Chapter 42

After the performance, Fu Jia and four other classmates walked off the stage together, their hands and feet were shaking all the time.

He was so nervous that when he first stood on the stage, not only was his whole body trembling, but his mind was blank. He usually looked for Lu Qi'an in the auditorium for help, but the audience was full of people, making people dizzy, which aggravated his nervousness.

Later, he thought that Lu Qi'an had promised to keep watching him, so he gradually regained his composure.

They came to the backstage to change their clothes. The big head said while taking off his clothes, "I'm starving to death. I didn't feel it when I was on the stage. I was so hungry that my legs were weak when I walked off."

Fearing that eating too much would affect the effect of reciting, they None of the five had dinner, they just chewed a few biscuits to pad their stomachs.

Fu Jia didn't feel hungry at first, but only realized after hearing the big head talking. Another boy present laughed and said, "I'm really hungry, my stomach started to burn. But you are so good at Chinese, and you invited us to dinner."

As soon as these words came out, Fu Jia and Da Tou were stunned.

The boy met their suspicious eyes and slapped his head: "Yes, yes, you went to get your clothes when the teacher said this before. It's like this. The Chinese teacher saw that we didn't have dinner and felt sorry for us. He was right at the school gate. The restaurant booked a table for us to eat." He bumped the shoulder of the big head and said, "It's so cool."

"Damn it!" The big head was so moved, "Is the Chinese teacher a living Bodhisattva?" The

two At the same time, he swallowed his saliva and accelerated the speed of changing clothes.

The two of them were in high spirits, but Fu Jia was a little embarrassed. The Chinese teacher was kind, but he didn't want to go. Although he was very hungry, he didn't want to go to eat with anyone now. He just wanted to see Lu Qi'an as soon as possible, and Lu Qi'an would definitely wait for him in the auditorium. Fu Jia thought about his words and said, "I won't go, I have something to do." The

big head said righteously: "Is there anything more important than eating now?"

Fu Jia said: "I have an appointment with someone. ."

After thinking about it for a while, the big head understood. Who can Fu Jia have an appointment with, isn't it Senior Lu? But Datou didn't say it clearly, but persuaded him: "Brother, the canteen is closed now, and it's not time for school, where do you have an appointment for dinner?"

Fu Jia answered naturally: "You can go to the store Buy instant noodles."

Datou was about to vomit blood. The whole school really couldn't find another person who asked Lu Qi'an out but took him to eat instant noodles.

"Let me tell you this." Datou adjusted his mood and said in a good voice, "It's rare that the Chinese teacher is so interested, you can't refuse, and you are the team leader, we are embarrassed to go if you don't go."

He said After that, another boy also hurriedly spoke up: "Yes, just send a text message to your friend and say that we will make an appointment next time."

Fu Jia said awkwardly: "I didn't bring my mobile phone." The

boy quickly took out his Mobile phone: "Use mine."

Although No. 6 Middle School stipulates that students are not allowed to bring their mobile phones to school, they do not strictly control them by searching their bodies and bags. If they are caught by teachers outside of class time, they will mostly turn a blind eye. Therefore, most students They always carry mobile phones to school for easy communication.

Fu Jia was even more embarrassed: "I don't know his phone number." The

boy: "…"

He was ashamed to say it. Ever since he lived with Lu Qi'an, he had left that old push-button mobile phone idle. Of course Lu Qi'an has a mobile phone, and occasionally uses it in front of Fu Jia, but they never need to use the mobile phone to communicate, so Fu Jia does not know Lu Qi'an's phone number.

After living together for so long, he doesn't even know his boyfriend's phone number!

Fu Jia said helplessly: "You guys go first, I'll go find my friend."

If he used to be, he wouldn't listen to people's persuasion at all, and he would turn around and leave when Datou said the first sentence. But now, considering that he is transforming into a good student in the eyes of his teachers and classmates, and he also bears the title of team leader, is it not good to just refuse the teacher's kindness?

Both the big head and the boy couldn't talk to him, and the girl next door came to urge him, so they left first.

Fu Jia stood there and thought for a while, then ran out of the auditorium and chased after them.

On the other side, the conversation between Lu Qi'an and Li Qinhe made both of them physically and mentally exhausted.

Li Qinhe was the first to show weakness this time, and almost every word he said was pleading, but the response he got was quite different from what he expected, even worse than his worst plan.

As for Lu Qi'an, although he responded firmly to every sentence, he didn't like Li Qin's way of threatening him with his family members.

What's more, he didn't want to chat with Li Qinhe endlessly. After Fu Jia's performance was over, he would definitely come to him. The auditorium was overcrowded, and he was called to a back position by Li Qinhe. If he didn't take the initiative to stand out, Fu Jia would probably not be able to find him.

"I'm going first." Lu Qi'an said.

Li Qinhe's humility and earnestness all in exchange for the whole night is only the current indifference. He was full of helplessness, but he deeply knew that he could not reverse Lu Qi'an's wishes. Before Lu Qi'an got up, he seized the opportunity to say: "A few days ago, Uncle Lu met with me. He asked some things about you, and I answered them all truthfully." Speaking of this, Li Qinhe's voice weakened When it came down, it was a little vague, but it was a sentence: "I'm sorry."

Lu Qi'an fell silent. He sat for a few more seconds, but in the end he didn't respond to Li Qinhe, but whispered to the person on the other side: "Excuse me, excuse me." The

auditorium was crowded and the auditorium was dimly lit, so Lu Qi'an walked around Go, did not find Fu Jia, turned to look for the second and fifth class of the high school where Fu Jia was.

After finding it, Fu Jia's classmates asked each other around and told Lu Qi'an: "The five people they recited were all taken out of school by the teacher for dinner."

Lu Qi'an was stunned.

He thanked the classmate and turned to leave, but the moment he took a step, he had the illusion that he had nowhere to go. No direction, no destination, naturally nowhere to go – he wanted to see Fu Jia right away, he only wanted to see Fu Jia, preferably in the next second. If he couldn't do this, he would have nothing to do.

Outside the auditorium, it had been snowing heavily for more than an hour, and there was a thin layer of snow on the ground. Lu Qi'an walked out of the auditorium, and sat on a bench next to the green under the wind and snow.

It is a good thing that Fu Jia can go out for dinner with his teachers and classmates, which shows that he is actively integrating into the group and expanding his social circle. He just needs to wait on the sidelines, just wait for a while.

Sitting alone and thinking, my hands and feet soon became stiff with cold. Lu Qi'an stared at the mist he exhaled, and suddenly heard the sound of someone running in the snow behind him.

Immediately afterwards, there was a call: "Lu Qi'an!"

Lu Qi'an turned his head and saw Fu Jia running towards him. As if he didn't expect him to be here, Fu Jia's eyes widened with surprise.

"You…why are you blowing the cold wind outside?" Fu Jia ran up to him, surprise quickly turning into worry. He said out of breath, "There is snow on your clothes, is it cold?"

Lu Qi'an said quickly, "It's not cold, it's too stuffy inside, so I came out to get some air."

"Oh…" Fu Jia breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, his nose and ears were also red from the cold, but because he was running all the way, he didn't feel how cold it was tonight except that his face was stinging from the wind.

Lu Qi'an asked, "What about you, why did you come back from outside?" It was less than two and a half hours before the end of the performance, and Fu Jia had changed into her performance costume, and if the time spent on the road was taken into account, she probably wouldn't be able to finish the meal .

"Me," Fu Jia didn't know that Lu Qi'an already knew his whereabouts, so he told him in detail about the Chinese teacher's dinner, "I originally wanted to not go, but it seems impolite. I ran to the restaurant to thank the teacher face to face, and then ran back to find you. The teacher also said that he would invite me to dinner another day, but I refused…"

Obviously we only parted for a while, but Fu Jia felt that he had a lot to say to Lu Qi'an.

"Jiajia." Lu Qi'an interrupted him suddenly.

Fu Jia was taken aback. Because of the wording, his face began to heat up from the inside out: "What?"

Lu Qi'an didn't say anything, just sat on the bench, raised his hand, and reached into Fu Jia's overlong sleeve to touch him fingers, hold firmly.

Lu Qi'an's hands were very cold, probably no different from holding a ball of snow directly. But Fu Jia didn't break free, and didn't feel cold.

Feeling the warmth of his palm, Lu Qi'an finally regained his inner peace.

If necessary, he can be more determined and confident than when he faced Li Qinhe just now, but how can he not be pressured to carry the mountain forward? The road to the future is so long, he can't be shaky.

Fortunately, there are still people who can support him.

That night, Fu Jia and Lu Qi'an arrived home very late.

The snow was falling harder and harder, and when they walked home, their hair and coats were soaked, and they went straight to the bathroom to wash.

Before getting wet, Fu Jia wrapped her arms around Lu Qi'an. Today, his mood was extremely high, and he said in Lu Qi'an's ear, "It's okay today… you don't have to go to class tomorrow."

After they lived together, everything was easy to discuss, only two things were still strictly controlled by Lu Qi'an, That is learning and love.

Fortunately, these two things always go hand in hand. Fu Jia can't learn serious things well, but he learns unserious things quickly and smoothly. The rewards obtained by using unscrupulous methods can always support him to take two more steps on the serious road.

"Be patient, finish the shower first." Lu Qi'an really maintained his usual style, even if he was soon provoked by Fu Jia to react, he could bear it calmly.

Fu Jia agreed on the surface, but kept rubbing on Lu Qi'an's body restlessly during the bath. If Lu Qi'an hadn't stopped him in time, he would have been able to make it out just by playing around.

After barely finishing the shower, the two of them entered the bedroom, and finally they could relax. With just a few experiences, Fu Jia got used to getting pleasure from behind. He is very honest with himself, and he will show it directly when he is comfortable, which is half good and half bad for Lu Qi'an. Fortunately, Fu Jia's feelings are written on his face, which is easy for him to control the situation, but the bad is also here. Fu Jia's exposed mood often makes him lose control and exhaust the young man's abundant energy.

The next day, Lu Qi'an rarely woke up later than Fu Jia. The moment he opened his eyes, he heard Fu Jia's voice: "Happy New Year, Lu Qi'an."

He said with a smile, "We will be together every year from now on."