Chapter 40

Fu Jia just spoke out her true inner thoughts, but she hardened herself and made Lu Qi'an so lustful.

The two became entangled in the bathtub with limited space, and once again helped each other out with their hands, causing water to splash everywhere. This time Fu Jia ejaculated even faster than the first time, because under the light of the bathroom, he could clearly see Lu Qi'an's flushed face. There was a thin layer of lust in his eyes, which was completely different from the usual him, but it was real. It was really him.

This is tantamount to an aphrodisiac for Fu Jia.

Lu Qi'an had vented once before, and it was really difficult to ejaculate again under Fu Jia's limp hands. He put a towel on the side of the bathtub, grabbed Fu Jia's waist and made him lie on the side of the bathtub, leaned over, closed his legs, and slowly inserted them between his legs.

The first time the hot penis rubbed past, Fu Jia cried out in a low voice.

Lu Qi'an stopped his movements and asked in a rough voice, "Do you feel uncomfortable?"

Fu Jia shook his head, "It's okay…" He didn't feel uncomfortable, but he felt itchy and itchy everywhere, and he couldn't stand the itching.

Lu Qi'an kissed the back of Fu Jia's neck as a consolation, straightened up and thrust between his legs. Because Fu Jia's body is soft, he can play with his legs tightly or loosely, so the pleasure accumulates very quickly. After dozens of insertions, he let go of Fu Jia and pulled it out with his hands.

Most of the water in the bathtub was squeezed out by them, and the rest of the water was a little cold. Lu Qi'an abandoned the useless bathtub, carried Fu Jia out, took another shower under the shower, put on his pajamas and went back to his room to continue sleeping.

As soon as he lay down, before turning off the light, Fu Jia blushed and said, "I don't know that you can… use your legs to do it, where did you learn it from?"

Lu Qi'an calmly turned off the light, and said, "No Where did you learn it, and you can do it if you want to do it."

Stars appeared in Fu Jia's eyes, and he praised: "You are amazing."

Lu Qi'an: …

He put his arms around Fu Jia and said, "Go to sleep."

Ever since Lu Qi'an described her as "excellent and cute", Fu Jia's self-confidence has exploded, and she walks sideways in school every day.

He returned the USB flash drive carrying all the dreams of the big head to the big head, and said: "Thank you, I don't need it anymore." The

big head was holding the USB flash drive, as if he was holding his own baby, he looked at Fu Jia twice, Ask: "Where's my handwritten secret book?"

Fu Jia was taken aback: "Yes, you also lent me a small book." Fu Jia thought about it carefully, and found that the last time he looked at the book was sleeping separately from Lu Qi'an That night, he remembered that he had put it away, but he had no memory of the notebook ever since.

"I'm sorry, I should have left it at home. I'll go back and look for it." Fu Jia said wonderingly, where would such a small thing be left?

Aunt Miao was also puzzled by this small book. While cleaning the apartment, she swept out a palm-sized notebook from under the desk. She abided by her duty and didn't look through it, but the cover was covered with all kinds of strange patterns and symbols, which made her conclude that it wasn't Lu Qi'an's stuff. She was not sure, so she didn't put the book in the bookshelf or drawer, but put it in the most conspicuous place in the study.

When Lu Qi'an and Fu Jia came home from school and went to study in the study, the two noticed the conspicuous notebook at a glance. When Fu Jia was still wondering what it was, Lu Qi'an had already walked over and started to look through it.

Fu Jia followed, and saw the inconspicuous big characters on the first page—five-star special recommendation (bold): "After class, the black silk temptation of pure female students". Further down, five-star recommendation: "Laser! Hot Female Teacher's Office Femdom".

Lu Qi'an: …

Fu Jia: …

"This is…" Fu Jia was frightened out of his wits, and explained angrily, "This is not mine, it is, I picked it up on the road…"

"Really." Lu Qi'an will Closed the book, handed it to Fu Jia, and said blankly, "I hope the owner can be found as soon as possible."

Fu Jia nodded frantically like pounding garlic, stuffed the book into her schoolbag, and showed a flattering smile to Lu Qi'an.

Although Lu Qi'an didn't turn his eyes away, his reaction was cold.

While thinking "No way", Fu Jia asked, "Aren't you angry?"

Lu Qi'an pursed his lips and said nothing.

Well, that's being angry. Fu Jia thought resignedly.

This time when he was angry, Lu Qi'an was not as obvious as last time. He had a normal reaction when talking to him, and he would kiss back when he kissed him, not to mention sleeping separately from Fu Jia. But Fu Jia just felt that something was wrong, everything was wrong.

This tepid state made Fu Jia very difficult to deal with, and he couldn't complain as confidently as last time, because this time he was at fault first, and it was rare for Lu Qi'an to be angry with someone with a background, so he could only let it go Coax him with a low profile.

Fu Jia has not been impatient with coaxing. Think about it differently, if Lu Qi'an saw some black silk seducing some hot female teacher, he would definitely be more angry than Lu Qi'an, tearing up the notebook, smashing the computer, cutting off the network cable on the spot, and stripping Lu Qi'an from the beginning to the end Touch twice to show sovereignty.

He is very sorry, very guilty.

After being coaxed until Saturday, Lu Qi'an still hadn't calmed down. Sixth Middle School only needs one daytime class on Saturday, no evening self-study at night, and a full-day vacation the next day, so the two returned from school early, ate slowly, and were not in a hurry to do homework.

After dinner, Lu Qi'an said, "I'll go out for a while."

Fu Jia immediately said, "I'll go with you."

"No need." Lu Qi'an stood up, "It's more convenient for me to be alone."

"That's it." Fu Jia reluctantly She nodded and watched Lu Qi'an go out. The person disappeared, but his eyes did not move away. He just sat on the sofa and stared at the door, counting the seconds and waiting.

He sighed for a long time, a sense of powerlessness rising deep in his heart. He didn't want to blame Lu Qi'an, he wanted to blame himself, because Lu Qi'an was angry because he didn't do well enough. But no, he was still a little angry, wanted to blame Lu Qi'an, wanted to take a pen and write another pile of indictments.

He drafted the indictment in his heart, not wanting to be okay, thinking about it endlessly, digging up countless old things, most of which were forgotten by him, or he didn't feel pain or wronged at all , but at this moment it seems that time goes back, the more I think about it, the more painful it is, the more I think about it, the more unbearable it is.

He ran to the study room and wrote out his mood at the moment one by one. As soon as he wrote the next page, he heard the sound of the door opening outside.

He hurriedly hid the pen and paper, walked out of the study, and saw Lu Qi'an who had just entered and was still changing his shoes.

"Why did you come back so soon?" Fu Jia asked in surprise.

Lu Qi'an didn't know what to buy and came back, carrying a small shopping paper bag. He put the paper bag on the coffee table in the living room and said, "It's just to go shopping, how long do you think I'll be there?"

Fu Jia couldn't answer. In fact, he thought that Lu Qi'an was going to visit Lu Wanqing's mother and son in the Lin family's villa. After all, he hadn't been there for a long time…

His mood brightened instantly, and he asked curiously, "What did you buy?"

"I'll talk about it later, I want to take a shower first." Lu Qi'an said, walking towards the master bedroom. He held the doorknob and faced Fu Jia, and asked, "Do you want to be together?"

"…" Fu Jia asked in disbelief, "What?"

It's just past eight o'clock, far from their usual rest time. But Lu Qi'an can wash it if he wants to, no matter how many times.

This was the second time they took a bath together, and it was also the second time that Fu Jia looked at Lu Qi'an's body without any cover. Although he had already experienced it, Fu Jia still felt that he was at risk of nosebleeds.

They didn't use the bathtub, they used the shower, and they hugged each other almost the whole time. Lu Qi'an put his arms around Fu Jia and helped him wipe the shower gel, almost touching his whole body.

Fu Jia trembled from his touch, and the thing between his legs was half-hard. He rubbed against Lu Qi'an with his leg, and found that Lu Qi'an also reacted, even harder than him. He put his arms around Lu Qi'an's neck and kissed him, and asked, "Aren't you angry?"

Accompanied by the sound of rushing water, Lu Qi'an said in a dissatisfied tone, "Still angry.

" Angry, Fu Jia was both moved and relieved, and decided to explain everything about the little book to him frankly: "Don't be angry, listen to me, that book is not mine, it was lent to me by my deskmate. You Do you still remember that one day when I went to watch you play basketball in physical education class, the class flower in your class came over and asked me…"

He started with the class flower, and babbled about the cause and effect. In his narration, Lu Qi'an became a lustful man, not only promiscuous everywhere, but also couldn't move his legs when he saw Banhua.

Lu Qi'an allowed him to slander him, and only occasionally responded that he would listen again, so that Fu Jia could confide enough at once.

By the time he finished speaking, the foam on the two of them had already been washed away. Lu Qi'an turned off the water, covered his body with a large towel, wrapped Fu Jia with another towel, hugged him like a big rice dumpling, and walked out of the bathroom.

"How much have you read in the USB flash drive?" Lu Qi'an put Fu Jia on the bed, sat beside him and helped him brush his hair.

Fu Jia didn't really want to answer this question, he just wanted to ask Lu Qi'an why they didn't wear clothes… He looked up at the sky and said, "Just read half of it… it will be closed soon." What

he watched was The book "After Class, the Black Silk Seduction of Pure Female Students" that Datou admired the most, but he didn't feel the innocence, nor did he feel the temptation.

"What did you see?" Lu Qi'an continued to ask.

Fu Jia said in embarrassment: "It's nothing." In the whole film, the only thing he watched was the lick on Lu Qi'an, and he had already applied what he had learned.

Lu Qi looked at him quietly and didn't speak for several seconds.

Fu Jia was flustered, and remedied: "I really didn't see anything, I turned it off soon."

Lu Qi'an pressed the back of his neck and bit his lip. Fu Jia suffered from the pain, but neither hid nor screamed, but frowned reflexively.

"I just went out to buy lubricant." Lu Qi'an said commandingly, "After we do it in a while, you must forget all the things you have seen."