Chapter 29

On the first day of the National Day holiday, the city's temperature dropped and it rained cats and dogs.

Fu Jia and her roommates were all woken up by the sound of rain. When we woke up, it was as dark as dusk outside. Everyone thought it was still early, but when we looked at the time, it was already seven o'clock.

After Fu Jia got up, she habitually changed into her summer school uniform, and so did her roommates. After someone opened the door leading to the balcony, the cold air and moisture outside were blown in by the wind, and the four of them were immediately shrank from the cold.

The roommate touched the socks hanging outside, dumbfounded: "It's over, it's all wet."

Everyone took a look at the cold wind and rain outside, and quickly dug out the autumn school uniforms from the cabinet.

On the way to the classroom with an umbrella, Fu Jia moved the schoolbag to the front of her body to hold it, and kept protecting it with her hands. The roommate

was very curious and asked him: "Why are you holding the schoolbag? What treasure is in it?"

Fu Jia shook his head and said vaguely: "It's nothing, it's a gift for others."


After Fu Jia arrived in the classroom, the big head rushed over like a hungry tiger smelling fishy smell, and asked him anxiously: "Boss Fu, how is the matter?"

Fu Jia didn't give him a good look, and just ignored him.

Datou clasped his hands together and sincerely apologized: "I was wrong this time, next time I will never let you do this kind of thing again, okay? Tell me what happened yesterday, will it work or not?"

Fu Jia With a cold face, he said: "He doesn't agree." The

big head didn't give up: "Really?"

Fu Jia followed Lu Qi'an and frowned coldly: "Why don't you ask him yourself?" The

big head was convinced, and begged for mercy: "Got it Got it, I've worked hard on you this time, Boss Fu, shall I give you a shoulder?"

Seeing his dog-legged face, Fu Jia lost most of her anger, and her face softened a lot. Datou is not a bad person, he just wants to get close to Lu Qi's condom. How normal is this, Lu Qi'an is such an excellent person, who wouldn't want to get closer to him? What's more…he didn't ask Lu Qi'an for the big head at all, and even showed his face in front of so many friends of the big head.

"In the future, without my consent, don't invite so many people to eat with me." Fu Jia said.

The big head nodded again and again: "Yes, yes."

Fu Jia finally calmed down.

There is no overnight feud between boys in high school, not to mention that the big head is so flexible, the two quickly returned to their previous state.

Datou said that he would treat Fu Jia to a good lunch, but Fu Jia refused.

"Are you still angry?" Datou looked hurt.

Fu Jia shook her head, glanced at the schoolbag in her seat, and said, "No, I have other things to do." The

weather forecast said: 16 to 20 degrees Celsius, heavy rain.

Fu Jia calculated the time, and when the last class in the morning was about to end, he went to the office to find the head teacher, and asked for sick leave on the grounds of "unbearable abdominal pain".

After begging and begging, the head teacher took a look at his straight-up weekly test scores and reluctantly approved him as a leave. Fu Jia hugged her stomach, came out of the office with gratitude, and immediately recovered her lively appearance.

He took the umbrella from the classroom, held his schoolbag in his arms, left the second grade teaching building, and walked towards the third grade teaching building. Along the way, he slowly stepped on the stagnant water on the ground, humming to the sound of the rain hitting the umbrella, feeling more relaxed and happy than ever before.

In order to knit the gray scarf in her arms, Fu Jia stayed up for three days and nights. Every morning when she woke up, her eyes were dry and bloodshot, and a bunch of white hair grew out of her temples.

Although he suffered a great loss, Fu Jia enjoyed the whole process very much. As long as he thinks that this scarf can make Lu Qi'an like it, he feels that everything he does is meaningful.

When Fu Jia arrived at the senior three teaching building and began to climb the stairs, the get out of class bell rang. Fu Jia quickened her pace and trotted to find Lu Qi'an's class.

He sneaked a peek inside and found that the teacher was still standing on the podium and did not announce that get out of class was over.

Fearing that Lu Qi'an would find out ahead of time and spoil the surprise he had prepared, Fu Jia pressed her back against the wall, hiding her figure, quietly listening to the sound of the rain outside, and her own faster and faster heartbeat.

After several minutes, the teacher in the classroom finally announced that the get out of class was over, and the students opened the door and rushed out of the classroom.

Fu Jia grabbed the schoolbag in her arms and stared nervously at the people who came out one by one.

No, no, no.

It's Li Qinhe!

Fu Jia quickly turned her back and covered her face with her schoolbag. Fortunately, Li Qinhe's girlfriend smiled and waved to him not far away, and Li Qinhe could only see his beautiful girlfriend in his eyes.

Fu Jia let out a sigh of relief, and continued to stare at the people who went out.

No, no, no.

No, no, no…

still no.

Fewer and fewer people came out, and in the end no one came out again. None of them are Lu Qi'an.

Feeling uneasy, Fu Jia cautiously walked to the back door of the classroom and looked inside.

There are only two boys left in the classroom. Seeing Fu Jia looking over, he looked puzzled and couldn't figure out the situation. Both of them are so strange faces that they can't be more strange.

Fu Jia was dumbfounded.

The two boys in the classroom looked at each other and asked aloud, "Student, what's the matter?"

"I…" Fu Jia said falteringly, "I want to find someone." The

taller boy nodded in a friendly manner. Said: "Who are you looking for? Everyone is gone now. When someone comes in the afternoon, I can help you talk to him."

"Thank you." Fu Jia walked into the classroom and pointed to Lu Qi'an's seat, "I want to see Senior Lu." He had stayed next to Lu Qi'an's seat for a while before, no matter how the position changed, he could recognize Lu Qi'an's position again .

The tall boy nodded and said, "Lu Qi'an, he…"

"Wait." It was the short boy beside him who interrupted him.

He raised his eyes, looked at Fu Jia with a frown, and asked, "Student, have you ever been to our class before?"

"Ah?" Fu Jia nodded, "Yes, what's the matter?" The

short boy sneered , Said: "Then I understand."

He remembered Fu Jia, especially the sentence that Fu Jia stepped into their classroom that day and said "None of your business" to Li Qin and Zhangkou.

Taking a closer look, this tall and thin boy had similar behavior in physical education class, and it was even more blatant and shameless than last time. He actually went directly to their class to pass water to Lu Qi'an.

This is the kind of person he despises the most.

He studies well and his family is rich. He feels very lucky to be able to study with Lu and Li in the best class of No. 6 Middle School. He has always looked down on those people who are not good at school or from a good family background. They have learned the habits of hooligans in the society in high school, tending to others, and currying favor with people with good family background and good studies.

In his opinion, Fu Jia is this kind of person.

"Senior Lu has something to go to the office." The short boy said, "But…he told me before that if a tall and thin junior comes to him, let him go to the coffee shop on the north side of the school Buy a cup of hot coffee here."

He planned to make a meal of Fu Jia.

In this passage, only the first sentence is true. Today, Lu Qi'an was late for a class unprecedentedly, which made the dean and head teacher who always loved and respected him feel like they were facing a big enemy, fearing that something might happen to his health. Like the stars and the moon, he waited for the person to come, and took him directly to the infirmary. After confirming that he was fine, he went to the office to have a heart-to-heart talk, and he still refuses to let him go.

But now, it is estimated that he has gone to dinner with the dean.

Hearing his words, the tall boy gave him a strange look, but did not stop him.

Seeing the strange atmosphere between them, Fu Jia didn't believe what the boy said, and said, "Thank you, then I'll go to the office to find him.

" , besides angering him and the teacher, what effect can it have?" The short boy stopped him and said earnestly, "Listen to what the senior said, there is no need for the senior to lie to you, Lu Qi'an really told me to let you Buy coffee. I'll tell you the truth of this and you'll understand. People do everything with sincerity. If you want to make friends, you have to make some contributions. You can't even buy him a cup of coffee. What else? Use it? In my opinion, this is a test, to test whether you really want to make friends with him." The

tall boy turned his head, covered his mouth and tried his best to hold back a smile.

Fu Jia was confused by what he said.

Is it really? It seems to make sense, but also very strange.

The tall boy also gradually found it fun, and said to Fu Jia solemnly: "Student, it's true. Many people heard it at the time, and I heard it too. If you really want to make friends with Lu Qi'an, you'd better Hurry up and buy it, he will go home when the teacher lets him go, it's almost… there are still ten minutes, if you don't have time, we won't hide it for you, we will tell him directly that you don't want to help He buys coffee."

Both of them were serious, as if they were confidant seniors answering students' questions.

Fu Jia clenched her fists and thought over and over again, no matter how much she doubted their words, she dared not let go of that little worry in her heart.

What if?

What if Lu Qi'an is really testing him?

The current him dare not ignore even a ten thousandth possibility.

He walked to Lu Qi'an's desk, put the schoolbag on the table, and said, "I see, I'm going to buy it now, please senior look at the bag for me."

The short boy raised his eyebrows in surprise, he didn't expect him to really believe it, and said with a smile: "Okay, I'll help you look after it, you go quickly."

Fu Jia thanked again, picked up the umbrella and rushed out. He heard the sudden burst of laughter from the two boys in the classroom.

The time was only ten minutes, and Fu Jia ran very fast. He didn't have a watch, so he counted the time in his heart, the faster he counted, the more anxious he became.

In the torrential rain, most of his pants were quickly soaked by the splashed water. He was holding an umbrella, but it made no difference whether he was playing or not. The rainwater poured into the umbrella without hindrance, but instead brought resistance, forcing him to slow down.

He closed his umbrella and picked up speed.

When she arrived at the coffee shop, Fu Jia was drenched and startled the front desk lady. Seeing this, the people in front of him kindly let him go in front, and the barista moved faster than usual.

Fu Jia took the coffee, didn't even have time to say thank you, so she rushed out of the shop and rushed back to school.

Considering that the coffee was for Lu Qi'an, Fu Jia took off his coat, carefully wrapped the coffee cup, put it in his arms and ran.

Be fast, be fast.

In the end, it took him only seven minutes in total to get back to the classroom.

He held on to the door frame, gasping for breath, not a single part of his body was dry.

The two boys in the classroom were shocked when they saw him. The tall boy glanced at his watch and said in surprise, "So fast?"

Fu Jia's face was wet by the rain, and the rain also got into his eyes, so his vision was a bit blurred, but he could still see that the two boys were holding their hands. Playing with something.

Moreover, the bag that was placed on Lu Qi'an's desk before he left had already been opened.

It was a gray, fluffy thing.

It was no longer tidy and clean, with half resting on the ground and half being held in someone's hand, the edges were off and in a mess.

Fu Jia stood up straight and closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, his eyes were bloodshot, he stared at the two boys, and said, "You guys are kidding me."

Seeing that his expression was not right, the tall boy quickly said, "Student, we just want to play a joke on you.

" You're kidding me." He repeated word by word.

The short boy's face remained unchanged, he snorted coldly, and said, "What's wrong with you?"

Fu Jia stopped talking. He tore off the school uniform wrapped around the coffee cup, threw it on the ground, and walked towards them with the coffee.

It seemed to be the first sound of the rainstorm at night, and it seemed to be the moment when he walked out of the eaves with an umbrella in his hand, and the rain poured on the umbrella.

Fu Jia heard a huge roar.

"Fuck you!"

He raised his hand and slammed the coffee cup on the boy's head. The paper cup burst open in an instant, and the hot coffee splashed all over the boy's face, causing him to cry out in pain.

The coffee splashed and fell onto Fu Jia's face sporadically. Without blinking his eyes, he rushed towards the boy and punched him.

The strength and the viciousness in his eyes frightened the two boys who were in the third year of high school.

The short boy was bleeding from the blow, Fu Jia didn't let go, grabbed him by the collar and pushed him down on the table behind him, and swung the second punch without hesitation. The boy hurriedly went to the party with his hands, and shouted at the other person who was frightened: "Go and call the teacher!" The

tall boy ran out in a panic.

During the lunch break, there was only one male teacher left in the nearest office. He hurried to the classroom with the tall boy, and saw that the two had scuffled on the ground, and both were bleeding.

He and the tall boy each pulled one, but it didn't work. Fu Jia went crazy, kicking and kicking to get out of the teacher's hands, the teacher was dragged down to the ground by him, and there was a bloody mark.

They yelled so loudly that they almost moved the whole building, and more and more people ran over to help fight, and then the situation was brought under control.

Seeing that the situation was serious, the male teacher made a phone call to the dean.

As the short boy guessed, Teacher Liu did take Lu Qi'an to eat in the staff cafeteria. She answered the phone and did not avoid Lu Qi'an. After hearing the situation clearly in front of him, she turned pale with shock: "Fight, there is a sophomore fighting in Class 1 of the third year?"

Lu Qi'an froze.

He and Mr. Liu looked at each other with serious expressions. Teacher Liu immediately reacted: "Could it be Fu Jia?"

They hurried to the senior three teaching building. When they arrived at the classroom, the onlookers surrounded the front and rear doors tightly, and they couldn't squeeze in no matter how crowded they were.

"Get out of the way, out of the way!" Teacher Liu pushed aside the crowd, let Lu Qi'an go in first, and then followed.

The scene in front of me was a little scary.

The originally tidy classroom is now a mess, the tables and chairs are all tilted, and most of the books that were originally placed on the table are scattered on the ground, trampled by people coming and going, and the floor is in a mess.

More than a dozen people were in the room, some were standing and some were sitting, crowded into a small open space in the middle of the classroom, working together to restrain Fu Jia and another boy.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one would have believed it was caused by just two people.

Lu Qi'an walked in and squatted beside Fu Jia to check his situation.

Fu Jia lay on the ground, with countless hands pressing on his back, preventing him from moving. He was dirty and messy, and he was in a mess everywhere, but this was not the most important thing. His mouth and nose were bleeding, which was what Lu Qi'an was most worried about.

Fu Jia was hit in the eye during the quarrel, and his vision was a bit blurred, but he recognized Lu Qi'an's outline in an instant. He opened his mouth and wanted to get up.

The person who was holding him was terrified, and Qi Ba put all his hands together to press him back with more force.

"Let go!" Lu Qi'an's face turned pale, and he roared angrily, "Don't press him, let go!"

His roar was hoarse, and the whole classroom was silent.

The person holding Fu Jia was stunned, and relaxed. But they were frightened by Fu Jia, and they dared not let go completely.

The short boy on the other side was in worse condition than Fu Jia. His eyes were completely swollen, his nosebleed kept bleeding, and the gap between his teeth was also oozing blood, mixed with saliva, and it didn't stop after being blocked with cotton for a long time. He was so frightened that he couldn't cry. The tears flowed to the lower half of his face and mixed with blood, together with the coffee that Fu Jia had smashed on his face before, they mixed into an indescribable color.

Hearing Lu Qi'an's voice, he was extremely aggrieved, and complained in a hissed voice: "Everyone, teachers and students! It was this lunatic who did it first, and you can check the surveillance to find out!"

Hearing his voice, Fu Jia reflexively wanted Getting up and beating him, the person holding him was yelled at by Lu Qi'an before, and he didn't react, and let him get up from the ground.

Seeing this, Lu Qi'an hugged him tightly, let him kick and beat him in his arms, hugged him tighter little by little, and comforted him by his ear: "It's okay, it's okay, it's me."

Teacher Liu saw this , quickly came over to help.

Fu Jia gasped heavily, gradually calmed down, and tightly grabbed Lu Qi'an's clothes.

Feeling him trembling in his arms, Lu Qi'an pursed his lips tightly, his hands were cold.

Seeing that no one paid any attention to him, the short boy cried even harder, and shouted hoarsely: "Teacher, are you being unreasonable? He did it first, call the police to arrest him! This kind of student must be expelled. You must be fired!"

As he spoke, blood spouted from his mouth, looking horrifying.

Seeing this, the other teachers rushed to his side to comfort him, and anxiously called to ask where the ambulance had arrived and why it hadn't come yet.

In and out of the classroom, Wuyang Wuyang is full of people, constantly discussing who is right and who is wrong.

Lu Qi'an was extremely angry, but calmed down instead. He knew that the other party's injury was more serious than Fu Jia's, and there were so many teachers and classmates who witnessed it with their own eyes. If Fu Jia really did it first, the matter would not end well.

"Aunt Liu, watch him for me." He said to Teacher Liu.

Teacher Liu was stunned, and took Fu Jia from him. Seeing that Fu Jia refused to let go of Lu Qi'an's clothes, he gently opened his hands.

Lu Qi'an called "Aunt Liu", not "Teacher Liu".

Lu Qi'an stood up with a calm expression: "Feng Jing, calm down first, emotional agitation is not conducive to stopping the bleeding." Feng Jing is the name of a short boy.

Feng Jing glanced at Lu Qi'an, although he wanted to say something, but he didn't want to yell at Lu Qi'an, so he just turned his face away angrily.

"Feng Jing, since you have the confidence to adjust the monitoring, it means that this time the dispute should be started by Fu Jia—that is, this sophomore student." Lu Qi'an said.

Feng Jing said dissatisfiedly: "What is meant by should, that is, he first…"

"But," Lu Qi'an frowned, and interrupted him in a cold voice, "No one would fight desperately with another person for no reason, and even if they knew they had Under the monitoring situation, before the matter is investigated clearly, it is impossible to judge who is right and who is wrong."

He took a deep breath, observed the dissatisfied eyes of the people around him, and knew that the bystanders sympathized with the weak and the losers. He slowed down his tone and said: "The situation is so chaotic now, I can't make up my mind. Don't rush to call the police or drop out of school. It is a fact that Fu Jia hit people first. It is obvious to all that your injuries are worse than his. I suggest that you start today." Let him apologize to you, and talk about things slowly in the future, and everyone agrees to this way?"

He was clear, and even in this situation, he spoke at a moderate speed, so that everyone could hear clearly, and Feel his desire to calm down.

Teacher Liu, as the teaching director, was the first to answer: "Just do this, don't block the door, is it lively? How will the stretcher come in later?"

The onlookers shyly avoided her eyes and pushed one by one to retreat.

She breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Fu Jia in her arms, and said softly: "Fu Jia, you should say sorry to the senior today, it doesn't mean that you are considered to be at fault for this matter, but he is your senior, The injury is worse than yours, please apologize first and comfort him, okay?"

Before she finished speaking, Fu Jia raised her head from his arms and looked at Lu Qi'an absently.

Lu Qi'an also looked at him, clenched his hands, trembling slightly.

Teacher Liu was slightly stunned.

Suddenly, she understood what was the strange feeling she felt when she watched the two children's backs rising when she invited Fu Jiahe to dinner.

The exclusivity between them is too strong. As long as they look at each other, everything around them is excluded by them.

They only have each other, only see each other, only recognize each other.

Fu Jia opened his mouth, and asked in a hoarse voice: "Why… I have to apologize."

Lu Qi'an whispered, "It doesn't mean you are wrong."

Fu Jia asked again stubbornly, with empty eyes: "Why I apologize…"

Lu Qi'an's heart was numb, and he said reluctantly: "I said, this does not mean that you…"

"In your eyes, is it wrong for me to do anything, and you are not satisfied with whatever I do? ?"

Fu Jia said.

He waved Teacher Liu's hand away, got up from the ground with all his hands and feet, and then struggled to stand still.

"I give up." He said through gritted teeth, pushed away those who were in the way, and ran out of the classroom.

The remaining Lu Qi'an stood in place, all parts of his body lost consciousness in an instant.

Two seconds later, he chased it out.

The back is in a hurry.