Greg and Vince

With raised eyebrows and an inquisitive gaze, I asked, "Tell me what's the deal with those men from earlier?"

"It was like this brother..." Greg has a serious face while preparing to explain what happened.

"In this little town, my brother Vince, aged 10, and I, Greg, aged 12, faced the world hand in hand. Every day, armed with determination and a makeshift cart, we scoured the streets for recyclables to sell."

What the! Did he have to tell it that way? He's even making a hand gesture trying to demonstrate it! It was as if he was in a theater performing.

"One sunny morning, as we counted our hard-earned coins, five looming figures appeared. Fear crept in, as one of them demanded our money. With courage beyond my years, I spoke up, 'That's our money, you don't have any rights to it.'

He speaks with heightened emotions, exaggerated gestures, and a dramatic tone. Man! Is he having a role-play right now?

The men, unfazed, approached. Clutching my hand, we stood our ground. Just as things seemed dire, a handsome charismatic kid around my age came to our rescue. With a punch, kick, stomp, and kick again then a continuous punch he beat those five men and saved us."

Seriously! This Greg kid annoys me. He has that serious face while telling and demonstrating that story. He even tries mimicking the fight scenes.

Hey, my movements were more handsome than the ones he demonstrated.

"Hey! Stop with the bullshit storytelling. Just tell me what exactly happened."

"Oh, okay brother relax. To make it short Vince and I earned money from collecting recyclables and selling them. But those men saw us counting money and you already know what happened next."

Are those men stupid to make trouble just for a very little amount of money?

Sigh, should I just let these two kids go away? Why do I feel like I will only suffer headaches from them? Am I making the right choice to let them live with me? Am I not digging my own grave?

While contemplating, the Vince kid saw me rubbing my temples. He approached me and then gave me a candy. While looking at me with those innocent eyes.

Sigh, I don't know anymore! I'll just let it be for now.

"Wait brother you haven't told us yet what's your name?" Greg asked me with a look of anticipation.

"My name is Blaze Castro. If you want to stay here you have to follow my rules." I said it with a commanding tone.

Greg and Vince both looked at me with a serious face while eagerly nodding their heads.

"Rule number 1. You must clean the apartment and of course, you must clean after your mess.

Rule number 2. You must do the laundry and also the cooking if possible.

Rule number 3. Guest is not allowed. You shouldn't let anyone enter without asking my approval.

Rule number 4. You guys aren't allowed to enter my bedroom. That's off-limit for you.

And please avoid making too much noise. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir! Yes Sir!" Greg answered me while trying to act like he was in the military.

Sigh, I think I'm digging my own grave. Hope they behave well or I'm gonna throw them out of my apartment.

But wait! I haven't heard Vince say a thing. It was Greg who kept on talking. So I decided to ask Vince while facing him, "Are you hungry? What food do you wanna eat?"

He nods at me then rubs his tummy while looking at me with those innocent eyes. Then he looked at Greg as if asking him to answer the question instead.

I raised an eyebrow telling Greg "Why don't you let him talk?"

"I...hmmm... he loves to eat burgers and pizza." Greg looked down while saying that trying to conceal the sympathetic look he had on his face. Though I've already seen it.

There's no need for him to say it. Cause I already guess it. So Vince is mute. I didn't expect that.

When Greg saw my expression, "That's not like that Brother. Vince can talk. He just stopped talking." He hurriedly told me while trying to correct my conclusion.

"What's the reason? Why did he stop talking?"

"It was like this brother, we came from Veilhaven Country in Ember City."

Just hearing the name of that country annoys me.

"I have been an orphan as long as I remember so I was raised in Ember Orphanage. While Vince just recently entered the orphanage five months ago.

His father used to be a businessman but ever since his father's business suffered bankruptcy all he did was to get drunk. While Vince's mother was once an idol or a singer before she married Vince's father and became a full-time mom and a housewife.

They used to have a happy life but not until Vince's father started coming home drunk and getting so sensitive and annoyed by every noise inside their house. His father doesn't allow anyone to make a noise and most especially hearing the voice of Vince's mother reminds Vince's father that he was once a successful young man who managed to marry the singer or an idol that everyone loved and idolized before.

So every time Vince's father is drunk. He's gonna beat up anyone who he thinks is making noise inside their house. But not until he comes home where Vince is practicing singing along with the help of his mother because Vince's teacher asked him to perform in their school event. Vince's father goes mad after hearing his wife and Vince's voice singing. He beat Vince and his wife, but he beat his wife so much to the point that Vince's mother died. She was beaten to death.

The neighborhood heard the commotion but it was already too late. When the police came Vince's mother was already dead. Vince survives because he is protected by his mother. The police give the custody of Vince to the Ember Orphanage. Mother Kelly asked me to look out for Vince. Ever since then Vince never speaks again. That was the story I heard from them."

My facial expression softens, and I tilt my head slightly as I actively listen and take in the emotions being shared.

I never thought he experienced that kind of tragedy. How painful and traumatic it was for him to witness her mother being beaten to death by his father while protecting him.

Greg has a worried and sad look after telling that story. While Vince remained seated while looking down at the floor as if he was not the one we were talking about.

But wait! They came from Veilhaven so why are they here in Sparks Country?

"What are you doing here in Sparks Country if you came from Veilhaven?" I hurriedly asked with an inquisitive gaze.

While trying to sound pathetic "Hmmm... It's another unfortunate story of us Brother. Sigh, we are really poor kids suffering from lots of unfortunate incidents but luckily we met you so please help us Brother Blaze."

"Stop the bullshit again and tell me what happened if you really wanna stay here with me." Seems like my patience will be always tested by this Greg kid.

I'm starting to regret now my impulsive decision to let them stay with me. Sigh.

"Brother Blaze don't be mad. Okay, I'm going to tell you now what exactly happened." Greg said that with a hand gesture that told me I should breathe in and breathe out and then calm down.

"You know being in an orphanage. Children will have this chance to be adopted and have new families. And I was an exception to that chance. Those children who were in the same batch as me. One by one they were adopted and had new families. I was the only one who didn't. I don't know what's wrong with the eyes of those people. I have this pretty handsome face so why they don't want me? Brother Blaze, I'm a poor soul no one wants me."

He has that pitiful expression while saying that. Now I don't even know if I would be annoyed or pity him.

"Okay, enough with the drama, and continue your story."

"When I already lost all hope. A rich couple suddenly came to the orphanage and said they were looking for a 12-year-old boy to be their son. So finally my chance came cause I was the only one who was 12 years old in the orphanage. I was the oldest there. But life sure likes giving me difficulties. Sigh."

Man! He was acting as if he was on a theatrical again while saying those words.

"Vince was staying for only around 3 months at the orphanage by that time. And I'm the only one he always follows around. I already treat him as my real brother so I find it difficult to part ways with him. Knowing I'm the only one he likes to be with. I don't want to add to his heartache. Why am I such a kind-hearted person?"

He used dramatic intonations, exaggerated gestures, and a heightened emotional expression.

My head started to throb. I started rubbing my forehead while listening to his story. I didn't even want to look at him cause it was as if he was on a role play delivering his speech. I think there's something wrong with his brain.

"Enough! Just speak to the point and tell me why you guys are here in Sparks Country?"

I snapped.