Chapter 2

Chapter 2: The Jealous. 

In the sleepy town of Harmonyville, where gossip traveled faster than the wind, lived a woman named Margaret. She was known for her elegant demeanor and the finely manicured garden that adorned the front of her Victorian-style home. Margaret was also recognized for her niece, Lily, a vivacious young woman who had recently married a charming man named Evan.

Evan, a soft-spoken and gentle soul, had become the live-in son-in-law to Margaret, having moved in with Lily after their wedding. The small town embraced the couple, rejoicing in the union of two seemingly happy souls. However, beneath the facade of familial bliss, a storm brewed in the heart of Margaret.

Jealousy, like a hidden serpent, slithered through Margaret's thoughts. She had always been the center of attention in Harmonyville, the woman with impeccable taste and enviable charm. Lily's arrival into her life had shifted the spotlight, and now, Evan's presence as the live-in son-in-law intensified the sting of Margaret's wounded pride.

It began innocently enough, with hushed conversations among the town's residents about Margaret's inability to share the limelight. Whispers painted a picture of a woman who struggled to accept the newfound happiness of her niece and the presence of Evan in their lives.

As the days passed, Margaret's jealousy festered into a venomous resentment that threatened to poison the bonds of family. She couldn't bear the thought of Lily finding happiness and companionship in Evan, the man who had become a significant part of their household. Margaret's once warm heart now harbored a cold and bitter seed of discontent.

Evan, unaware of Margaret's internal struggles, continued to contribute to the household with unwavering kindness. He tended to the garden, fixed leaking faucets, and offered his support to both Lily and her aunt. However, Margaret perceived every act of kindness as an attempt to overshadow her, fueling the flames of her jealousy.

One fateful evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across Harmonyville, Margaret's jealousy reached a boiling point. Unable to contain her resentment any longer, she confronted Lily in the dimly lit living room of their Victorian home.

"Lily," Margaret began, her voice tinged with bitterness, "you seem to have forgotten the sacrifices I've made for you. And now, with Evan in the picture, it's as if my efforts have been erased from everyone's memory."

Lily, taken aback by her aunt's sudden outburst, tried to understand the source of Margaret's discontent. She spoke softly, "Aunt Margaret, Evan is here because we love each other. His presence is not meant to diminish anything you've done for me. We are family, and I want us to be happy together."

Margaret scoffed at Lily's words, her jealousy blinding her to the sincerity in her niece's eyes. In that moment, the rift between them widened, and the once tight-knit family dynamic began to unravel.

As days turned into weeks, the tension in the Victorian home escalated. Margaret's jealousy cast a dark shadow over the household, leaving Lily torn between her loyalty to her aunt and her commitment to Evan. The live-in son-in-law, oblivious to the storm brewing within the walls of his new home, continued to extend kindness and support, hoping to bridge the growing divide.

The townspeople, sensing the discord, watched with bated breath as the drama unfolded. Whispers of family strife and Margaret's jealousy reached every corner of Harmonyville, painting a narrative that cast a pall over the once joyous household.

In an attempt to salvage the fractured relationships, Lily decided to seek the guidance of Reverend Turner, the wise and understanding clergyman of Harmonyville. In the tranquility of the church, with sunlight streaming through stained-glass windows, Lily poured out her heart, sharing the complexities of her family's struggles.

Reverend Turner, a beacon of compassion, listened attentively, offering words of wisdom and empathy. He encouraged Lily to confront the roots of the issue, to understand Margaret's perspective, and to find a path towards reconciliation.

With Reverend Turner's guidance, Lily mustered the courage to confront her aunt once more. This time, the conversation unfolded with a gentle sincerity, as Lily sought to understand the depths of Margaret's jealousy and address the wounds that had festered within her.

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, amber glow over the quiet town of Serenity Falls. In a cozy living room adorned with family heirlooms, sat aunt Margaret and her niece, Lily. Tension hung in the air, remnants of a conversation that had ended on a discordant note earlier in the day.

As the evening unfolded, Lily could not bear the weight of the strained relationship with her beloved aunt. Margret, the once bright spark in her life, was becoming a distant figure, and the sharp words exchanged between them echoed in Lily's mind.

Summoning the courage to seek peace, Lily approached Margaret, who sat by the window, gazing at the fading sunlight. Taking a deep breath, Lily spoke with a gentle sincerity, "Aunt Margie, may I sit with you for a moment?"

Margaret looked up, her eyes revealing a mixture of curiosity and weariness. She nodded, inviting Lily to share the space beside her on the well-worn sofa.

"I've been doing a lot of thinking since our conversation earlier," Lily began, her voice soft and measured. "I never wanted to hurt you, and the words we exchanged today left a bitter taste in my heart. I love you, Margie, and the last thing I want is for our relationship to be marred by misunderstandings."

Margaret sighed, her guard softening at the genuine tone in her niece's voice. "It just feels like you don't understand, Lily. I want you to understand my point, but sometimes it seems like you're trying to ignore the actual point."

Lily nodded, acknowledging her aunt's feelings. "I hear you, Aunt. I never meant to make you feel neglected or unappreciated. I just need you to understand that I need to balance my loyalty to you as my aunt, and my commitments to Evan, as his wife. I want to understand your perspective better. Can you help me see things from your point of view?"

Margaret hesitated, her gaze changed and her countenance was as that of an angry witch doctor. She stared at Lily in the eye and said, "I think you are forgetting something, Lily. There was so much happiness in this family before you got married to that deadbeat, so many recognitions I enjoyed. But it feels like everything has vanished since you married that loser, there's is this feeling of my non-existence. I have the right to enjoy every recognition I can receive. Now, you have to choose between me and that loser."

Lily, was amazed at her aunt's last statement. She felt as though she had never known her before. She thought within herself how her once loving aunt could tell her to leave her husband, just because she want to enjoy the cordial relationship they had enjoyed before she got married to Evan. " Does she want me to neglected my immediate family for her? That's not possible. I will rather leave her house and choose my husband. After all, Evan is not a lazy man. He only agreed to move in with me into aunt Margie's house, so that she won't feel I abandoned her."

Lily eventually gathered the courage and recollected her composure. "Aunt Margie, Evan is my husband and I won't stand here and watch you disrespect him. He decided to become a live-in son in-law because he didn't want me to abandon you. Is this how you want repay his reasonable act of kindness?" "Cut the crap", Margaret slammed at her. "It's alright, I choose my husband", Lily affirmed.

" Good choice dear! You will need to leave my house with that deadbeat", Margaret announced angrily. At this moment, Lily was stunned by her aunt's announcement. " Aunty Margie! Are you being serious right now?", Lily asked with disappointed gaze. " Do I look like a joke to you?", Margaret asked with contempt in her voice. " We'll leave your house tomorrow", Lily replied, tears rolling down her cheeks. 

As the last rays of sunlight painted the sky in hues of purple and pink, Aunt Margaret and her niece were consumed with different thoughts and emotions. Margaret felt she had just laid her hands on a golden opportunity to recover her lost glory and send the deadbeat live-in son in-law, whom she detested so much from the first day Lily had introduced him to her. But, little did she know about the bitter consequences of her actions, yet to come.

Lily, on the other hand, was feeling disappointed in her aunt. She recollected the good moments they've shared and the memories the had. She couldn't fathom how her aunt could be that selfish, sending her out of the house because she chose to be the best to her husband, Evan. She consoled herself, believing that every situation comes for a reason. She was more consoled when Evan came in to tell her that dinner was ready. She smiled and said "alright babe". After all, she is not alone. Evan is more than everything to her. He loves and cares for her so much. She was assured of a pleasant future, as well as a loving family with Evan. This gladdened her heart.

After dinner that night, they both went to the bedroom and had a discussion on their plan to move out of aunty Margie's house.