Chapter 11

"You do these few questions first." Lu Qi'an handed the completed questions to Fu Jia, pulling Fu Jia back from the long wandering.

"Oh, good." Fu Jia took the notebook filled with black pen writing, and took out the pencil case from his bag while reading the questions. When I touched it, there was actually only one pencil inside, only as long as my thumb, and the tip of the pen was bald.

What about his new water-based pen? Damn Liu De!

Fu Jia cursed secretly, and asked Lu Qi'an awkwardly: "Do you…have a knife? I need to sharpen my pen."

Fu Jia never left his body with a knife, but before that utility knife was stained with Liu De's blood, he I hate it so much I haven't had time to buy a new one yet.

Lu Qi'an handed over the pen in his hand: "You use this."

Fu Jia stretched out his hand, but he didn't take it. "If I accidentally fall, I can't afford it. I'd better use my own. You can find me any knife, even a kitchen knife."

Lu Qi'an put the pen in front of him: "This one is for you."

Fu Jiayao Shaking his head: "No need."

Lu Qi'an didn't respond.

Fu Jia understood what he meant. Whether the other party wants it or not, it's up to him to give it away. Since he said he would give it away, he won't want it back.

Fu Jia picked up the pen and felt the vague warmth of the pen.

Lu Qi'an's palms must be warm.

He unscrewed the cap and started to do the questions.

At first, Lu Qi'an watched Fu Jia's calculations, but after two minutes, he found that he hadn't solved the first problem, so he looked away and took a book from the shelf to read.

He asked a total of eight questions, and Fu Jia could only write half of them, and he couldn't even understand the remaining half of the questions.

This made him a little embarrassed.

"Finished?" Seeing that Fu Jia was still not writing, Lu Qi'an closed the book.

"Almost." Fu Jia said boldly.

Lu Qi'an moved closer, glanced at Fu Jia's answer, and said, "You got one thing right." It's

not bad, Fu Jia thought, as long as he didn't say that he got seven things wrong, it's fine.

Lu Qi'an maintained this close distance, and began to explain to Fu Jia: "This one, you don't understand which knowledge point it is testing…"

Fu Jia listened carefully and asked questions from time to time, but it didn't take long for him to go astray. . Stare at Lu Qi'an's fingers, no matter what he says, it goes in the left ear and out the right ear.

Lu Qi'an stopped suddenly.

Fu Jia subconsciously looked up at him.

At the first glance, Fu Jia's heart beat faster and his blood surged, but after seeing Lu Qi'an's eyes clearly, he regained his composure.

It was his familiar eyes, no likes or dislikes, nothing.

He suddenly wanted to ask: "Why do you look at me like this?"

Lu Qi'an raised his eyebrows lightly, as if asking: "What?"

"Like…" Fu Jia thought about a suitable description, "It's like looking at the air. "

Lu Qi'an leaned back and opened the distance between the two of them: "I shouldn't have any.

" Me, but I know he wants to see me dead." Fu Jia didn't want to mention the people in Lin's villa at all, but he didn't know how to explain it to Lu Qi'an, so he could only use them as an example.

"Isn't that good?" Lu Qi'an said, "Do you want me to pity you, or hate you?"

Fu Jia asked him, "Don't you pity me or hate me?"

"Yes," Lu Qi'an said firmly, "I am neither pitiful nor I don't hate you."

Fu Jia lowered her head in embarrassment.

He got the ideal answer, but he found that he didn't know how to face it.

"How is it possible." Fu Jia's tone was affirmative, "Your aunt and brother hate me so much, it's impossible for you not to hate me."

"I haven't found a reason to hate you." Lu Qi'an said, "You may not believe it, but I have always hated you." Treat you as objectively as possible, put aside your background, put aside your environment, and treat you as an independent person."

Fu Jia shook his head: "I don't understand."

"You look up."

Fu Jia raised her head obediently , but stared at the table, not looking at Lu Qi'an.

Lu Qi'an continued: "I asked you to move out because of my aunt. But more because you told me that you want to know me."

Fu Jia hummed sullenly.

That's what he said, what's wrong?

Lu Qi'an said: "I don't want to know a person who wronged him to live in a servant's room and refuse to leave even if he was driven out, but I would like to know someone who left the villa to study and live seriously." Lu Qi'an said, "This way you can understand Is it?"

Fu Jia was silent for about five seconds, then suddenly shook his head vigorously, and then nodded vigorously.

His ears were red as if they were about to bleed: "I understand." The

ending sound was lowered, and it sounded extraordinarily docile.

"Continue when you understand."

"Okay." The corners of Fu Jia's mouth turned upward, "Here," he pointed to the third question on the paper, "I didn't understand just now, please say it again."

Lu Qi'an resumed Start to explain, more detailed than before. Two hours later, Fu Jia finally understood the eight questions.

Lu Qi'an leaned back on the chair, turned his neck to relax his neck.

Fu Jia carefully tore off the piece of paper that Lu Qi'an had written on, including the paper he had written during his explanation, folded it in half, and put it in his bag. "How long will it take for me to transfer to No. 6 Middle School if I continue studying like this?" he asked.

Lu Qi'an thought for a while: "Study can't be done overnight, you can consider repeating a grade."

Fu Jia almost choked on his saliva.

He zipped the bag up with a bang, his hands so strong that he almost threw the zipper head out.

Is he that stupid?

Anyway, I stayed for so long today, Fu Jia didn't want to hear Lu Qi'an driving him away, so she stood up and said, "Thank you today, I'll go first, tomorrow Saturday, can I still come?" He deliberately Ask casually.

Lu Qi'an nodded: "I'll greet the doorman, you can come in directly."

"Oh…" Fu Jia bit the tip of her tongue and suppressed her smile.

He stood up and picked up the stool by the way: "I'll help you put it back to its original place."

"It's not necessary, I'll use it tomorrow anyway."

Fu Jia put down the stool again, and this time he couldn't help laughing. Just lower your head and try to hide it.

"I'm leaving." He turned and left.

Lu Qi'an called him, "Fu Jia."

Fu Jia could hardly even turn around.


"Remember to go to the hospital for the wound on your face." For some

reason, Fu Jia has never bothered about the wound, nor felt the pain, and even forgot about it.

But after Lu Qi'an said this, he suddenly felt very painful, very painful, so painful that the place where Liu De and the others beat him last night all ached together.

"I know." Fu Jia said, "I'm going now."

He left Lu Qi'an's apartment in a hurry without looking back. Someone was waiting for the elevator outside, but Fu Jia couldn't wait for a moment, so he pushed open the door of the stairwell and ran down.

He has to leave quickly.

If he didn't hurry up, he would be reluctant to leave.

He ran all the way out of the community, sweating all over, propped his knees on the side of the road and panted for a while before his breathing gradually calmed down.

He walked back to No. 16 Middle School, found a small clinic along the way, and went in to change the medicine for the wound.

The doctor said that now that the weather is warm, it is best not to cover the wound with gauze. But thinking of going to see Lu Qi'an tomorrow, Fu Jia insisted on asking the doctor to put gauze on him to cover the wound.

It still hurts.

It hurt until Fu Jia fell asleep and fell asleep, but it still hurt.

Sixteenth Middle School didn't have classes on Saturdays, so Fu Jia went to the restaurant where she had been working all the time to wash dishes early the next morning. And the sixth middle school will have a whole day class.

During class break, Lu Qi'an stopped Li Qinhe who was going to find a girlfriend in the next class: "You do me a favor."

Li Qinhe was startled: "There are still things that you can't solve by yourself?"

Lu Qi'an didn't talk to him either . He was polite and said, "Help me go to No. 16 High School to find someone who is in the same class as Fu Jia, and let him see what happened around Fu Jia."

"Fu Jia?" Li Qinhe couldn't figure it out: "I listened to it." Is it wrong?"

"That's right."

Li Qinhe rolled his eyes, he might have misunderstood, and acted like he suddenly realized: "Oh, I understand, find someone to punish him, right? I have experience with this, leave it to me Let's go!" He said and patted his chest.

Lu Qi'an frowned: "Do you have experience?"

Li Qinhe smiled: "Hey, you don't know about this, it's a rare little secret between Fengfeng and me. Fengfeng was still young at that time, and once he couldn't tolerate the new medicine , In order to coax him, I said I could do anything for him."

He scratched his head and felt that he should not use a showy tone when talking about this matter, so he restrained himself a little, "Feng Feng said, let me give Fu Jia a little bit of trouble, he has been recuperating at home, failed to go to school, and did not My friend, why can Fu Jia go to school and make friends? I asked someone to help me, exclude him in Fu Jia's class, and frame him for stealing."

He recalled carefully: "At that time, Fu Jia had just entered junior high school, right?"

Lu Qi'an was silent.

He knew that he still didn't know a lot about Fu Jia, but he didn't expect so much.

"Just this once?" he asked.

Li Qinhe nodded: "Yes."

Lu Qi'an looked into his eyes.

Feeling the pressure, Li Qinhe began to sense that something was wrong: "Maybe there will be a few more times later? But it's all small troubles…"

Lu Qi'an pursed his lips into a straight line. He said: "Don't do such a thing this time, I asked you to find someone to help Fu Jia."

Li Qinhe was stunned.

Lu Qi'an sat back in his seat and ended the conversation unilaterally.

Li Qinhe hurriedly followed, and asked anxiously: "What's the matter with you, what should Fengfeng know if you do this?"

Lu Qi'an took a deep breath, and then let out a long breath: "Li Qinhe, we can pamper Fengfeng." Feng, but you can't spoil him."

"What is spoiling?" Li Qinhe was anxious, "I heard that you went to find Fu Jia and told him to get out of the villa. I thought you knew who Who is far away, but what does it mean now?"

"I also thought you could tell right from wrong." Lu Qi'an said in a cold tone, "Some things can be seen together, but some things should be seen separately. What you did to Fu Jia Does he really deserve it?"

"I…" Li Qinhe opened his mouth, but did not make a sound.

"Sit back, it's time for class." Lu Qi'an said.

Li Qinhe rubbed his hair, hung his head for a while, and then said: "I know, I will find someone in a while."

Lu Qi'an said: "Thank you."

It is the usual "thank you" of the Lu family, which makes people feel Thank you.

Li Qinhe sat back in his seat and lay on his stomach facing the opposite direction from Lu Qi'an.

He remembered one thing.

At that time, both he and Lu Qi'an were young, he came to the Lin family's villa as a guest, and everyone played in the courtyard together.

He noticed that there was a dark corner in the courtyard, which was bare and nothing was planted, so he

proposed: "Lu Qi'an, let's plant a lemon tree there, and we can eat the lemons we planted in the future."

I am excited about this imagination.

"No." Lu Qi'an shook his head, "You can't cover that place."

"Why," Li Qinhe stomped his feet, "It's shiny and ugly there!"

"It can't be covered." At that age, Lu Qi'an still explained to others "I have a friend there."

"Friend?" Li Qinhe couldn't understand what he was saying.

Under the sun, Lu Qi'an actually smiled.

He said: "Otherwise, why do you think I bring Fengfeng to the courtyard to play every time?"