Chapter 1

Chapter 1: The hidden personality.

In the quiet town of Crestwood, nestled between rolling hills and lush forests, lived a man named Edward Harper. To the outside world, he appeared to be an ordinary guy in his early thirties, with a disarming smile and a friendly demeanor. However, there was more to Edward than met the eye. He harbored a secret that no one in Crestwood could fathom.

Edward had inherited a vast fortune from his late grandfather, a shrewd businessman who had amassed wealth that's beyond imagination. He moved to Crestwood, a place where he had no family ties or connections. 

The town, being a close-knit community, was intrigued by the arrival of this mysterious man. Edward, however, was a master of blending in. He rented a small house on Maple Street and found a job at the local bookstore, where he would spend his days recommending books to customers and engaging in light conversation.

His charm and easygoing nature quickly endeared him to the townspeople, and before long, he became an integral part of the community. He attended town meetings, participated in local events, and even joined the annual summer fair's organizing committee. No one suspected that the man they knew as Edward Harper was, in fact, a secret billionaire. 

Edward's decision to live a modest life stemmed from his desire to break free from the expectations and constraints that came with wealth. He had seen firsthand how money could tear families apart and create a divide between individuals. Determined to avoid such pitfalls, Edward chose to experience life as an ordinary person, with genuine connections and friendships.

One of the key relationships Edward formed was with the Thompson family. The Thompsons were Crestwood natives, and Edward had met them shortly after moving to town. Bill Thompson, the patriarch, ran the local hardware store, and his daughter, Sarah, worked as a teacher at the elementary school. The Thompsons welcomed Edward into their lives with open arms, considering him as more than just a son-in-law but a true member of their family.

As the years passed, Edward became an integral part of the Thompson household. He attended family dinners, helped with chores, and even assisted Bill in the hardware store during busy weekends. The townspeople admired the bond he shared with the Thompsons, completely unaware of the vast wealth he had hidden away.

One faithful day, as Edward was attending to some customer at the bookstore, he received a phone call from Bill's line. As he answered the call, he heard Sarah's voice on the other end."Hello Sarah!" Edward answer the call. "Eddie, we need you at home. Grandpa just slumped and he's been rushed to Crest Hospital" Sarah replied with a trembling voice from the other end of the phone. "I will be there shortly" Edward replied and hurried home. 

While Bill battled his illness, need for financial help arose. The Thompsons, known for their pride and independence, were hesitant to ask for help. Sensing their struggle, Edward secretly stepped in, offering financial assistance without revealing the true source of his wealth.

As Bill battled his illness, Edward juggled his bookstore job, town responsibilities, and the secret financial support he provided to the Thompsons. The delicate dance between his hidden wealth and his desire for a normal life became increasingly challenging.

Eventually, Bill passed away, leaving a void in the Thompson family that Edward felt deeply. The townspeople rallied around the grieving family, unaware of the true extent of Edward's contribution. In the midst of sorrow, Edward continued to support the Thompsons, ensuring they could cope with the loss without financial burden.

One evening, after he returned from the bookstore, Edward sat on the porch of his modest home on Maple Street, Sarah Thompson approached him. She had a knowing look in her eyes, a look that suggested she had unraveled the secret he had guarded so closely.

"Edward," she said, her voice was soft and filled with gratitude, "You've been of assistance to my family for a while now . I really appreciate your efforts and assistance. You are a good man. Thank you so much". She concluded with a glimpse of smile which revealed her perfect dimples. 

Edward smiled, relieved that his secrets weren't out after all.

From the first day Edward met Sarah at one of the town's local events, he had developed a feeling of affection for her but he couldn't let it out. It wasn't because he felt he could be rejected. The truth is that he didn't know how to express himself, based on his relationship with the Thompsons.

As the conversation continued, Edward thought within himself "Sarah is a beautiful and modest lady. But, what will she think of me, if I express myself to her?". Edward decided to wait until when the was right.

That evening, the two had a lengthy conversation. Edward seized that opportunity to observe and study Sarah's personality, as well as her beauty without any lust.

Sarah eventually called it a night as it was getting dark. She promised to visit Edward some other times, when the opportunity arises. "Good night Edward. See you some other time", she said with smiles. "Alright Sarah", Edward replied, waving his right hand.

As days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, Edward found himself falling deeply in love with Sarah. Her grace, her incomparable beauty, and her genuine kindness captured his heart in a way he had never imagined. Yet, he knew that his love for her had a higher chance of revealing his true identity.

He thought about revealing himself to Sarah alone, but he was scared of how Sarah would react due to her feminine nature. After much deliberations, he decided forget about his affection for her, for the time being and devote more time to his hobby, perhaps he would get over everything he was feeling for her.

The townspeople on the other hand, as they interacted with Edward, a unique bond formed. They felt a sense of comfort in his presence, an unspoken trust that transcended the usual boundaries between the locals and the foreigners. Edward, in turn, cherished the authenticity of his interactions with the townsfolk, finding solace in the simplicity of their lives.

The first sign of his hidden generosity came during the harsh winter when a sudden storm left the town blanketed in snow. A local grocery store owner, Mrs. Jenkins, struggled to keep her shop open as the shelves emptied faster than she could restock them. In the early hours of the morning, a mysterious benefactor left a substantial donation at her doorstep, ensuring that the town's residents had enough supplies to through out the storm. 

By dusk, rumors had circulated about the mysterious stranger who had saved the day, but Edward remained silent about his act of kindness. Instead, he continued to engage with the community, attending town meetings, helping with local events, and quietly supporting struggling businesses without seeking recognition.

At numerous occasions, Sarah had mentioned the mysterious stranger in her discussion with Edward but he always found it easy to look indifferently and maintain his composure.

"God sees the struggles of every of his children in Crestwood, so he will send help when he feels we need it". This is one of Edward's response to Sarah whenever she mentioned the mysterious stranger in their conversation. 

Even after the death of Bill (the patriarch of the Thompsons), Edward never left the Thompsons for a day without visiting them. Each day, he visits them, especially, to check on granny Dorathy, the matriarch of the Thompsons. As Edward navigated his days, he endeared himself to the townspeople through his genuine kindness and willingness to assist in various community projects. He recommended book that add value to life to young boy, tended to the elderly, and supported local businesses recommending tutorial book on how to enhance their productivity without seeking recognition or praise.

Among the townspeople, there was a young woman named Eliza. She had personal admiration for Edward and determined unwaveringly to become his friend and know more about him and his true relationship with Sarah, the daughter of the Thompsons. Eliza had observed Edward from afar, and she was intrigued by his enigmatic presence and the air of simplicity that surrounded him.

Sara on the other hand was not comfortable with Eliza's friendship with Edward. Although Eliza wasn't a wayward lady, she still felt uncomfortable seeing her around.

"If there is nothing serious going on between Edward and Sarah, I won't my becoming his wife. He such a handsome and simple young man". Eliza thought within herself with an assuring smile.

Although Edward noticed Eliza's affection, yet he prudently related with her in order to nuture his love for Sarah. To be candid, Eliza is beautiful. Infact, she's super hot. Any man would be lucky to have her as his wife. But Edward is not just any man, he is a billionaire in disguise. If he wanted a hundred of Eliza as wife, he would have them swamping around him.

After all, it's one of the reasons he chose to live a modest life rather than a luxurious live.