Chapter 48

After school started, Lu Qi'an rented a new house near University A.

Both A University and No. 6 Middle School are in the city, but they are far apart from each other in the south and the north. It takes nearly an hour to take the subway one way. Fu Jia didn't want Lu Qi'an to waste time on the road every day, and Lu Qi'an also didn't agree to let Fu Jia move to live near University A. The two could only strategically use these two houses to find out from the weekly class schedule that they could be together. time.

If there is no morning class the next day, Lu Qi'an will go back to No. 6 Middle School to rest, while Fu Jia will take the subway to University A every Saturday night and leave the next night.

Counting from left to right, they only sleep together three nights a week.

They fell into different degrees of insomnia at the same time.

Fu Jia's degree is relatively light, which is due to the huge study pressure in the third year of high school. In order to be admitted to University A, he turned on the lights every night and read until the early hours of the morning before resting. Even if he missed Lu Qi'an again, he lost the strength to think about it, and soon fell asleep.

Lu Qi'an is much more serious. The coursework in the university is not very challenging for him, and it is much easier than high school. He kept finding things for himself to do, and he was still not tired at all before going to bed every night. He had plenty of energy to lie on the bed, thinking about Fu Jia for hours.

When Fu Jia came to University A on weekends, the continuous insomnia would make his self-control drop to the bottom. He doesn't understand that Fu Jia is a senior in high school, and he doesn't care how sleepy Fu Jia is after sitting on the subway for an hour, as long as Fu Jia doesn't refuse, he will drag people to have fun.

Will Fu Jia refuse? of course not.

A month later, he lost a lot of weight. Sleepy in get out of class, sleepy after class, writing and writing topics will fall asleep on the table.

One Monday morning, the homeroom teacher saw Fu Jiaji falling asleep after taking notes, knocking his head on the table and still not waking up, so he couldn't bear it, and took the initiative to grant him a day off.

Fu Jia got the leave note out of nowhere, and her first reaction was not to go back to sleep, but to use this time to go to University A to find Lu Qi'an.

He had Lu Qi'an's class schedule and knew that he was full for the day, so he didn't notify him in advance. He went home and changed into the No. 6 Middle School uniform, took some fare and went out.

After arriving at University A, he didn't have an access card, so he found a student from the school to take him in. He knew Lu Qi'an's student number, department and class by heart, and he also knew the names of several of his teachers, so it would be no problem for him to sneak into the school.

As for the library, it is difficult to enter without a student card. Fu Jia walked around the school and found that the teaching building was relatively easy to get in, so he found out the location of Lu Qi'an's next class from Lu Qi'an's schedule, and walked into the classroom with other students who were going to class.

This class was a big class with several classes together. The auditorium was full of seats, and Fu Jiali sat in the corner confidently. No one suspected his origin.

He lay on the table, looking expectantly at the door of the classroom, waiting for Lu Qi'an to walk in, and then…

then he fell asleep.

The weather at the end of summer is still a bit muggy, and there is plenty of air conditioning in the classroom. He felt cool before falling asleep, but after falling asleep, he couldn't take it anymore. Fu Jia huddled unconsciously, blocked by the people in the front row, and only half of his head was exposed.

Lu Qi'an walked into the classroom and habitually sat in the front row of the classroom without looking back. The classroom was full of people one after another. A classmate sat behind him. He rummaged through his bag and found that he didn't have a pen, so he patted him on the shoulder: "Can I borrow a pen?"

Lu Qi'an looked behind him and gave him the pen. a pen. In this only one look back, he glanced at the corner of the classroom from the corner of his eye.

He froze for a moment, stood up, and quickly walked across the classroom to the back row.

On the seat in the corner, Fu Jia curled up into a small ball, lying on the table and fell into a deep sleep.

"Hello," Lu Qi'an said to the person sitting next to Fu Jia, "Can I change seats with you? I'm in the second row."

That person had to sit in the back row because he was late, and he was willing to change if someone wanted to. He stood up with his schoolbag, leaving the seat empty.

Lu Qi'an sat beside Fu Jia, looked down at him quietly, reached out to touch the raised hair on the top of his head, and did not wake him up.

Lu Qi'an listened to lectures and took notes normally, but occasionally looked at the half of Fu Jia's face that was not buried in his arms, and looked at it for several minutes.

When class was about to end, Fu Jia finally woke up because her hand was numb. He pinched his arms to move his joints, gasping for breath in pain.

The person beside him suddenly reached out and grabbed his wrist. Startled, he stared with blurred eyes.

"It's me." Lu Qi'an whispered.

Fu Jia didn't expect him to appear beside him so unknowingly, his eyes lit up instantly, and he was full of smiles. He took a peek at the teacher on the podium, and said to Lu Qi'an as if asking for credit: "I'm here to find you."

Otherwise, who else is he planning to find?

"I know." Lu Qi'an looked at the red marks on his forehead and cheeks, and said, "Are you still sleepy? You can lean on me to sleep."

Fu Jia shook his head: "Not sleepy, I feel refreshed when I see you."

Lu Qi'an Pursing her lips, she turned to look at the podium. He put on a serious look, taking notes on the table with one hand, but put the other hand under Fu Jia's fingers under the desk—

fingers intertwined.

Today is not the weekend, and Lu Qi'an also has morning class the next day, so after Fu Jia accompanied Lu Qi'an to a day's class, Lu Qi'an was going to send him back to No. 6 Middle School.

Fu Jia refused to leave, and asked Lu Qi'an to take him for a stroll in A Dali. They didn't do anything, just walking side by side was enough to satisfy Fu Jia.

Walking, the two walked along the road to the lake. It was not too late at the end of summer. There was a reddish purple setting sun in the sky at this time, and the lake surface was also reddish purple. A few students stopped to take pictures by the lake, laughing and laughing very lively.

Fu Jia couldn't help but take a second look.

He envied the beautiful scenery of University A, and even more envied those energetic college students. On the contrary, he would be lost in his academic performance and in the fact that he went to school a year later than Lu Qi'an.

He will never have the chance to be a classmate with Lu Qi'an, sit at his same table, have no chance to secretly look at him or talk to him in class.

As for whether there is a chance to be in the same university as him, it is still unknown.

After autumn, Fu Jia worked harder and harder.

Chasing up with diligence is the only way for people with insufficient natural aptitude to go. He has to do it twice, three times or even more times for a topic that others can do once, and it takes him two hours to memorize the knowledge points that others memorize in an hour, and it is easy to forget. The big head once laughed at him for being stupid, saying that he couldn't find a way to study, but later saw that he was indeed harder than others in learning, so he never made any sarcastic remarks.

Sixth Middle School is full of good students who can read. Fu Jia's ranking is good in the class, but he can't be ranked in the grade.

Even in Sixth Middle School, if you want to get into University A, you have to fight to the death.

The homeroom teacher knew that Fu Jia was willing to take the entrance examination for A University. Although his grades were not good enough, he never dampened his enthusiasm and encouraged him to continue to work hard and fight hard.

For many years afterwards, Fu Jia felt that this was the brightest time in his life.

The cage that had trapped him for ten years no longer existed, and those who couldn't ask for it chose to stand by his side. He doesn't have to think about anything, just run towards the bright front.

Even if someone grabbed his ankle and tried to drag him back into the abyss, it would not succeed.

It shouldn't have happened.

In the evening, Fu Jia left school and went home for dinner. Before leaving, he made an appointment with Datou to come to school early to discuss issues.

It was getting dark early in late autumn, and Fu Jia was walking towards the school gate while memorizing the word cards in her hand, some of which could not be read clearly.

He raised his head and looked at the first street light outside the school gate.

There is a woman standing there.

She was as thin as a bamboo pole, wearing a crumpled thin shirt, with her back slightly bent, looking at the students walking out of the school one by one.

She looked at Fu Jia with some hesitation in her eyes.

Fu Jia recognized her in an instant. How can a child forget its mother? Even though Fu Xiaoli left when he was very young, he still remembered, as if someone carved her image on his bones.

Fear rose from the soles of his feet and filled Fu Jia's whole body. He took a step back, trying to escape.

This action made Fu Xiaoli recognize him.

From afar, Fu Xiaoli smiled at him, her brows drooping, no matter how gentle her smile was, she still had a bitter expression on her face. She said, "It's me, Jiajia."

"You…" Fu Jia couldn't make a sound.

He wanted Fu Xiaoli not to call him that. This is another person's overlapping characters, clean, only intimacy and beauty, he doesn't want Fu Xiaoli to tarnish it.

"You have grown up so much. You were not as tall as my waist before, but now you are a head taller than me. Mom misses you so much." Fu Xiaoli approached Fu Jia, so close that he could see the wrinkles on her face clearly. And cloudy macules on the whites of the eyes. She held Fu Jia's hand, her fingers were as cold as snakes.

"How are you all these years… It's been hard for mom, really hard." Fu Xiaoli said with all the tenderness in her body, "Mom will never leave you again." The

devil said, she will never leave you .

Fu Jia shuddered.