Chapter 39

Lu Qi'an has always been very tolerant.

No matter how love, hatred and desire surge inside the body, as long as you can bear it, you can maintain the calm on the surface.

Unfortunately, Lu Qi'an is not even twenty years old now. If he was twenty years older, he might be able to let Fu Jia tease him, but now he is just a young man-healthy and energetic.

Fu Jia's licking covered two layers of clothing, but it made Lu Qi'an more unbearable than direct touching. Every time they kissed, Fu Jia's tongue would push back and forth sticky in his mouth, and the slippery and soft touch remained in his memory for a long time.

Now that the touch had moved from his mouth to his cock, there was no way he wouldn't be unresponsive.

His breathing became rougher and sounded like a gasp after a trot. Accompanied by such a breathing sound, he said, "You've been worrying about this?"

Fu Jia was a little dazed.

He was the one who took the initiative to lean over, and he was the one who took the initiative to lick people, but when he watched the part he just licked became erect and swelled, he pushed up his pants, and poked him in the face with heat, his mind boomed , thinking was messed up, and the prepared lines were forgotten.

He faltered for a while, then stammered, "No, can't you worry…"

Lu Qi'an propped his hands on his sides, raised his upper body, and reached for the lamp switch by the bed. The power of this lamp is not high, and the light color is yellowish, so it can only be used as a night light. But the moment the light came on, Fu Jia was startled, and hurriedly covered her face with the back of her hand.

Despite his mental preparations, he still hopes to have the shelter of darkness. He didn't want Lu Qi'an to see his courtship too clearly, and he didn't want to see himself too clearly.

Under the dim light, Lu Qi'an could clearly see Fu Jia's face. His face was flushed, and his neck and ears were also red. On the whole face, the redness at the end of the eyes is the deepest, drooping down Yan Yan, as if a light touch with a finger would ooze blood.

The pajamas on Fu Jia's upper body were only buttoned three or four times, hanging loosely on his body. Lu Qi'an saw his bare chest and the erect nipples on his chest, trembling with his breathing.

For a moment, Lu Qi'an felt as if he was in a sea of flames, and the heat was unbearable. His cock didn't take any more stroking, but it was achingly hard, more ferocious than any erection he'd had before.

He didn't speak, swallowed his hoarse voice, reached out and turned off the desk lamp.

The darkness enveloped the two of them again, this time not only gave Fu Jia courage, but also gave Lu Qi'an courage.

He sat up straight, leaning his back against the head of the bed, hugged Fu Jia, and let him lean on him.

I don't know whether it was nervous or shy, Fu Jia's hand pushed twice uncomfortably, but the strength was soft and it didn't work.

Lu Qi'an said: "I'm sorry, I didn't make it clear earlier, which made you worry."

His tone was calm, but his voice was hoarse and deep, which made people's ears itchy for no reason. Fu Jia covered her ears helplessly, not knowing what to say.

"I said before that I don't hate you or pity you. These words may not be convincing to you." Lu Qi'an said slowly, "My relatives don't like you, it doesn't mean I don't like you. I don't I feel that you have done anything wrong, and you don't need to feel inferior because of other people's censure. You are excellent and cute, and I like you very much, and this is all the reasons why I am with you."

At this moment, Lu Qi'an was frank like never before, not only To Fu Jia, but also to himself.

This was Fu Jia's completely unexpected development of him, because it was so unexpected that he recovered after a few seconds and realized that he had said a certain word: "Keep, cute…?"

He looked at Lu Qi'an shocked.

In the dark, they couldn't see each other clearly, except for their eyes. Fu Jia's focused eyes somewhat soothed Lu Qi'an's restless lust. He restrained himself and kissed Fu Jia's forehead: "Yes, it's very cute."

Fu Jia gasped twice excitedly, almost crying. He supported Lu Qi'an's shoulder hard, raised his face and kissed him. Because the force was too great, the nails dug into the flesh.

Lu Qi'an didn't push him away, let him carelessly kiss and lick his face, and heard him say incoherently, "You too…you're so kind, so kind…"

He could only describe the word "good", It seems that this word can represent all positive things in the world.

Both of them had erections for a long time, and kissing alone couldn't relieve anything, but they were gradually building up their desires. Fu Jia's body reacted very directly. He pressed against Lu Qi'an's body and rubbed it back and forth. His swollen penis touched each other through the clothes. After just a few rubs, Fu Jia couldn't take it anymore, and his body kept shaking.

Lu Qi'an stretched out his hand and helped Fu Jia take off his pants. Fu Jia's penis is light in color, and even his pubic hair is very sparse, but fortunately, he is not too far behind his peers in terms of size. Because of the long-term erection, the front end of the penis turned dark red and turned up high, almost reaching the lower abdomen. Lu Qi'an held his penis to help him move it, rubbing the front end with his fingers from time to time, a small amount of transparent mucus spit out there very quickly, and it was very slippery to the touch.

Fu Jia endured it bitterly, not wanting to ejaculate quickly and embarrassingly like last time.

It's a pity that the quick shooter is the quick shooter after all, he didn't last long before he shot in Lu Qi'an's hands one by one. He ejaculated very quickly, a lot of semen splashed on the bed sheet, and Lu Qi'an's lower abdomen was also splashed a lot by him.

"Ha…ha…" He kept panting, hugged Lu Qi'an tightly for a while, and then touched Lu Qi'an's lower body with shaking hands. The thing was so hot and big that he couldn't hold it with one hand, and he moved it very slowly.

This constant speed was torture for Lu Qi'an, he bit Fu Jia's ear, as if urging him.

Fu Jia struggled to speed up and used his other hand to help. After clasping his hands, he felt Lu Qi'an's heat more clearly, and gradually broke out in sweat, and the thing he had just vented became semi-hard again.

He just tossed and tossed slowly, until he was about to ejaculate, and the thing in his hand throbbed and ejaculated semen.

Lu Qi'an ejaculated so much and thickly that Fu Jia couldn't cover it with one hand, allowing them to leak everywhere, blending with what he ejaculated before. He embraced Lu Qi'an contentedly, and heard a suppressed low hum from his throat.

Fu Jia's whole body was hummed by him.

"Let's do it again…" Fu Jia couldn't help saying.

Lu Qi'an exhaled slowly, endured the relief after venting, and regained his reason and calmness: "No, I have class tomorrow."

Fu Jia said in a long voice: "Let's skip class for another day."

Lu Qi'an was in his Patted on the back, his tone was half stern and half coaxing: "If you skip another day of class, the teacher will probably punish you to write a self-criticism. This time I won't write it for you."

"Huh?" Fu Jia looked at him in shock. Looking at him, "Will we be fined to write a review if we skip class today?"

In fact, as early as today when we went out to the park, Lu Qi'an sent a text message to Teacher Liu asking for leave, and Teacher Liu approved it without asking. But at this moment Lu Qi'an nodded and said: "It should be."

Fu Jia was silent in an instant.

Lu Qi'an thought his reaction was very cute, and couldn't help coaxing him: "You are obedient and don't make trouble, and I will write for you."

Fu Jia hummed, and her mood brightened again.

The two had a fight, and there was sweat and semen, and they had to take a bath. Fu Jia pestered Lu Qi'an to take a bath together, so Lu Qi'an filled the bathtub in the master bedroom with water, carried Fu Jia into it first, and then sat down slowly by himself.

The single-person bathtub can't fit two people, even if Fu Jia hugged his legs and curled up into a ball, Lu Qi'an had to bend his legs to sit in. Both of them were naked without any clothing covering them, sitting facing each other, they could see each other's body clearly in the hot air.

Lu Qi'an's body was much stronger than Fu Jia's, with smooth muscles and a slightly darker complexion. After Fu Jia took a few glances, his blood was surging and he almost had a nosebleed.

He buried half of his face in the water, Gululu said something.

Lu Qi'an only heard the sound of spitting bubbles, but didn't hear a decent word. He asked, "What did you say?"

Fu Jia's whole body was red, and he lifted that half of his face from the water, his eyes and lips were red and watery. "I said… I said why didn't you make it to the end with me today?"

Lu Qi'an was taken aback.

Fu Jia's eyes drifted away, and he touched his nose with his hand to make sure that he didn't have a nosebleed before continuing: "I… I didn't know what to do before, so I checked it on your computer today while you were taking a shower. It doesn't seem to be difficult. You know so much, you should know better than me…I can do the following one, expand it, expand it, you won't hurt, and I won't hurt either…"

Fu Jia finished speaking After these words, my whole body went limp, and I couldn't use any strength.

Lu Qi'an looked at him in surprise, and he couldn't even recover.

I don't know when Fu Jia has been acting so bravely, directly and passionately in front of him. Even if he made Fu Jia depressed for a while, Fu Jia would soon cheer up and chase him again, the eagerness in his eyes never dissipated.

Compared with Fu Jia, he is too hypocritical.

"Because…" Lu Qi'an said, "Because there is no lubricant or condom at home, I will buy it when I have time."

Fu Jia was stunned.

In the next second, he buried his entire head in the water with a plop.

There was no bath salt or bubbles in the bathtub, and everything could be seen clearly. Fu Jia's behavior of plunging into it was completely deceitful. Lu Qi'an reached out to grab him, but Fu Jia dodged his hand and kicked him twice.

The water leaked out of the bathtub, Lu Qi'an was afraid that he would choke, so he let go of his hand helplessly, and said, "I just said it casually, if you don't want to buy it." Before he

finished speaking, Fu Jia jumped out of the water. He raised his head and explained, "I'm not unwilling, it's just… just that there's no need to buy condoms."

His hair was soaked in water and stuck to his forehead obediently. He leaned on the edge of the bathtub to approach Lu Qi'an, and the water droplets from the end of his hair dripped down, right on Lu Qi'an's chest.

"At that time, I hope you can directly insert…"