Chapter 30

The weather forecast said this: 16 to 20 degrees Celsius, heavy rain.

Lu Qi'an chased him very fast, but when he ran down to the second floor, he could no longer hear the footsteps of people running downstairs. He looked down from the corridor and saw Fu Jia, wearing the short sleeves under the coat, rushing into the torrential rain below 20 degrees Celsius, and ran staggeringly to the north.

Knowing that he couldn't pass it on, he still called out: "Fu Jia!"

No one responded.

He quickly went downstairs and followed Fu Jia into the rain, and there was no one in the north. He followed Fu Jia's running direction and continued to call Fu Jia's name, but the rain was so loud that his voice was quickly drowned out, and even he himself couldn't hear clearly.

He quickened his pace and yelled again: "Fu Jia!"

In his memory, he had never yelled so hoarsely.

There are no teaching buildings in the north, but the woods and laboratory buildings in the school. The path is complicated and there are many branches. Lu Qi'an instinctively chose a way in, and found the end from the beginning. He didn't find anyone, so he turned back to the starting point and continued searching in another way. The rain was so heavy that Lu Qi'an was drenched to the skin in no time. Because he was looking anxiously, he rarely blinked, and the rain blocked his vision, making his speed slower and slower.

Lu Qi'an didn't know how long he had been looking for, but he never gave up. Finally, he found Fu Jia behind the laboratory building.

At first he wasn't sure if there was someone there, because looking from a distance through the rain curtain, the silhouette of that person didn't look like a human, but looked like a bunch of discarded objects. Lu Qi'an came closer and saw that the person was trembling, so he was sure it was Fu Jia. He squatted by the wall, with his back against the wall, his hands clasping his body, his head deeply buried between his arms, and he curled up into a ball as much as possible.

Above his head was the eaves protruding from the upper floors of the building to protect him from the rain. Although the rain still hit him, at least he did not stay in the rainstorm all the time, which made Lu Qi'an heave a sigh of relief.

He didn't approach rashly, but stopped a step away from the eaves, and shouted hoarsely, "Fu Jia."

After searching for so long and shouting for so long, Lu Qi'an's voice has become hoarse.

Fu Jia's hand moved, but he didn't raise his head, nor did he relax his body. Even though there was no room behind him, he still shrank back and said, "Don't come here."

His voice was buried in his hands, muffled and inaudible.

Lu Qi'an cleared his throat, and in order to avoid being suddenly hoarse and unable to speak clearly, he said slowly, "It's too cold outside, I'll take you to shelter from the rain."

Fu Jia's body trembled even more. He raised his head slightly, but before Lu Qi'an could see his expression clearly, he shook his head vigorously and said, "Don't come over."

His teeth chattered, and his voice was intermittent: "You, if you want to take shelter from the rain, you can go by yourself. Don't worry about me."

Lu Qi'an took a deep breath, said softly, "You're injured, you can't get in the rain again."

Fu Jia still refused to look up at him, twitched the corners of her mouth, sneered, and said, "Then What does it have to do with you? In your opinion, shouldn't I be the one to blame for my injury? You don't like me, and you said before that you don't pity me, so it doesn't matter if I die or not?"

His tone was unsteady, But because there is a strong spirit supporting it, the whole passage is smooth.

Lu Qi'an clenched his hands tightly until his joints ached. He relied on the pain in his hands to maintain his composure, without showing a gaffe.

Fu Jia has been obedient for so long that he almost forgot the indelible gloomy temperament that Fu Jia had when he had not moved out of the Lin family. Now he is the same as before, holding a hostile and repulsive attitude towards everything around him, like a sharp thorn.

Lu Qi'an didn't blink, and let the rainwater flow into his eyes, making them more and more bloodshot and red.

He said: "I take care of you, and I will take care of you in the future."

His tone was decisive, as if he was not only telling Fu Jia, but also promising himself.

Fu Jia's eyes became hot, and he couldn't help letting out a vague sob from his throat. Trembling greatly, he stammered and said: "I don't need…you go."

Lu Qi'an stood still, he said heavily, "I will take care of you, Fu Jia, don't give up. "

In an instant, Fu Jia was stunned. He couldn't help but raised his head and looked at Lu Qi'an—

this was the most embarrassing time for Lu Qi'an since the two of them met. As much rain as Fu Jia got wet, so did Lu Qi'an, not to mention that he ignored the mud in the grove and turned back several times. There were quite a few mud spots on his trousers and even the hem of his jacket.

Fu Jia closed his eyes, but couldn't stop the tears from pouring out. He hugged his head in a breakdown, trying to hide his crying.

Fu Jia hated herself very much. Because when he said "I give up", he really decided to give up. He rushed into the rain aimlessly, ran forward without knowing the direction, and decided that even if Lu Qi'an came to look for him, or even apologized to him, he would send him away with the most unkind tone.

But when he heard Lu Qi'an's words "don't give up", he couldn't get up; when he looked up and saw Lu Qi'an was drenched in the rain like him, he couldn't do anything but cry out in pain no.

Fu Jia was thinking, why did he feel so distressed and reluctant after seeing all this, and didn't even want to scold him or drive him away, but just wanted to protect him from the rain and take him to a dry and warm place .

He hates himself, yet is out of control.

Lu Qi'an took a deep breath, took off his coat, walked under the eaves, squatted down in front of Fu Jia, and asked him, "Is it cold?"

Fu Jia was slow to respond, and it took him a long time to shake his head.

Lu Qi'an shook off his coat, put it on Fu Jia's back, and said, "Use your coat to block the rain first, and I will carry you back to the teaching building. The ambulance should have arrived by now, and I will take you to the hospital."

His coat was so soaked it could even drip water. But the school uniform jacket has a certain degree of waterproofness, and it is better to use it to cover than to be exposed to the rain directly.

Fu Jia pushed his hand away, and wanted to tear off the coat on his body, saying: "I'm not going to the hospital."

Lu Qi'an grabbed both sides of the coat, wrapped Fu Jia in it, pulled it towards him, and said: "Then where do you want to go?"

Fu Jia was pulled closer by him suddenly, his head went blank, and the tears stopped.

Lu Qi'an's face was close at hand, Fu Jia looked at his bloodshot eyes, but felt that it was not scary, but very gentle.

Fu Jia held her breath and said nothing.

Lu Qi'an moved his hands back, put them on his back, surrounded him, and said, "Go to the hospital if you don't speak."

Fu Jia sniffed and shook his head vigorously.

Lu Qi'an sighed and said, "Then I'll take you to my apartment."

Fu Jia still shook his head.

Lu Qi'an pulled up the two sleeves of his jacket, tied a slipknot on Fu Jia's chest, and said, "Shake your head again and go to the hospital. You wait here for me, don't move, I'll borrow an umbrella."

After speaking, Lu Qi'an said Get up and walk out into the rain again.

Fu Jia stared at him blankly, her first reaction was that Lu Qi'an was gone, he could run away.

But in fact, his body was motionless.

He struggled for a few seconds, moved his legs, and found that he had squatted for a long time, and his legs were numb to the point of unconsciousness. When he moved again, the pain was so intense that he couldn't even exert any strength with his whole body.

Fu Jia leaned against the wall and sat on the ground, covered her legs, and decided not to run away.

Because his legs are numb, because his legs are numb.

He wiped his face and felt wet hands, sweat, rain and tears.

He kept convincing himself: it was because his legs were numb.

While waiting for Lu Qi'an, Fu Jia kept finding reasons for himself, convincing himself bit by bit, until Lu Qi'an came back.

The rain has lessened a lot.

Lu Qi'an borrowed a lattice umbrella from somewhere, although there is only one, but the umbrella is very big, it is no problem to cover two people. Seeing him gradually approaching, Fu Jia was in a complicated mood. Although he kept comforting himself that he didn't leave because his legs were numb, but when Lu Qi'an borrowed an umbrella and came back, he really just stayed here obediently, he was more obedient than a pet dog.

Lu Qi'an walked into the eaves and saw that Fu Jia changed from squatting to sitting. He put away the umbrella and put it by the wall. He half squatted down and looked at him, and said, "You hold the umbrella, and I will carry you to the apartment.

" Turning his face away, he said coldly: "Why should I be with you? I want to go back to the dormitory."

Lu Qi'an said without hesitation: "No." His tone was understated, but Fu Jia could hear how sure he was.

"You…" Fu Jia opened his mouth, and the phrase "Why are you" stuck in his throat, and he was almost about to say it.

But almost is almost. If he was so blunt, if he was extremely angry, he would not say it easily.

Seeing that he was hesitant to speak, Lu Qi'an explained: "You can't go back to the dormitory now. You ran out suddenly, and the teacher didn't end well. Now no one comes to you because something on the other side tripped them up, and I have already come out to find you. You. If you let the teacher know that you went back to the dormitory instead of going to the hospital or looking for your parents, do you know what they would do?"

Fu Jia did not answer him.

Now he is broken and broken, and he is not afraid of anything. When he hit someone, he was prepared to bear all the consequences. No matter what happened, he would definitely do it at that moment.

What's more, he even gave up on Lu Qi'an, so what is he afraid of?

Fu Jia looked indifferent, but Lu Qi'an was quite serious: "They will contact your parents."

In an instant, Fu Jia's body froze.

"You go to the apartment with me, and I will tell the teacher that you have been picked up by your parents and taken to the hospital for examination, and Teacher Liu will also help persuade other teachers." Lu Qi'an said, handing him the handle of the umbrella, "You have to do it as soon as possible. Change your clothes and come back with me, I will carry you."

Fu Jia gritted her teeth, did not take his umbrella, but supported the wall by herself, and stood up from the spot with all her strength. But not only was he physically weak, he was also nervous, his legs were shaking constantly, and his movements were slow and awkward.

Slowly, Fu Jia grasped the cracks in the wall and stood up straight, saying, "I want to go by myself."

His tone was stubborn.

Lu Qi'an was silent for two seconds, and did not continue to insist. He stood up too, opened the umbrella, and shrouded the two of them in the shadow of the same umbrella.

On a rainy day, they were on the backside of the building, covered by an umbrella, and the light was dim. Fu Jia couldn't see Lu Qi'an's face clearly, and only heard him say: "Okay." Fu Jia

breathed a sigh of relief.

He tried to move his feet and found that it was not as difficult as he imagined. Apart from the sloppy footsteps, the pain is no longer as strong as before. If he wanted to run away, he could definitely leave before Lu Qi'an came back.

But he didn't.

Fu Jia walked out of the eaves, and Lu Qi'an followed him with an umbrella. The two walked very slowly, Fu Jia didn't speak, and Lu Qi'an didn't speak either.

Walking slowly to the school gate, Lu Qi'an hailed a taxi. The apartment is very close to the school, and the traffic flow increases significantly in rainy days, so taking a car may not be faster than walking.

Fu Jia raised this question: "Why do you need to take a ride so close?"

A car stopped in front of the two of them, and Lu Qi'an walked up and opened the rear door: "You can choose freely by taking a ride or letting me carry you."

Without even thinking about it, Fu Jia sat in the back seat.

Lu Qi'an followed him in and sat next to him.

Fu Jia leaned on the car door on her side, stared out of the car window, and stayed away from Lu Qi'an as much as possible. But Yingying on the car window can see the reflection inside the car, Fu Jia tried his best to ignore it, but he was still attracted by the reflection.

He put his hands on the window and closed his eyes.

Although there were many cars on rainy days and it was still the peak hour in the afternoon, there was only one traffic light on the way to the apartment, so the time did not delay too long.

Before entering the community, Lu Qi'an explained the situation to the guard and let the car drive into the community.

The car stopped, and Lu Qi'an got out of the car after paying. He opened the umbrella, went around to Fu Jia's side, opened the car door, lowered the umbrella and waited for him to come out.

Fu Jia turned a blind eye to this and turned around, trying to get off from the other side of the car.

Lu Qi'an frowned slightly, reached out and grabbed the clothes on Fu Jia's chest – it was the coat he put on Fu Jia's body, and tied a knot on his chest with his sleeves, and that was the knot he grabbed.

Fu Jia leaned forward and almost fell out of the car door.

Lu Qi'an let go of his hand in time, and took a step back. He pursed his lips tightly, his eyes looked extraordinarily dark under the backlight.

Although he gave in in action, Fu Jia actually felt anger from looking at his expression.

Fu Jia thought for a while, and didn't feel awkward anymore, so she got out of the car and walked into the umbrella he opened.

Lu Qi gave him a blank look, closed the door, and nodded to the driver. Seeing the driver start the car and leave, he walked towards the apartment.

He didn't let Fu Jia walk in front, and he didn't pay attention to whether Fu Jia followed. He just walked forward on his own. It was nothing like the part of the school walk they had taken before they got in the car.

Fu Jia followed him, angry and nervous.

Why is it Lu Qi'an's turn to be angry again? Isn't he angry now? Shouldn't it be Lu Qi'an watching his expression carefully?

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and the angrier he became, the more he couldn't let go. After entering the interior of the building, Fu Jia deliberately lagged behind a few steps, fully one meter away from Lu Qi'an.

Lu Qi'an's footsteps paused, but he didn't stop. He continued to walk forward and pressed the elevator.

The elevator arrived quickly, and there was no one else in it. Lu Qi'an walked in directly, while Fu Jia deliberately dawdled for a few seconds before following in, sticking to the corner, trying not to get close to Lu Qi'an.

On the surface, Lu Qi'an did not respond to this.

When they reached the floor where they were, Lu Qi'an stepped out of the elevator, seeing that Fu Jia was still dawdling, his seemingly calm expression finally completely disappeared.

He took a step forward, stretched his arms and grabbed the knot on Fu Jia's chest, and pulled him out forcefully.

Fu Jia's center of gravity was unstable, and he yelled out, but was held firmly by Lu Qi'an with the other hand.

Fu Jia was furious, and said, "Why do you…"

He only said three words, and Lu Qi'an moved his hand down, put it on his waist, and lifted him up. At the same time, Lu Qi'an put He lowered his body, put his shoulders against Fu Jia's abdomen, and carried him on his shoulders together.

Fu Jia's upper body instantly became head-on-the-ground state, and he opened his mouth wide in a daze, not daring to move.

Lu Qi'an fixed him with one hand, and unlocked the door of the apartment with the other.

After entering, he walked straight into the master bedroom where he lived, lowered his center of gravity on the side of the bed, held Fu Jia's waist with both hands, and placed him on the bed.

Fu Jia stared at him blankly, letting him dictate the whole process.

Lu Qi'an stood up straight, his face looked much better. He was finally willing to speak and said, "Stay here and don't move."

He took a set of clothes from the closet, entered the bathroom attached to the master bedroom, and did not forget to close the door.

Fu Jia watched him walking back and forth, his head hadn't recovered from the tens of seconds of anti-gravity just now, and he couldn't think normally.

In less than a minute, Lu Qi'an came out of the bathroom. He changed into the suit he brought in, but he didn't walk towards Fu Jia, but stood outside the bathroom door to observe Fu Jia, and saw that he had been rigidly maintaining the clothes just now. His posture remained motionless, and his face looked better again. He said: "I want to check the wound on your body. I can't let you take a bath directly. I'll wipe it with a towel first." After finishing speaking, he walked in again, this time without closing the door, although Fu Jia couldn't see the bathroom from the angle The situation here, but he heard the sound of water.

Soon, the sound of water stopped, and Lu Qi'an came out with a basin and a towel.

He moved a chair by the bed for the basin and towels. Then adjust the temperature of the air conditioner, from the original 28 degrees to 30 degrees. After preparing all this, he moved the second chair and sat directly opposite Fu Jia, and said, "Okay, take off your clothes now."

Fu Jia: "?"

He fell back and shook his head frantically.

Lu Qi'an repeated in a low voice: "Take off your clothes."

Fu Jia shook his head even more.

Lu Qi'an raised his hand and reached out to Fu Jia, Fu Jia quickly hid back, kicked his feet back to the center of the bed, trembling.

Lu Qi'an did not speak, but propped himself on the bed with one hand, grabbed Fu Jia's ankle with the other, dragged him back, and said, "If you don't take it off, I will help you take it off."

Fu Jia's face changed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Hong, he frantically shook his head, then nodded desperately, completely losing his ability to speak.

Lu Qi'an didn't know what he wanted to express: "Who do you want to take off?"

Fu Jia's eyes widened, he pointed at himself excitedly, and whispered: "I'll take it off, I'll take it off."

Lu Qi'an then let go of his hand.

Fu Jia clutched his heart, feeling that his heart was beating violently, every time it beat, all parts of his body beat together.

Why are you so dizzy?

Lu Qi'an looked at him calmly, his eyes seemed to say: "Please do it."

Fu Jia avoided his eyes, reached out to undo the coat Lu Qi'an gave him. This step is not difficult, it is completed in a second, but the next step is to take off the T-shirt under the jacket. Fu Jia grabbed the hem of the T-shirt and tried to lift it up, but failed twice. Lu Qi'an

patiently waited for him to try for the third time, and then failed, and asked him: "Do you need my help?"

Fu Jia immediately said: "No!"

The shirt is off.

The moment the skin on the upper body was exposed to the air, it felt a little cold. Not because the temperature in the room was cold, but because his skin was too hot.

Fu Jia quickly hugged her body, raised her back and arched her waist, trying to block as much as she could.

Expose the body naked to Lu Qi'an's gaze, including the lower abdomen, navel, and nipples. This cognition made Fu Jia think that he was going to die.

Lu Qi'an's breathing rate accelerated in an instant. He raised his hand, put his fist to his lips, and coughed lightly.

Fu Jia's whole body was flushed, and he shrank his body, hoping that he was not in the house now, not even above the ground, but below the foundation of this building, a place that Lu Qi'an would never see.

Lu Qi'an stood up, went to the closet and took a blanket for Fu Jia. Fu Jia grabbed the blanket, as if frozen in the temperature of tens of degrees below zero in the deep winter, and wrapped the blanket around her body desperately, wrapping it around until it was airtight in the end.

Lu Qi'an looked at his flushed face and said: "I remember your mouth and nose are bleeding, please open your mouth first and let me see if there is something wrong with your teeth."

Fu Jia shook his head and said incoherently: "No… no , I have no problem with my teeth, no problem at all, I have no problem with my body, but I was anxious at the time, and I bit the meat in my mouth, and there was a little blood."

His lips opened and closed, and Lu Qi'an's eyes flashed from his eyes. Moving to the mouth, his red tongue can be seen. He approached Fu Jia and said, "Open your mouth."

"I…" Fu Jia wanted to refuse, but after saying the word "I", her mouth opened. Although the arc was small, it was prolonged by his hesitation. He immediately shut up and shook his head instead.

Lu Qi'an said again: "Open your mouth."

This time, his voice was hoarse.

Fu Jia's eyes wandered, and he noticed that Lu Qi'an was getting closer and closer. He had no other choice but to open his mouth in an "ah".

Lu Qi'an's eyes darkened, he stretched out his hand, pressed Fu Jia's back neck, and leaned closer.

He showed Fu Jia a qualified forced kiss, that is, at the moment when the lips and teeth meet, he sticks his tongue in, wraps around the opponent's, sucks from time to time, avoids from time to time, and carefully licks other parts of the other's mouth .

Fu Jia groaned vaguely, and fell back limply.

Lu Qi'an supported him, withdrew his tongue and bit Fu Jia's upper and lower lips instead.

He didn't know how long he kissed, or how long he should kiss. Although he was more organized than Fu Jia, it was the first time he did it. He had no theoretical basis, but he relied on instinct to actually implement it.

Simply put, it is what you want to do.

When he let go of Fu Jia, both of them were panting.

Fu Jia opened his mouth, his soul was out of his body, his eyes were not focused, and he didn't know what he was in a daze.

Lu Qi'an pinched his face and said, "Next time kiss me forcefully, remember to stick out your tongue like this."