Chapter 47

After the Spring Festival, Fu Jia and Lu Qi'an's short winter vacation is over.

Lu Qi'an entered the second semester of senior high school, and all the students around him were obsessed with sleep and food. They wished that one minute could be broken into three minutes, but Lu Qi'an slowed down instead.

With his current grades, he is sure enough to be admitted to the ideal college, and he doesn't need to devote himself to his studies like other students.

What's more, he has to be distracted from dealing with Lu's elders, which is far more difficult than studying.

Before the college entrance examination, Lu Zhiyuan asked Lu Qi'an to go back three times, each time he would look at Lu Qi'an with disappointed and disgusted eyes, and said, "You are not qualified to be my son now."

At least on the bright side, Lu Zhiyuan looked When Lu Qi'an accepted Teacher Liu's help, he withdrew from his original social circle and lived in the old family quarters of No. 6 Middle School all day long, living a very contented life.

Lu Qi'an was just silent about this.

In the confrontation again and again, the relationship between father and son has been constantly split and pulled. I don't know how long it can last, and I don't know if it is possible to repair it.

Lu Qi'an could only bear the pressure silently. At least until the dark shadow touches Fu Jia, he will stand in front.

At the beginning of June, the college entrance examination is just around the corner. In the atmosphere where the whole school was ready for battle, Lu Qi'an was the most relaxed one. No one is worried that he will have problems. He is the benchmark in the minds of all students who volunteer to take the entrance exam for University A. Teachers can rest assured to use him as a positive example to inspire other students.

The only person still nervous about him is Fu Jia.

He didn't seem to figure out who was going to take the college entrance examination, and he was so nervous that he couldn't eat or sleep well a week before the exam. His gaze was always on Lu Qi'an, and it was written all over the place: "I worry about you, I love you."

Although the second semester of high school is also very busy with studies, Fu Jia never asked Lu Qi'an to worry about his studies once this semester. He never brought his studies home, and even spared his spare time to learn a few light and nutritious side dishes from Aunt Sun, and gave Lu Qi'an extra meals from time to time.

In this case, his ranking in the class is not far behind, which is already remarkable.

During the official exam, it rained for two consecutive days. Fu Jia got up early to send Lu Qi'an to the examination room, and came to pick him up early after the examination, never lagging behind any parent who sent him to the examination.

Fu Jia knew that even without him, Lu Qi'an could handle his own affairs well, he couldn't help much, and sometimes it might even be a disservice.

He also dislikes his clumsiness and weakness, but what's the use of that? No matter how excellent and perfect Lu Qi'an is, Fu Jia will still be nervous for him, because he is the most important, far more important than himself.

More than a month later, Lu Qi'an received the admission letter from University A in this city.

The summer vacation of the two of them was not too short, and Lu Qi'an's vacation was even more empty and long. They had enough time to be together and even travel.

One day, Lu Qi'an asked, "Is there any place you want to go?"

Fu Jia replied without thinking, "The park."

His obsession with the park is very deep.

Lu Qi'an also knew this, so he said: "We can go to the park anytime you want, but now we have plenty of time, we can go to farther places."

Fu Jia was stunned – farther places?

He was born in this city, and he had left this city when he stayed with Fu Xiaoli before he was eight years old, but he has never been to "further places" since he was eight years old. For him in the past, Lu Qi'an's place was already far enough away, why would he think about "farther away"?

Even now, he didn't think about it.

Fu Jia knew a few famous scenic spots, but he didn't have the confidence to say them out. He tried his best to let his imagination fly, thinking from the sky to the ground, and then from the ground to the water, and finally choked out two words: "Beach?"

Living in an inland city, the sea is the farthest place he can think of in a short time .

In this way, before the summer heat really came, Lu Qi'an brought Fu Jia to the beach. Their foothold is in the villa area facing the sea. There are only a dozen independent villas here, but they share a vast beach.

Fu Jia couldn't tell the name here, and didn't see anyone other than the staff along the way, so he arrived in front of the villa in a daze.

He stood in place and looked into the distance, seeing the azure blue of the sea everywhere. The sea breeze is clear, bringing a subtle fishy and salty smell. Before enjoying the scenery, Fu Jia felt the fear first.

Staying here for one night… how much should it cost?

Lu Qi'an explained while leading him in: "This is my mother's villa. I came here once when I was very young. The weather is not hot enough now, and it will take about half a month for other residents to come over."

Fu Jia looked at it in surprise. To him, he hesitated: "Your mother…"

He had heard many stories about Qi Bing in Lin's villa for so many years, and none of them could make people laugh.

Lu Qi'an didn't speak.

Fu Jia tightened the strings for herself, and did not mention Qi Bing again.

The next day, they were on the beach in the morning when the sun was at its best. The waves look charming from a distance, but when you get closer, you realize that the waves are so powerful that they can knock people down.

Fu Jia had never swam in the water before, and he didn't know anything, so he didn't have any fear. He ran forward with the swimming ring that Lu Qi'an gave him, and hit a wave head-on, and was thrown into the water violently. .

In an instant, Lu Qi'an picked him up, but he still choked on a big mouthful of sea water, hanging on Lu Qi'an's body and coughing so hard that he couldn't stop.

Lu Qi'an stroked his wet hair and said, "Do you still want to go in? I'll take you there."

Fu Jia coughed up tears, her eyes were full of horror, and she shook her head vigorously.

Lu Qi'an helped him wipe off the drops of water from his eyelashes, seeing him hanging on his body pitifully in a state of distress and helplessness, he couldn't help curling the corners of his lips, and gave a low laugh.

On the seaside in summer, the body of the loved one is far warmer than the sea water. Lu Qi'an's low-pitched laughter was right next to his ears, full of deep love that couldn't be melted away.

When Fu Jiapan landed on Lu Qi'an, every inch of his skin that came into contact with him burned up.

He blushed, stopped coughing, and shouted loudly: "You laughed!"

Lu Qi'an smiled, and smiled directly at the person! This is almost as rare as Fu Jia's full score in the exam.

Lu Qi'an calmed down a lot, and asked him back: "Can't I laugh?"

Of course the answer was yes, but Fu Jia was speechless. The sun made him dizzy, and the faint salty taste of seawater remained on his lips, making him thirsty.

He leaned back, trying to get more in contact with the cold sea water to dissipate the heat from his body, but Lu Qi'an pulled him tight, and the two bodies were almost completely pressed together.

"Wait a minute…" Fu Jia said shyly, "Let me alone for a while, otherwise…"

Otherwise he would be like a pervert, erecting outdoors.

Lu Qi'an still looked calm, and asked: "Otherwise?"

Fu Jia really hated it. It's not that he hates Lu Qi'an for asking questions knowingly, but that he hates himself for being too impatient.

He hugged Lu Qi'an tightly, kissed him hard on the lips, and then buried his face on his shoulder, never looking up.

Fu Jia's whole body was hung on Lu Qi'an, and it was impossible for Lu Qi'an not to feel any changes in his body.

"Going back?" he asked.

Fu Jia bit him. if not? Is it done in the sea?

Lu Qi'an walked onto the beach and carried Fu Jia back to the villa.

Back in the back room, Fu Jia didn't care about etiquette, justice, and shame anymore. He hurriedly threw Lu Qi'an onto the plush carpet in the living room, and refused the proposal to take a bath with him first.

Lu Qi'an's body made him obsessed, from head to toe, he liked every inch. He smelled the faint smell of sea water on Lu Qi'an's body, and subconsciously acted like a baby: "I want to lick you."

Lu Qi'an almost pushed him away.

He calmed down for two seconds, and Ren Fu Jia lay on top of him, acquiescing to his behavior.

Fu Jia's tongue was wet, soft and warm. It licked sticky from the neck down, passed through the chest and came to the waist, leaving a large wet spot on Lu Qi'an's body. Lu Qi'an originally thought that he would not like this sticky touch, nor did he like to see Fu Jia put on an overly obscene posture, but his hot body told him that he is not a gentleman, and he likes to see Fu Jia's profligacy Look, the more slutty the more I like it.

When Fu Jia licked his lower abdomen and was about to continue down, Lu Qi'an didn't stop him.

Fu Jia touched Lu Qi'an's fully erect lower body, and asked, "Can I lick this place?"

His tone was a bit naive.

Lu Qi'an took a deep breath and said, "Yes."

Fu Jia supported his congested penis, and licked his head twice. The taste is not too bad, it is very salty like sea water. He tried his best to open his mouth to hold the stem, and the fishy and salty taste became more obvious.

He swallowed Lu Qian's thing without a teacher, and sucked it to the deepest point, so that the head of the cock could reach his throat every time. He would retch the first two strokes, but after a while he got used to it.

The sensitive inside of the mouth was constantly being rubbed, making it a little numb, and Fu Jia had the illusion in a trance, as if his lower body was also being thrust by Lu Qi'an's thing at the same time.

He slowly vented his strength, and the rhythm of entering and exiting was taken over by Lu Qi'an. He wasn't too rough, and he didn't go too deep. He used a gentle way to accumulate pleasure little by little until the critical point.

He wanted to just cum in Fu Jia's mouth like this, and it would be best if he could press against his throat and pour all the semen into his esophagus without leaving any, so that he couldn't spit it out even if he wanted to vomit.

The moment this thought flashed, Lu Qi'an left Fu Jia's mouth and cum on his lips.

Fu Jia was absent-minded for a while, a little at a loss. He subconsciously licked his lower lip, and the tip of his red tongue curled with sporadic white liquid, which entered his body with the movement of swallowing.

Lu Qi'an wiped off the remaining semen on Fu Jia's face with a tissue, and said helplessly, "Don't mess around again next time."

Fu Jia said, "I only do this to you."

Lu Qi'an hugged him onto the sofa and simply lubricated him After that, part his legs and enter his body.

"Yes, you can only do this to me."