
Asher recognized the voice,He wasn't surprised at all that the enemy of humanity that he fought with appeared.

The arrival of the King of the nightlanders was already set in stone when Asher was cursed.

" My answer is still the same. " Asher answered.

" I can give you power to kill all of them. "

" I know of your reputation,Ezar, The king of trickery.

" Suit yourself humanity's savior,I will await your reply once everything has been taken away from you.By then i hope it is not too late. "

Asher may hate his parents and lyvienne but his hatred towards Ezar,The king of the nightlanders is much worse.

His battle with Ezar is one that he could never forget. Countless people that he cared about died in his hands nothing could change that.

Asher's mind was in chaos and with Ezar's curse it was even worse. Countless sleepless days,each day it became even worse.

" Your highness the princess's coronation will start soon. You need to get ready. " Everdan said.

" Yes i know. I'll be there. "

I will be relieved from the crown prince title today but no one cares about that. Lyvienne will be in the center of attention and i will be just a cast away prince.

They're all the same,like their king they're all just bootlickers.

Asher entered the main hall along with his parents,the coronation was much more extravagant than Asher's. He didnt even bother anymore.

The decorations,The people everything was more than what he had then he heard the sound of the trumphets. The beatiful seventeen year old princess appeared,with a shining golden dress.

The emperor walked up to crown Lyvienne. Lyvienne kneeled down as she received the crown from the emperor.

" My daughter,Lyvienne from today onwards you will be our empires hope and future. You will stand as the pillar of our kind and protect us. "

The crowd clapped and cheered in happiness,Asher felt annoyed, He just wanted this to end as quickly as possible.

It was then time for the crown princess to speak.

" I have lived as the nightlanders prisoner for years and now i have come back. Their king may be dead but a new one will be appointed as long as they are not eradicated.

I am sure that i will bring victory to humanity. I will bring glory to our empire and our kind and i have a message from the Hayl.

I as the first child of this family do not want to share this news but as the princess and the protector of humankind,I will relay the message.

Father,Mother and citizens of Vioner hear the prophecy of Hayl. "

Lyvienne held the staff then lifted it up. The staff once again glowed and an ethereal voice started to speak.

" The children of levianh,one will stand in light and one will stand in darkness. The lost child will stand in light and the one who is protected from darkness will stand in darkness.

The child of darkness has received his last warning. He will lead humanity to extinction. The child who has been cursed by darkness will be darkness itself. "

W-wait what? What the hell? No way.. Are you serious???

The voice stopped and Lyvienne stood up. She closed her eyes then shouted.

" The message has been told,Your majesties... " Lyvienne directed for the Emperor and Empress to answer.

The Emperor and Empress nodded and Lyvienne walked down the stage. She then looked towards Asher then mouthed " Im sorry. "

" Take the prince away! " Lyvienne shouted.

No way!!! No !! This can't be happening!

Guards startes to come,they held Asher to bring him away. Asher struggled but no one helped.

" No! I will never do that! I wont!!! Please....!!!! "


The sound of the iron door being closed horrified him. Before this deepdown he still held a tiny strand of hope that maybe they still cared,the years that they spend,the memories. He thought that they at least still thinks oh him as their son.

The voice of Asher's greatest enemy once again appeared trying to convince Asher to join his side.

" Still won't agree? "

" I won't! " Asher may have said that out loud but deep down he wanted to so badly but Asher knew that making a deal with Ezar wont end well.

" I dont know why your so stubborn. You already know that all of them are selfish bastards. " Ezar tempted.

" Say whatever you want to say. I wont agree. "

The dungeon was cold and dark. There was no bed only the cold hard floor,he was locked inside in darkness with no food nor water. He couldn't see nor hear anything except for Ezar's temptations that arrived every minute.

It was becoming harder and harder to hold on. He was going insane,voices started to speak in his mind. Asher was losing it. He was going insane.

He doesn't know whether it was day or night,he was thirsty and starving. He will die soon. He could just kill himself with his powers but he still held hope.

He was coughing blood,everynight his heart felt like it'll explode. Everyday he grew thinner and everyday The hatred and anger grew bigger by but Asher still held on.

" Come on just agree and join hands with me. "

" I can't.... I won't... for her... "


" Ivy i told you not to come! " Asher shouted.

Thousands of people were fighting, Explosions and gunshots were eveywhere. Blood painted the golden dessert in red.

And in the middle of the battlefield Asher was fighting against Ezar.

Ezar,The king of the nightlanders had the power of darkmagic and Asher fought him off with light magic.

" Levianta!!! " Asher chanted as blasts of fire attacks Ezar but those attacks did nothing to Ezar.

" Ivy get away! Now!! Go!!! " Asher shouted in worry.

" Nova attack! " Asher said then a ship came in dropping bombs down to them.

Asher created a barrier protecting him and Ivy. The sound of the bombs exploding on top of them,the war cries,the blood.

" Ivy please go,i can't lose you too. " Asher softly said,he held Ivy as tightly then released her as the bombs had stopped exploding.

Smoke was everywhere and Asher pushed Ivy away. Asher prepared another attack as he knew that Ezar wont die form the bombs.

The smoke was thick he couldn't see clearly, he was worried but he had to finish what he came for to do. The spell was at last done and Asher released his most powerful attack yet.


The smoke started to disperse. The smile of victory appeared in Asher's face as he saw Ezar had been wounded greatly but his smile didnt last long.

" Is she your girlfriend? " Ezar lifted Ivy hy her neck as she choked.

The girl struggled to be released. The air in her lungs was lessening. He saw Ezar's arm grippig Ivy tighter by every second.

" Let her go!!! " Asher shouted as he ran to attack Ezar in desperation.

Ezar dodged easily from Asher's sloppy attack.

Asher couldn't think,his body was moving on its own. He couldn't lose her.

" It seems like you care for her a lot. " Ezar teased.

Asher attacked Ezar countless times as he looked towards Ivy. She was struggling to breathe,she was going to die. He had to save her but none of his attacks was successful.

" You wont be able to save her if you keep attacking like that. " Ezar said still gripping Ivy's neck just enough to let her live for a few more minutes.

" Huff.... Huff.... Huff... " Asher was tired,he felt like he couldn't move but watching Ivy as she was slowly dying forced him to move.

" If you kill her i will kill you no matter what!!!! " Asher shouted.

Desperately he tried to save her but his efforts was useless. He doesn't have enough power and he knew it. He felt powerless.

" That's funny. How can you kill me when you cant even save her? " Ezar's dark magic pierced through her stomach slowly as trickles of bloos started to fall.

Ezar released Ivy from his clutch ash her body fell to the ground. Asher screamed on top of his lungs as he ran towards Ivy. Tears flowed down like a river as he sat beside Ivy's dying body.

Her stomach was pierced through and parts of it splattered across the ground. The crimson red liquid pouring from her body made a puddle of blood around her.

Asher couldn't accept it.

" Ivy,pleasee... No!!! No!!! Pleasee!!!! " He shouted.

" Asher i...love you... " Ivy mouthed.


Asher woke up from his horrible nightmare. He was sweating and tears was still falling from his eyes.

Hethen heard the sound of the door opening. He was caught in surprise. The door never opened. His eyes we're blinded by the light. He couldn't see for a few seconds.

Are they finally releasing me?

Asher sat in silence still processing his thoughts. He said to himself that maybe they still cared until a strike of pain hit his body.


Lyvienne i will kill you!! No matter what!!

Blood painted Asher's cell. He couldn't accept this treatment anymore. Cries of pain filled every second of his day. He had nothing to hold on anymore.

" You all wanted this!! " Asher shouted,his hatred for them had gone over anyone even Ezar. He was at his wits end.

" Ezar! " Asher called out.

" Finally. " Ezar answered in joy.

" But i have a condition,my body is mine but i will give you one similar in strength to mine. Im sure that it is what you want. "

He definitely wants to live this deal wouldn't be that bad,but i still have to be careful.

" Sure. " Ezar answered calmly.

Asher used his blood to secure the contract with Ezar. Once the contract is sealed they will be bound to it,if one of them doesn't uphold their words they will die.

That night the Prohecy came true. Asher had chosen the enemies side.