The long lost sibling

In a distant future,when earth is unrecognizable from what it was before a prince was born. A special boy who was born and destined to lead humankind through the new age.

A cute little boy with eyes that glowed like the shimmering stars with an azure light blue hair just like the oceans. He is like an angel and he is born with a power to protect humankind from its enemies.

Asherdein Neville Lievanh,The boy who had everything until it all fell apart.

The Nations Gala

" Tonight we're here to celebrate our very own hero's victory,He has defeated The Nightlanders King our greatest enemy. Lets welcome Crown Prince Asherdein. "

Claps and Cheers

" Good evening everyone i have returned home in victory. Today is a day of celebrationcelebration, Tonight will be the start of humankinds new age. I also want to give my thanks and gratitude for our allies that has helped us in this war. I am here on behalf of humanity and i welcome you all to earth. "

Asher closed his eyes in relief as he saw the cheering crowd along with the smiles of his parents.

With not much warning the entrance door to the hallroom was forced open. A loud banging noise from the door being broken down. Revealing a young girl who is like a mirror of Asher.

The girl was in a bad shaped like she had been beaten up. Asher looked at her like he saw a ghost,she has the same hair,eyes,and skin as him.

Everyone was in shock,the guard startes to fight the girl but they were knocked out in less than a second. She fought until there was no more guards.

Then she stood in the middle of the crowd sternly. She held a golden staff with a beatiful diamond floating inside the top of the staff as rings of light circles aeound the diamond.

" Th-thats is Hayl's staff. " Asher whispered.

How? How is the staff in her hands?

The girl then raised up her staff as she shouted. " I am the first child of the Levianh,I am the true inheritor. I am humanity's warrior,Ivenasha ne ucarih yurish decaldr. "

The staff glowed even brighter as it revealed the spirits of the earth. Asher was stunned,he looked towards his parents for clarity. His parents were smiling and crying.

Asher walked down the stage in disbelief. The girl is his sister?

Asher was going to run to his parents to ask questions but he was beaten by the girl who is now the princess of humanity and his sister.

The girl ran in cries into her parents. Asher watched as his parents and the girl hugged and cried in happiness.

Have they been keeping this away from me? How could they? Then everything,everything that i believed is a lie? The prohecy is not mine? That girl is my sister?

Asher walked out of the gala to his bedroom.

Questions went through his mind. He was confused but somewhat happy now that he isnt alone but at the same time the life that he had believed since the day he was born was actually not his?


" Who is it? " Asher asked.

" Its us honey. " Asher recognized that voice,it's his mother's.

The door creeked open as his parents came in.

" Honey i know it's a surprise. We didn't tell you because we thought that she was dead. "

His mother said as he patted his back slowly calming him down.

" Does that mean she is the true child of the prohecy? " Asher asked.

" Yes,she is a few years older than you but she is an amazing child. Lyvienne meet your brother,Asher and Asher meet Lyvienne your sister. " His father answered.

Lyvienne the long lost princess came into the room,the girl smiled brightly as she hugged Asher.

" Nice to meet you Asher,I guess it'll be our first time with a sibling. I've always wanted one. " Lyvienne excitingly said.

" Y-yeah. " Asher answered awkwardly as they separated from the hug.

"Let's rest,It's been a long night for all of us especially Vienne,Come on we'll take you to your old room,its still just as you left it. " His mother said.

His family left his room leaving Asher alone and Asher thought that it might be interesting but at the same time he felt crushed. The one thing that he believed was his life's purpose is hers and not his.

Does that mean everything i did was all for nothing?


" I want everything to be put up by the end of the day,it has to be perfect. " Asher's mother said. [Sheila]

The palace was busting from early in the morning,Servants,Maids,Butlers everyone was busy preparing for Lyvienne's welcome party.

But that day Asher wasn't feeling well,the curse of the nightlanders had activated.

He tried calling for help,he rings the bell over and over but there was no response from anyone.

" Urghhh.... Where is... Everyone??.... " Asher said as he struggled to breathe.

Asher needs help desperately so he decided to go and look for help. He went out of his bedroom barerly having any strength to walk left.

Then he saw the chaotic situation the palace is in,Decorations being put up,everyone was busy going back and forth around the palace.

" It's definitely for her. " Asher whispered.

He felt jealous,and he felt like everyone was ignoring him for her.

He then saw his mother and approached her.

" Mom... " Asher called out.

" Asher? Honey is there something wrong? " Sheila asked without giving Asher a single glance.

" Its the cu- " Before Asher could finish his mother interrupted.

" Just call your butler okay? Everdan will get you anything you need. "

" But mom its- "

Asher couldn't finish his sentence,his mother had already walked away. He felt ignored but he tried to reassure himself that everything will be fine once Lyvienne had settled down.

Though he also felt the different reaction that his mother gave than usual. He felt like she didn't even care.

Asher walked back to his room with a spark of anger and jealousy.


It felt like the world had turned his back on him. Time and time again he tolerated it.

" Asher can you shut up and listen? "

" Asher she barely had anything before she came back,you had everything since the day you were born why cant you understand? "

" Asher are you jealous of her? When she never had any of this? Be grateful for what you have!! "

The sound of his parents shouts we're all that he could remember. Their words was harsh and so were their actions to him.


" Coughh.... Huff.... Hufff.... Everdan where's my parents? "

" They're on a trip with the princess to the city-"


Asher knocked down his dining table.

Lyvienne,Lyvienne and Lyvienne all they care about is her!!!

Everdan backed away and called for maids to clean up the mess.

It's been 6 months and nothing changed. Their precious princess is all they care about!

I saved this empire,i sacrificed myself to save it!! The curse was the price for it,Now they're just abandoning me because a girl came and say she's the princess??

Dining Hall

" Asher since Lyvienne is back we were thinking about giving her the rights to the throne. "

The sound of Asher's knife cutting the meat and eating them, ignoring his parents words.

" Asher!!! " The emperor shouted.

Asher glanced towards his father once then got back to eating.

Ha!! Now the throne is hers? My parents love,My title,My inheritance,now the throne!! Do they even care about me?

" Asher!! Where's your manners? " The empress said in anger.

" Manners? Ah dont mind me,do whatever you want. Everything is Lyvienne's anyway right? I am just a replacement,Now please excuse me. "

" Asher! She is your sister!! She has been living like a slave for years dont you have an ounce of care for her? "

" Say that to yourselfs. " Asher whispered.

Asher got up from his chair. He was angry and he couldn't hold it back. He walked away ignoring his parents words.

She's my sister? Then what about me? Your son? Living like a slave then what about living like a prisoner? I dont have an ounce of care for her what about you?

His dark and negative thoughts were swirling around his mind. The curse corroded him like a hungry beast everytime he was drowned in anger.

He heard loud footsteps coming closer to him. He knew who that was.

" Asher. "

The sweet and innocent sound of his sister,Lyvienne but for him her voice is like a nightmare. Her existence felt like a thorn for his life.

" What do you want? "

" Asher i didn't mean to take it away but i am the firstborn whether you like it or not. I'm sorry for coming here,but i have to fulfill my duty. "

" Lyvienne....,leave me alone. "Asher sternly and coldly said.

" Asher mom and dad didn't mean to say those words. " Lyvienne tried to comfort Asher.

Didnt mean to say it? If they really didn't mean to say it they wouldn't have repeated it ao many times that those words has been drilles into my mind.


" Asher can you shut up and listen? "

" Asher she barely had anything before she came back,you had everything since the day you were born why cant you understand? "

" Asher are you jealous of her? When she never had any of this? Be grateful for what you have!! "


" Lyvienne please leave me alone,just like i never knew you existed just pretens that i never existed in the first place. "

Asher turned around and walked away,Lyvienne's words just hurt him even more.

That night the emperor visited Asher. It wasn't to comfort him but he needed something from Asher.

" I need the stone Asher! "

" Is it for your precious princess again? "

" Be respectful to your sister! " The emperor shouted.

" Oh i didn't remember that,guess my memory is getting muddy. " Asher taunted

" Your sister need's the stone,why can't you understand!! She's suffering right now! The stone will relief the pain. " The emperor's tone softened.

" Are you serious? I also need it!! I've been cursed to save everyone and every single second the pain gets worse. She's only having nightmares!! " Asher shouted in anger.

" Give me the stone. " The emperor said.

" Tell me your majesty,is it really for her or for the empire? " Ahser taunted once again.

" Your curse is your problem Asher!! You are not humanity's hope,our empires hope is now Lyvienne. She's suffering and she needs that stone! Give it to me before i take it by force! "

" Right,I should've expected this. You only cared when you need me and cast me away when someone better is here. I should've known that your a bootlicker. "


" How dare you!! " The emperor said.

Asher's face grew red he turned around and grabbed the stone.

" Here you can have it. I can survive without it! " Asher gave the stone.

He didn't hope for their love anymore. As he knew that everything he had was fake.

Asher was filled with anger and hatred as his father left with the stone.

He couldn't control his emotions,the dark energy that he exerted from his anger was welcoming the demon who cursed him.

" I told you so,prince." A voice loomed in the darkness.