.

"Why don't you go home? Your parents must be waiting for the two of you."

"I... we..." He stopped talking and I could feel the deep sadness and longing the taller kid had on his face.

He sighed then continued speaking "Brother, can we come with you? You can have all this money and I promise we will work hard to earn more money and give them all to you. But can you... can you please bring us with you?" He has those pleading eyes as if trying to convince me that I'm their only hope.


Looking at them. They reminded me of myself, of the helplessness they are feeling right now. Anyway, I'm living alone in that unit. It's good to have some companion to clean it up. They can also do the laundry and prepare food for me. I think that sounds like a good deal.

I'm living in unit 105 while Mr. Rendon was in unit 101. The apartment complex is composed only of 10 apartments. But ever since I hacked into the illegal gambling site and managed to get a million sum of money. All Mr. Rendon did is to travel. He is always away and I was left to manage and collect rent from the tenants.

I can choose to live in a much better place but for now, this place is good enough as my hideout.

Going back to the issue of these two kids. Seems like they gonna pester me if I don't agree with them.

Sigh, fine! I'm going to let them live with me.

"Come on! Walk faster, I still need to go to school."

"Yes brother, thank you so much! You're amazing brother! I wanna be like you!"

This taller kid sure knows how to flatter.

As we got inside my unit, their faces were full of joy while looking around. As if telling me that finally, they have a place to stay and sleep.

But the problem is I only have one bedroom and only have one bed. Well, I think the living room still has enough space. They can just put a sleeping mat and sleep here.

"Wait! Before you guys keep on touching anything. Take your bath first. I'll let you borrow my clothes I think our body sizes don't differ that much."

While the two of them were taking a bath. I glanced at my watch. Damn it! I forgot about my class! Gotta text my teachers and inform them that I have an emergency and won't be able to come to school.

After some time, we settle down at the sala set. Looking at their fresh faces now. The younger kid has a cute face while the taller kid has a pretty handsome face. Oh, but I have a charismatic handsome face. So my handsomeness is on a different level from theirs.

"You haven't introduced yourselves yet. Tell me what are your names?"

It was the taller kid who did the talking "I'm Greg Laurel while he is Vince Lopez. I'm 12 years old and he is 10 years old."