Chapter 41

After being coaxed until Saturday, Lu Qi'an still hadn't calmed down. Sixth Middle School only needs one daytime class on Saturday, no evening self-study at night, and a full-day vacation the next day, so the two returned from school early, ate slowly, and were not in a hurry to do homework.

After dinner, Lu Qi'an said, "I'll go out for a while."

Fu Jia immediately said, "I'll go with you."

"No need." Lu Qi'an stood up, "It's more convenient for me to be alone."

"That's it." Fu Jia reluctantly She nodded and watched Lu Qi'an go out. The person disappeared, but his eyes did not move away. He just sat on the sofa and stared at the door, counting the seconds and waiting.

He sighed for a long time, a sense of powerlessness rising deep in his heart. He didn't want to blame Lu Qi'an, he wanted to blame himself, because Lu Qi'an was angry because he didn't do well enough. But no, he was still a little angry, wanted to blame Lu Qi'an, wanted to take a pen and write another pile of indictments.

He drafted the indictment in his heart, not wanting to be okay, thinking about it endlessly, digging up countless old things, most of which were forgotten by him, or he didn't feel pain or wronged at all , but at this moment it seems that time goes back, the more I think about it, the more painful it is, the more I think about it, the more unbearable it is.

He ran to the study room and wrote out his mood at the moment one by one. As soon as he wrote the next page, he heard the sound of the door opening outside.

He hurriedly hid the pen and paper, walked out of the study, and saw Lu Qi'an who had just entered and was still changing his shoes.

"Why did you come back so soon?" Fu Jia asked in surprise.

Lu Qi'an didn't know what to buy and came back, carrying a small shopping paper bag. He put the paper bag on the coffee table in the living room and said, "It's just to go shopping, how long do you think I'll be there?"

Fu Jia couldn't answer. In fact, he thought that Lu Qi'an was going to visit Lu Wanqing's mother and son in the Lin family's villa. After all, he hadn't been there for a long time…

His mood brightened instantly, and he asked curiously, "What did you buy?"

"I'll talk about it later, I want to take a shower first." Lu Qi'an said, walking towards the master bedroom. He held the doorknob and faced Fu Jia, and asked, "Do you want to be together?"

"…" Fu Jia asked in disbelief, "What?"

It's just past eight o'clock, far from their usual rest time. But Lu Qi'an can wash it if he wants to, no matter how many times.

This was the second time they took a bath together, and it was also the second time that Fu Jia looked at Lu Qi'an's body without any cover. Although he had already experienced it, Fu Jia still felt that he was at risk of nosebleeds.

They didn't use the bathtub, they used the shower, and they hugged each other almost the whole time. Lu Qi'an put his arms around Fu Jia and helped him wipe the shower gel, almost touching his whole body.

Fu Jia trembled from his touch, and the thing between his legs was half-hard. He rubbed against Lu Qi'an with his leg, and found that Lu Qi'an also reacted, even harder than him. He put his arms around Lu Qi'an's neck and kissed him, and asked, "Aren't you angry?"

Accompanied by the sound of rushing water, Lu Qi'an said in a dissatisfied tone, "Still angry.

" Angry, Fu Jia was both moved and relieved, and decided to explain everything about the little book to him frankly: "Don't be angry, listen to me, that book is not mine, it was lent to me by my deskmate. You Do you still remember that one day when I went to watch you play basketball in physical education class, the class flower in your class came over and asked me…"

He started with the class flower, and babbled about the cause and effect. In his narration, Lu Qi'an became a lustful man, not only promiscuous everywhere, but also couldn't move his legs when he saw Banhua.

Lu Qi'an allowed him to slander him, and only occasionally responded that he would listen again, so that Fu Jia could confide enough at once.

By the time he finished speaking, the foam on the two of them had already been washed away. Lu Qi'an turned off the water, covered his body with a large towel, wrapped Fu Jia with another towel, hugged him like a big rice dumpling, and walked out of the bathroom.

"How much have you read in the USB flash drive?" Lu Qi'an put Fu Jia on the bed, sat beside him and helped him brush his hair.

Fu Jia didn't really want to answer this question, he just wanted to ask Lu Qi'an why they didn't wear clothes… He looked up at the sky and said, "Just read half of it… it will be closed soon." What

he watched was The book "After Class, the Black Silk Seduction of Pure Female Students" that Datou admired the most, but he didn't feel the innocence, nor did he feel the temptation.

"What did you see?" Lu Qi'an continued to ask.

Fu Jia said in embarrassment: "It's nothing." In the whole film, the only thing he watched was the lick on Lu Qi'an, and he had already applied what he had learned.

Lu Qi looked at him quietly and didn't speak for several seconds.

Fu Jia was flustered, and remedied: "I really didn't see anything, I turned it off soon."

Lu Qi'an pressed the back of his neck and bit his lip. Fu Jia suffered from the pain, but neither hid nor screamed, but frowned reflexively.

"I just went out to buy lubricant." Lu Qi'an said commandingly, "After we do it in a while, you must forget all the things you have seen."

Lu Qi'an touched the corners of Fu Jia's reddened eyes, feeling that no amount of pain would be enough for him, and said softly, "Jia Jia."

Fu Jia's waist went numb, and everything softened into a puddle of water in an instant. Years of longing was once filled, and he was so excited that he couldn't stop crying, as if he couldn't bear such great joy.

He thought fiercely, from this moment on, no one can take Lu Qi'an away from him again. If there is, he will send him to hell.

They did it twice this night. The first time Lu Qi'an couldn't control his ejaculation in Fu Jia's body, he was about to pull it out, but Fu Jia hooked his waist with his legs and said, "Come in, I don't want your stuff to flow out…"

So they did it a second time, this time Lucian controlled himself and pulled his cock out before ejaculating. Fu Jia didn't want to do this, she cried so much that her face was full of tears, she kept repeating that she wanted him to cum inside, until finally she was a little slurred.

Lu Qi'an's hands trembled because of his stupidity, and he ejaculated inside him as he wished. Fu Jia was convulsed all over, rubbed his front end with his hand, and ejaculated too.

The sheets were messed up by them, and there were sweat and semen of the two, as well as Fu Jia's tears and snot. Fu Jia didn't have the strength to stand up in the shower, and sitting in the bathtub would hurt his butt, so Lu Qi'an let him lie on the edge of the bathtub, supported him with his hands to raise his lower body, and used his fingers to get the semen out of his back hole.

Because of the proper expansion, Fu Jia was not injured. After cleaning up, there was no discomfort except for the stretched soreness that lingered for a long time.

The two of them changed the sheets, it was already past midnight, and Fu Jia almost fell asleep after touching the pillow. Before losing consciousness, he suddenly thought of something, grabbed Lu Qi'an's collar and said, "Say good night to me."

Lu Qi'an patted him on the back, and said cooperatively, "Good night, Jiajia."

Fu Jia fell asleep contentedly caught.

From this day on, when the two of them are alone, Lu Qi'an will call Fu Jia "Jia Jia". Also from this day, Fu Jia's evaluation among teachers and classmates has become more and more positive-hard work, stable grades, cheerful personality and easy to get along with.

Fu Jia didn't notice this change until the week before New Year's Day, the class had to choose five people to put on a recitation program together to represent the class in the school's New Year's Day party. Fu Jia was forced to sign up by the big head. When voting, his votes were surprisingly high, just below the big head.

"Look, I just said you can do it." The big head said quite proudly.

Fu Jia was very afraid that he would mess up the class program, so he refused repeatedly: "No, I have never recited before." The

big head raised his eyebrows: "I have never recited before. You are so tall and handsome, and you can speak Mandarin well ." Standard, who will you not be on? Do you think there is anyone in the class who is more handsome than you besides me? You were selected by the classmates, and I did not operate in secret. Don't worry,

you will be able to do it." List of big heads Hand it over to the class teacher and Chinese teacher for review, and then finalize the candidate. The five of them were called to the office by the teacher. The head teacher looked him up and down, patted Fu Jia on the shoulder, and said, "You can be the team leader."

Both Fu Jia and Da Tou were taken aback. The big head glanced at Fu Jia in a daze, and suddenly found that Fu Jia was much taller and stronger than when he just transferred to another school. He suddenly realized that he might not be the most handsome in the class…

For the whole week before New Year's Day, Fu Jia couldn't go home for lunch with Lu Qi'an for lunch. He is the captain of the small recitation team in the class. He takes the team members to practice together at noon and evening every day, so he can only eat with the team members in the cafeteria.

Regarding this, Lu Qi'an "seemed" not to have any dissatisfaction, and cooperated with Fu Jia to listen to his recitation for half an hour every night, to be his audience, and to help him adjust his posture.

Fu Jia really wanted to do this well, so he was very nervous and devoted. This was the first time he was trusted by his classmates and entrusted by his teacher. He is inevitably a little proud, and it is inevitable that he has a sense of accomplishment.

Perhaps, he can also be a good person.

The day before the New Year's Eve party, Fu Jia was so nervous that she couldn't sleep, she repeatedly asked Lu Qi'an: Can I do it, will you come to see me, which row will you sit in, will I not see you on stage?

Lu Qi'an answered him, you will do well, I will come and see, I will try to sit in the front row, you may not see me, but I will keep watching you.

Fu Jia asked repeatedly, and Lu Qi'an answered repeatedly until Fu Jia fell asleep.

This year, December 31st is not a weekend, so the Sixth Middle School will not have a holiday, and even the evening self-study must go as usual. Fortunately, the school organized a New Year's Eve party. Students can choose to continue their self-study in the classroom, or they can choose to watch the party in the auditorium.

Except for a few top students who are addicted to learning, almost no one will not come to the party. As soon as get out of class ended in the afternoon, many people went to the auditorium to take up seats, because according to the situation in previous years, the auditorium would be full every time, and they could only stand outside the door to blow the cold wind when they came late.

Fu Jia was taken away by the teacher in charge before get out of class was over, and she did the final rehearsal under the guidance of the Chinese teacher.

Lu Qi'an didn't go home either, but had dinner with Teacher Liu. Lu Qi'an asked her to help arrange a seat in the front row, and she readily agreed.

Before the party started, it suddenly snowed in the sky. The weather forecast said in the morning that there would be heavy snow tonight, but the students did not expect such a coincidence to catch up with the party, and felt that it was very appropriate.

Lu Qi'an walked into the auditorium and looked for Teacher Liu in the crowded auditorium. Suddenly, someone called him from a distance.

"Qi'an, here!" Li Qinhe stood on the seat and waved vigorously at him, "There is a seat here!" Li Qinhe

's seat is about the middle of the outside, and there are not many people crowded there. There were more people near the stage, three floors inside and three floors outside, so Lu Qi'an couldn't find where Teacher Liu was.

He walked towards Li Qinhe, walked through the crowd and sat down in the empty seat beside him.

Li Qin and hehe smiled, and looked at him curiously: "It's rare, you actually came to the party."

Lu Qi'an didn't hide from him, and told the truth: "Fu Jia is going to be on stage, and I will leave after seeing him."

Li Qin Qinhe's face froze, and he said angrily: "It's such a good day, can't you say something nice?"

Lu Qi'an frowned and looked at him: "What's wrong with me?"

Li Qinhe felt angry, Said sarcastically: "You are very protective of him now, and you usually don't bother arguing with me, why, now you can't hear others saying that he is not good?"

Lu Qi'an answered yes without looking at him.

Li Qinhe was so angry and startled that he couldn't speak because he choked on him. He gritted his teeth and ignored Lu Qi'an. They remained silent and stalemate until the host announced: "Please enjoy the recitation program of Class 2 and 5 of Senior High, "Answer"."

There were three men and two women standing on the stage. Red tie. The girls wore red dresses and long hair shawls. The costumes should have been borrowed from a photo studio. They were neither exquisite nor well-fitting, but they had a confident demeanor and straight backs, which at least held up the scene.

Fu Jia stood at the front of the formation and read out the first word accompanied by music.

"Despicableness is the passport of the humble, and nobility is the epitaph of the noble."

Li Qinhe felt that he should laugh at Fu Jia, his clothes, his seriousness and everything about him, but he still didn't do it.

He gave up and said in a good voice: "Qian, you will have a hard time, it's very hard, can't you stop messing around?" Li Qinhe said.

"The Ice Age is over, why is there ice everywhere? The Cape of Good Hope has been discovered, why are thousands of sails racing in the Dead Sea?"

Lu Qi'an kept watching the stage and said, "Don't worry about me, I'm ready."

Li Qinhe said weakly : "What can you prepare, he is a man, and he has grievances with your parents, what are you preparing, do you know how principled Uncle Lu is?"

"Me too." Lu Qi'an replied, "I have mine too." principles."

"I came into this world with nothing but paper, rope, and shadows, in order to read those condemned voices before the trial: Tell you, world, I—do not—believe—believe Even if there are a thousand challengers under your feet, then count me as the thousand and one."

Li Qinhe looked painful: "I have seen it in the past two months, you have been tired of Fu Jia all day Together, and took him to the apartment. Have you never thought about Fengfeng? Do you know that I went to visit Fengfeng a month ago, and he asked me sadly why Brother Qi An didn't come to see him anymore, I didn't know how to answer, so I used your busy study as an excuse to prevaricate, you didn't know that he was disappointed, but you resisted not calling you…"

Lu Qi'an clenched his hands and said firmly: "Fengfeng and I They are relatives and brothers, this will never change, but if some things are destined to be parted, they should be parted as soon as possible, whether it is me or him."

Li Qinhe was a little desperate, "What about that family? You never thought about going back Home? You would go to Sister Wanqing's place at this time of year, and the family would have a meal together. Have you ever thought about going back?"

"I don't believe that the sky is blue, I don't believe in the echo of thunder; I don't believe Dreams are false, I don't believe in death without retribution."

Lu Qi'an has a family. The place where he lived changed from an apartment to a home, from a temporary residence to his home, just because of the addition of Fu Jia.

In the future, he will not be anyone's visitor on snowy nights, he wants to go home.

"I will go to see them during the holidays, and I will clarify with my dad what needs to be clarified."

"Qian…" Li Qinhe's voice was hoarse.

"Okay, that's enough." Lu Qi'an interrupted him, "I'm ready to face all of this."

"If the ocean is destined to burst its banks, let all the bitter water pour into my heart; if the land is destined to Ascending, let human beings choose the peak of existence again."

The author has something to say:

the poem quoted in this chapter is Mr. Bei Dao's "Answer", and the full text is not quoted, only part of it is extracted.