Chapter 10

Fu Jia tilted her head slightly, trying to hide half of her face: "It's nothing, the glass is broken."

Lu Qi'an is not easy to fool. "It won't be broken on my face."

Fu Jia said impatiently: "Then I was stupid and fell, and my face was smashed on the glass shards. Is this the end?"

Lu Qi'an was silent, but kept his eyes there On a piece of gauze, I don't know if I believe it.

Fu Jia was bored by him, and felt that it would be a shame to let him know that he was being bullied. He wanted Lu Qi'an to feel that he was walking sideways in school instead of struggling.

He changed the topic: "Then where are we going now?"

Lu Qi'an said: "Find anywhere."

Fu Jia retorted him: "You don't seem like someone who can do anything casually."

Lu Qi'an was indeed only polite. "Then go to the nearby coffee shop."

He walked in front and led the way, and Fu Jia was one step behind him, following behind him. Dusk elongated Lu Qi'an's shadow, and Fu Jia's too, a small part overlapped.

Fu Jia couldn't help smiling, and kicked Lu Qi'an's shadow hard on the head.

The steps of the two of them paused at the same time.

"It's okay, I stepped on bugs." Fu Jia said with a suppressed smile.

Lu Qi'an didn't look back and continued to walk forward.

Fu Jia didn't dare to pedal anymore, but still stepped on Lu Qi'an's "head" intentionally or unintentionally. At this moment, there is no one else walking with them, and the pedestrians passing by are also in a hurry, only their steps are always approaching, towards the same destination.

This made Fu Jia feel strange.

This road can be a little longer, a little longer.

Stepping on the shadow all the way to the door of the coffee shop, Fu Jia looked up and was dumbfounded.

The coffee shop is decorated in a modern style, the glass windows are polished as bright as a mirror, and you can see the high-end decoration inside and the well-dressed guests.

Looking at Lu Qi'an next to him, although he was still wearing a school uniform, he had an aura.

The temperament of a rich man.

Fu Jia didn't dare to hesitate, and said honestly: "I can't afford to go here, why don't you make up for it and change places?"

Lu Qi'an looked at him: "Can't afford to go?"

Fu Jia thought for a while: "Maybe I can afford it." Half a glass of water."

Lu Qi'an didn't say "I can afford it" or "I invite you" that would make Fu Jia angry, but said: "My aunt gave you a card, but Aunt Chen didn't give it to you? "

There was a rare surprise in his eyes.

This made Fu Jia feel uncomfortable.

He thought he would definitely want that card.

Lu Qi'an frowned, "I'll call the villa."

"No," Fu Jia said with a nonchalant smile, "I gave the card to Mrs. Chen. Do you think I will ask for your aunt's money? Isn't it you who kept saying that I trampled on my self-esteem and kicked me out of the villa?"

Lu Qi'an was slightly startled.

Fu Jia pinched her palm with her fingertips, hoping that her tone would be gentler: "Forget it." He stared at the ground, "Let's go in, I can still afford a glass of water."

Lu Qi'an said, "Sorry."

"Huh?" Fu Jia was startled.

Lu Qi'an did not answer his question, but said: "We can go to the apartment where I live."

Fu Jia was stunned, and subconsciously asked: "Are you kidding me?"

"I don't waste time doing such things."

Fu Jia fell into a trap There was a brief silence, and after a while, he tentatively said: "Then… okay."

Lu Qi'an began to lead the way.

Fu Jia followed him, until Lu Qi'an swiped his card to enter a community and helped Fu Jia register as a foreigner, he still felt that this was not true.

Lu Qi'an should dislike him very much. Although he is not as deep as Lin Fengxun and Lu Wanqing, it is still enough to make him shy away.

This idea has been deeply rooted in Fu Jia's mind for nearly ten years.

When the two entered the elevator, Fu Jia suddenly felt nervous.

This is true, Lu Qi'an is really taking himself to his home, a home without Lin Fengxun and without Lu Wanqing.

"Change your shoes before entering." After entering, Lu Qi'an brought Fu Jia a pair of newly unpacked slippers.

Fu Jia looked at the apartment while changing his shoes. It could be seen that Lu Qi'an lived alone, and it was only a temporary residence. The place was not too big or small, and there were not many traces of life.

"It's worn backwards."

"?" Fu Jia looked down at her feet, it was really worn backwards.

This is so embarrassing. Fortunately, Fu Jia had a thick skin and said, "The left and right shoes are not clearly distinguished, so it's good to wear them like this."

Since Fu Jia is willing, Lu Qi'an will not say anything. He pointed to the innermost room: "Let's go to the study room. There is a refrigerator on your left. If you are thirsty, you can go get water to drink."

Fu Jia waved his hand: "I'm not thirsty."

There was only one chair in the study room, and Lu Qi'an also Moved a chair to the side. This chair does not match the desk, has no backrest, and is a bit short. When the two sat down, Fu Jia found himself looking up at Lu Qi'an.

He was a little uncomfortable, with his hands and feet tied, and he looked down frequently to check his feet.

Lu Qi'an looked down at him, saw his back neck and protruding shoulder blades, and instantly remembered the scene when he saw Fu Jiashi on the stairs of Lin's villa that day. At that time, it was this part that attracted his attention the most.


No answer for now.

Fu Jia endured the awkwardness, opened the schoolbag, and took out the ten-page exercise book that he had pasted up.

His technique was clumsy, and the glue was messy, with pieces of tape here and there in irregular shapes, which looked like they were picked up from a scrap yard.

Not to mention writing this thing, even reading it is a problem.

Lu Qi'an took the thin, tattered book, rubbed his fingers against the raised edge of the tape, and asked, "What happened?"

Fu Jia supported his head evasively, and said casually, "There is nothing, I have nothing to tear up and play with." Yes ."

"Paste them back page by page?"

Fu Jia knew that this didn't make sense, but he didn't want to reveal the truth to Lu Qi'an, instead he felt that he looked down on himself by asking such questions. Could it be interesting to ask him all those useless and aggrieved things?

"Since when did you become interested in this, you have to find out what embarrassing things happen to others? Aren't you famous for your precious time?"

Fu Jia yelled out like a firecracker, and immediately regretted it. What is he doing, taking his anger out on Lu Qi'an?

"If you don't want to say it, you can reject me. You don't need to be sarcastic." Lu Qi'an picked up the exercise book, pushed it in front of Fu Jia, and pointed out two places where he had glued it wrong, "There is no way to do this.

" Look: "I glued it for five hours, and you told me it didn't work?

" It will be faster if you buy a new one. "

Lu Qi'an's tone turned out to be very soft.

Fu Jia: "…"

Yeah, why didn't he think of it?

Fu Jia's head was bloodshot, and he looked at the tattered book he glued out, which looked so out of place on Lu Qi'an's solid wood desk.

He suddenly felt that he, too, was out of place with this apartment, with the slippers on his feet, and with the shorter stool. He was furious, but he had nowhere to vent his anger. Stretching out his hand to put the exercise collection into his bag, he stood up abruptly: "Then let's forget about it today. I'll go and buy a new one. Let's talk about it then."

"Wait." Lu Qi'an stopped him.

Fu Jia stopped in disappointment.

"You don't need to buy any more. Anyway, that set of questions is not well compiled. I'll show you a few questions. Which subject are you weakest in?"

Fu Jia looked down at the wooden floor, ground her toes on the ground, and said, " Mathematics…"

This is the conclusion he reached after countless difficult choices between mathematics and English.

"Which part of mathematics is the weakest?"


"Okay." Lu Qi'an lowered his head and began to write on the paper.

"Don't bother, the question is not so simple." Fu Jia's mind was full of "I want to sit back", but he felt that he was so firm and decisive when he left, how could he go back on his word so quickly.

"It's not that difficult, ten minutes at the most."

Fu Jia said, "Then what should I do if you come up with a question over there?"

Lu Qi'an didn't raise his head: "You can read a book. Fu Jia deliberately contradicted him: "

I can understand what you have here, do you have junior high school books?" "

Lu Qi'an stopped writing and looked up at him.

Fu Jia didn't come flustered. But it's not his fault. The behavior of looking into someone's eyes but not saying anything is very confusing.

"Why? He pretended to be relaxed.

"You can look at me, you are good at this anyway." "

After Lu Qi'an finished speaking, he lowered his head and continued writing.

Fu Jia stared at him blankly, her heart almost jumped out of her chest.

In the next second, he didn't dare to look at it, and carefully managed his sight.

He sat back in the short chair, tucked his arms and legs away, not knowing why his heartbeat refused to slow down.